% encodage utf8 readme-tkz-base.txt V3.02 c 2020/02/06 The package tkz-base provides some tools like a Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate system to other packages like tkz-euclide or tkz-fct. With this package, you can draw coordinate axis, grids, draw points, the principle is to specify the position of any point in two-dimensional space by an unique couple of coordinates. Licence ------- This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Features -------- -- needs xfp.sty, numprint; -- requires and automatically loads PGF/TikZ > 3.0; -- compiles with utf8, pdflatex, lualatex; Installation ------------ You can experiment with the tkz-base package by placing all of the distribution files in the directory containing your current tex file. You can also placing all of the distribution files in the directory : /texmf/tex/latex/tkz. How to use it ------------- To use the package tkz-base, place the following lines in the preamble of your LaTeX document. \usepackage{tkz-base} \usepackage{tkz-base} loads TikZ. \usetkzobj{all} loads all objects used by tkz-euclide. With \usepackage{tkz-euclide} you don't need to use \usetkzobj To avoid package conflicts, you need to load xcolor before TikZ or tkz-base or tkz-euclide Documentation ------------- Documentations for tkz-base and tkz-euclide are available on CTAN and your distribution. Examples -------- All examples given in documentation will be stored on CTAN as standalone files, ready for compilation. You can use the main.tex file to load and compile an example. Other examples can be found on my site http://altermundus.fr (en français) Compatibility ------------- The new package tkz-base 3.02c is *not* fully compatible with the version 1.16 but the differences are minor History ------- -- 3.02c correction of bugs, new code -- 3.01c correction of bugs, new code -- 1.16 correction of bugs -- 1.13 first version Alain Matthes 5 rue de Valence Paris 75005 al (dot) ma (at) mac (dot) com