\section{Installation} \tkzname{\tkznameofpack} is now on the server of the \tkzname{CTAN}\footnote{\tkzname{\tkznameofpack} is part of \NameDist{TeXLive} and \tkzname{tlmgr} allows you to install them. This package is also part of \NameDist{MiKTeX} under \NameSys{Windows}.}. If you want to test a beta version, just put the following files in a texmf folder that your system can find. You will have to check several points: \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{5pt} \item The \tkzname{\tkznameofpack} folder must be located on a path recognized by \tkzname{latex}. \item The \tkzname{\tkznameofpack} uses \tkzNamePack{xfp}. \item This documentation and all examples were obtained with \tkzname{lualatex} but \tkzname{pdflatex} or \tkzname{xelatex} should be suitable. \end{itemize} \endinput