The tocloft package provides control over the typography of the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables. You can also define your own kinds of `List of ...' Changes in version 2.3c (2003/09/26) o Another fix for the hyperref package Changes in version 2.3b (2003/01/20) o Again made Part commands work as advertised Changes in version 2.3a (2002/10/03) o Made Part commands work as advertised or deleted them o Added examples for page break control in the ToC, etc Changes in version 2.3 (2002/06/15) o Made compatible with the koma classes o Added control over the pagestyle Changes in version 2.2 (2001/04/17) o Stitched up another wound inflicted by the hyperref package Changes in version 2.1 (2001/04/08) o Added command to change the ToC parskip Changes in version 2.0 (2001/03/15) o Added commands to create new kinds of `List of ...' o Can eliminate page numbers from list entries o Removed the requirement for the stdclsdv package o Removed the requirement for the hyperref package Changes in version 1.1 (2000/02/11) o Upgraded to work with the minitoc and subfigure packages o Fixed slight problem with multiline ToC/LoF/LoT entries o Documentation includes more examples Changes in version 1.0 (1999/09/19) o Changed from beta to production release o Improved (warning) reporting Changes in version 0.3 (1999/08/22) o Added option to use default headings, so that packages like fncychap can be used for ToC, etc headings Changes in version 0.2 (1999/01/17) o Now works with the tocbibind package o Improved documentation o Now doesn't fail with packages like float Changes in version 0.1 (1998/12/31) o First public beta release ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Peter Wilson (CUA) now at (or Copyright 1998-2003 Peter R. Wilson This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of the license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This work consists of the files: README (this file) tocloft.dtx tocloft.ins and the derived files: tocloft.sty The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) tocloft.ins tocloft.dtx tocloft.pdf (user manual) ----------------------------------------------------------------- To install the package: o run: latex tocloft.ins (which will generate tocloft.sty) o Move tocloft.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it. (typically in a local texmf tree at tex/latex/***) and refresh the file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or for more information on this. To process the manual o run: latex tocloft.dtx o run: makeindex -s tocloft o run: latex tocloft.dtx o Print tocloft.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual 2003/09/26 Peter Wilson