% titlepages.tex titlepage styles % Author Peter Wilson, distributed under the LPPL % % To process this file you need the FontSite 500 CD collection of fonts % from http://www.fontsite.com/, and Christopher League's `TeX support for % the FontSite 500 CD' http://contrapunctus.net/fs500tex/. % % You will also need the Galapagos Design Group's free Web-O-Mints font % http://www.galapagosdesign.com/original/webomints.htm and their (La)TeX % support CTAN/fonts/webomints % % Of course, you need the memoir class, which should be on your system. \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{url} %%\usepackage{comment} \usepackage{color} \ifpdf \usepackage{pdfcolmk} \fi \usepackage{graphicx} %%% for the Web-O-Mints fonts \newcommand*{\wb}[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\usefont{U}{webo}{xl}{n}} %\renewcommand*{\wb}[2]{}% probably kills Web-O-Mints (and some layouts?) %%% for the Fontsite 500 fonts \newcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{% \fontfamily{#1}\selectfont} %\renewcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{}% kills special font selections \chapterstyle{dash}\renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\itshape\LARGE} \setlength{\beforechapskip}{2\onelineskip} \setsecheadstyle{\normalfont\Large\raggedright} \makeindex \renewcommand*{\indexname}{Index of Designers} \makeatletter \newcommand*{\boxminipage}{% \@ifnextchar [%] \@ibxminipage {\@iiibxminipage c\relax[s]}} \def\@ibxminipage[#1]{% \@ifnextchar [%] {\@iibxminipage{#1}}% {\@iiibxminipage{#1}\relax[s]}} \def\@iibxminipage#1[#2]{% \@ifnextchar [%] {\@iiibxminipage{#1}{#2}}% {\@iiibxminipage{#1}{#2}[#1]}} \let\@bxminto\@empty \def\@iiibxminipage#1#2[#3]#4{% \ifx\relax#2\else \setlength\@tempdimb{#2}% \def\@bxminto{to\@tempdimb}% \fi \leavevmode \@pboxswfalse \if #1b\vbox \else \if #1t\vtop \else \ifmmode \vcenter \else \@pboxswtrue $\vcenter \fi \fi \fi % \@bxminto \bgroup% outermost vbox \hsize #4 \hrule\@height\fboxrule \hbox\bgroup% inner hbox \vrule\@width\fboxrule \hskip\fboxsep \vbox \@bxminto \bgroup% 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\begin{boxminipage}[c][\tpheight]{\tpwidth} \centering\begin{vplace}\begin{minipage}[c][\txtheight]{\txtwidth}}% {\end{minipage}\end{vplace}\end{boxminipage}} \definecolor{Dark}{gray}{.2} \definecolor{Medium}{gray}{.6} \definecolor{Light}{gray}{.8} \newcommand*{\titleJT}{\begingroup% Jan Tschichold: typographer \FSfont{5gm}% Garamond \drop = 0.08\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth} {\Large The Author}\\[2\drop] \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Huge\itshape The Big Book of}\par {\raggedleft\Huge\itshape Conundrums\par} \vfill \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Large \plogo} \\[0.5\baselineskip] \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Large The Publisher} \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleTH}{\begingroup% T&H Typography \raggedleft \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\Large The Author}\\[0.167\txtheight] {\bfseries The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip] {\textcolor{Medium}{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\\[\baselineskip] {\small With 123 illustrations}\par \vfill {\Large The Publisher \plogo}\par \vspace*{3\baselineskip} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleM}{\begingroup% Misericords, T&H p 153 \drop = 0.08\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape puzzles for the mind}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape by}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\scshape the author}\par \vfill {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\scshape the publisher}\par \vspace*{2\drop}\endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleS}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151 \drop = 0.1\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape by The Author}\\[\baselineskip] \vfill \rule{0.4\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape The Publisher}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleRF}{\begingroup% Robert Frost, T&H p 149 \FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo \drop = 0.2\txtheight \centering \vfill {\Huge The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\large Edited by The Editor}\\[0.5\drop] {\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\Large The Publisher}\par {\large\scshape year}\par \vfill\null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleDB}{\begingroup% Design of Books, by Adrian Wilson \FSfont{5pl}% Palatino/Palladio \drop = 0.14\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Large THE}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge OF}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[1.5\baselineskip] {\LARGE BY}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE THE AUTHOR}\par %\begin{vplace} \vfill {FOREWORD BY AN OTHER}\\[8\baselineskip] %\end{vplace} \vfill {\small\sffamily THE PUBLISHER}\par \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleAM}{\begingroup% Ancient Mariner, AW fig 11-20, p. 151 \FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo \drop = 0.12\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\large The Author}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge THE BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large OF}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape with ten engravings}\\ {\scshape and with a foreword by}\\ {\large\scshape an other}\\[\drop] {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\small\scshape the publisher}\par {\small\scshape year}\par \vfill\null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleP}{\begingroup% The Pyramids, AW fig 6-15, p. 81 \FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo \drop = 0.12\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth} {\Huge SOME}\\[\baselineskip] \hspace*{0.3\txtwidth} {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par \vspace*{3\drop} {\large By THE AUTHOR} \vfill {\scshape the publisher} \vspace*{0.5\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleHL}{\begingroup% Horizontal Line \drop = 0.4\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \hfill{\large The Author} \\ \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt} \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par \vfill {\centering The Publisher\par} \vspace*{\baselineskip} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleVL}{\begingroup% Vertical Line \drop = 0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \hbox{% \hspace*{0.2\txtwidth}% \vrule depth 0.6\txtheight% \hspace*{2em}% \vbox{% \vspace{\drop} {\noindent\large The Author}\\[3\baselineskip] {\Huge Conundrums}\par \vfil }% end of vbox }% end of hbox \begin{center} The Publisher \end{center} \null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleGM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness \drop = 0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\baselineskip} \vfill \hbox{% \hspace*{0.2\txtwidth}% \rule{1pt}{\txtheight} \hspace*{0.05\txtwidth}% %\fbox{% \parbox[b]{0.75\txtwidth}{ \vbox{% \vspace{\drop} {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vspace{0.5\txtheight} {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip] }% end of vbox }% end of parbox %}% end of fbox }% end of hbox \vfill \null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titlePM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness with Printers' Ornaments \drop = 0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\baselineskip} \vfill \hbox{% \hspace*{0.1\txtwidth}% {\wb{18pt}{18pt} \begin{picture}(0,0) \multiput(0,0)(0,20){22}{\textcolor{Medium}{Q}} \end{picture} } % \rule{1pt}{\txtheight} \hspace*{0.15\txtwidth}% \parbox[b]{0.75\txtwidth}{ \vbox{% \vspace{\drop} {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vspace{0.5\txtheight} {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip] }% end of vbox }% end of parbox }% end of hbox \vfill \null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleAT}{\begingroup% Anatomy of a Typeface \FSfont{5gr}% Galliard/Gareth \drop=0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \rule{\txtwidth}{1pt}\par \vspace{2pt}\vspace{-\baselineskip} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\par \vspace{0.5\drop} \centering \textcolor{Medium}{ {\Huge THE BOOK}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\Large OF}\\[0.75\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}} \par \vspace{0.25\drop} \rule{0.3\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\par \vspace{\drop} {\Large \scshape The Author}\par \vfill {\large \textcolor{Medium}{\plogo}}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large\scshape the publisher}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleLL}{\begingroup% Lost Languages \drop=0.1\txtheight \fboxsep 0.5\baselineskip \sffamily \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\textcolor{Light}{\HUGE CONUNDRUMS}}\par \vspace{0.5\drop} \colorbox{Dark}{\textcolor{white}{\normalfont\itshape\Large Puzzles for the Mind}}\par \vspace{\drop} {\Large The Author}\par \vfill {\footnotesize THE PUBLISHER}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleCC}{\begingroup% City of Cambridge \drop=0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\itshape THE BIG BOOK OF}\\[0.5\drop] {\textcolor{Medium}{\HUGE\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}}\par \vspace{\drop} {\LARGE\itshape VOLUME 1: SOCIAL AND MORAL}\par \vfill {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vfill {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\itshape THE PUBLISHER}\par {\scshape year}\par %\vfill \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleDS}{\begingroup% DS Thesis \drop=0.1\txtheight %\vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\bfseries CONUNDRUMS CONSIDERED AS PUZZLES FOR THE MIND}\par \vspace{0.6\baselineskip} {By}\\[0.6\baselineskip] {The Candidate\\[0.6\baselineskip] A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate\\[0.5\baselineskip] Faculty of The University\\[0.5\baselineskip] in Partial Fulfillment of the\\[0.5\baselineskip] Requirements for the Degree of\\[0.5\baselineskip] DEGREE\\[0.5\baselineskip] Major Subject: Logic}\par \flushleft {Approved by the \\ Examining Committee:}\par \vspace{1.5\baselineskip} \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ Another Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ Another Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Third Faculty, Member\par \centering \vspace{1\baselineskip} The University \\ The Address \\[\baselineskip] The Date\par \vfill \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleMS}{\begingroup% MS Thesis \drop=0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\LARGE THE UNIVERSITY}\\[2\baselineskip] {\LARGE\sffamily Conundrums: \\ puzzles for the mind}\par \vfill {\LARGE THESIS}\par \vspace{\drop} {\large some remarks concerning the supervisor \\ and the time and place of the examination \\ and other administrative details}\par \vfill {\large\bfseries The Candidate}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titlePW}{\begingroup% PW Thesis \drop=0.1\txtheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\bfseries SOME REMARKS \\ ON CONUNDRUMS \\ AS PUZZLES FOR THE MIND}\par \vspace*{\drop} {\large by}\par \vspace*{\drop} {\Large THE CANDIDATE}\par \vfill \raggedright {\Large Thesis submitted to The University for the degree of DEGREE, Month year.}\par \vfill \null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleSW}{\begingroup% Story of Writing \raggedleft \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\Huge\itshape The Book \\ of Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape With over 120 illustrations, 50 in color}\\[0.2\textheight] {\Large The Author}\par \vfill {\Large \plogo{} \sffamily The Publisher} \vspace*{\baselineskip} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleTMB}{\begingroup% Three Men in a Boat \drop=0.1\txtheight \centering \settowidth{\unitlength}{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS} \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\large\scshape the author}\\[\baselineskip] \rule{\unitlength}{1.6pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{2pt} \rule{\unitlength}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\itshape puzzles for the mind}\\[0.2\baselineskip] \rule{\unitlength}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3.2pt} \rule{\unitlength}{1.6pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\scshape drawings by the artist}\par \vfill {\large\scshape the publisher}\\[\baselineskip] {\small\scshape year}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleJE}{\begingroup% Jane Eyre \vspace*{2\baselineskip} {\Large\bfseries The Author}\\[2\baselineskip] \begin{center} {\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS} \end{center} \vspace*{4\baselineskip} {\Large\bfseries Illustrations by The Artist}\par \vfill \begin{center} {\Large{\bfseries The Publisher $\bullet$} \scshape year} \end{center} \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\cdiam}{\prec\kern-2pt\succ} \newcommand*{\titleZD}{\begingroup% Zuleika Dobson \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \centering \begin{picture}(240,0) \multiput(0,0)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}} \multiput(-5,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}} \multiput(0,-360)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}} \multiput(235,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}} \put(0,0){\begin{minipage}[t]{240pt} \centering \vspace*{2\baselineskip} {\Huge Selected Conundrums}\\ {\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---} \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par \vspace*{5\baselineskip} $\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam$\par \vspace*{5\baselineskip} {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\ {\Large\scshape year}\par \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \end{minipage}} \end{picture} \vfill \null \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleWH}{\begingroup% Words in their Hands \drop = 2\baselineskip \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge SOME CONUNDRUMS}\\[\drop] \scalebox{8}[1]{{\wb{10}{12}4}}\\[\drop] {\Large\itshape A Collection of Puzzles by}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\\[\baselineskip] {\wb{10}{12}4}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape with a Commentary by}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large A N OTHER}\par \vfill \scalebox{8}[1]{{\wb{10}{12}4}}\\[\drop] {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\ {\scshape year}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleBWF}{\begingroup% Beowulf \drop = 0.1\txtheight \parindent=0pt \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large {\itshape Translated by} {\scshape the translator}}\par \vfill \plogo\\[0.2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape The Publisher} \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleSI}{\begingroup% Sagas \drop = 0.13\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge CONUNDRUMS FOR}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge THE MIND}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge\itshape A Selection}\\[3\baselineskip] {\Large \textit{Preface by} \textsc{famous person}}\\ {\Large \textit{Introduction by} \textsc{an other}}\par \vfill {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\titleGP}{\begingroup% Geometric Modeling \drop=0.1\txtheight \centering \vspace*{\baselineskip} \rule{\txtwidth}{1.6pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{2pt} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip] PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip] \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3.2pt} \rule{\txtwidth}{1.6pt}\\[\baselineskip] \scshape Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working Conference on \\ Enigmas \\ Location, date from--to\par \vspace*{2\baselineskip} Edited by \\[\baselineskip] {\Large FIRST EDITOR \\ SECOND EDITOR \\ THIRD EDITOR}\\ {\itshape Organisation \\ Address}\par \vfill \plogo\\ {\scshape year} \\ {\large THE PUBLISHER}\par \endgroup} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The Family Receipt Book \makeatletter \newlength{\rbtextwidth}\setlength{\rbtextwidth}{289pt} \newlength{\rbtextheight}\setlength{\rbtextheight}{490pt} \newcommand*{\covertext}{% {\normalsize THE NEW\par} {\huge FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK\par} {\tiny CONTAINING A LARGE COLLECTION OF\par} {\footnotesize HIGHLY ESTIMATED RECEIPTS IN A VARIETY \par} {\footnotesize OF BRANCHES, NAMELY:\par} {\huge BREWING,\par} {\Large MAKING AND PRESERVING BRITISH WINES,\par} {\huge DYING,\par} {\large RURAL AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY,\par} {\footnotesize SELECTED FROM EXPERIENCED \& APPROVED RECEIPTS,\par} {\normalsize\textsf{FOR THE USE OF PUBLICANS}\par} {\footnotesize AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN GENERAL,\par} {\tiny A GREAT MANY OF WHICH WERE NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED.\par} \rule{0.15\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\Large BY G.~MILLSWOOD.\par} \rule{0.75\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\footnotesize \textsf{PRICE ONE SHILLING}\par} \rule{0.5\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\footnotesize DERBY: PRINTED AND SOLD BY G.~WILKINS AND SON,\par} {\footnotesize QUEEN STREET.\par}} \newlength{\sepframe} \newlength{\framex} \newlength{\framey} \setlength{\sepframe}{2.4pt} \setlength{\framex}{\rbtextwidth} \addtolength{\framex}{2\sepframe} \setlength{\framey}{\rbtextheight} \addtolength{\framey}{2\sepframe} \newcommand*{\titleRB}{% \FSfont{5cu}% Century Old Style \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight)% \thinlines \put(0,0){\framebox(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight){% \begin{minipage}{\rbtextwidth} \centering \setlength{\parskip}{0.67\baselineskip} \covertext \end{minipage} }}% \put(-\strip@pt\sepframe,-\strip@pt\sepframe)% {\framebox(\strip@pt\framex,\strip@pt\framey){}}% \end{picture}} \makeatother %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand*{\thistitle}{\begingroup% based on titleJT \parindent=0pt \drop = 0.08\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}% {\LARGE Peter Wilson}\\[2\drop] \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\HUGE\itshape Some Examples of}\par {\raggedleft\HUGE\itshape Title Pages\par} \vfill \settowidth{\bibindent}{\Large The Herries Press}% \settowidth{\unitlength}{\Large 2006}% \addtolength{\bibindent}{-\unitlength}% \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large The Herries Press}\\[0.5\baselineskip] \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}% %\hspace*{0.5\bibindent}% {\Large 2009} \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \newcommand*{\plogo}{\fbox{$\mathcal{PL}$}} \begin{document} \raggedbottom \frontmatter \pagestyle{empty} \thistitle \clearpage %% copyrightpage \begingroup \footnotesize \parindent 0pt \parskip \baselineskip \textcopyright{} 2007, 2009 Peter R. Wilson \\ All rights reserved. This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version~1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version is in \\ \hspace*{2em} \url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt} \\ and version~1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Peter Wilson. The work consists of the file \texttt{titlepages.tex} and the derived file \texttt{titlepages.pdf}. \begin{comment} %%% Until 2009 this work was under the Open Publication License as: This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at \url{http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/}). Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder. The procedures and applications presented in this work have been included for their instructional value. They have been tested with care but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations, nor does it accept any liabilities with respect to the programs or applications. \end{comment} The paper used in this publication may meet the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences --- Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48--1984. \begin{center} 12 11 10 09 08 07\hspace{2em}7 6 5 4 3 2 \end{center} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} First edition: & January 2007 \\ Second impression, with minor extensions & January 2009 \end{tabular} \end{center} \vfill Wilson, Peter.\\ \hspace*{2em} Some Examples of Title Pages / Peter Wilson. -- \\ \hspace*{1em} 1st Herries Press ed. \\ \hspace*{2em} p. \hspace*{2em} cm. \\ \hspace*{2em} Includes illustrations, bibliographical references and index. \\ \hspace*{2em} ISBN \\ \hspace*{2em} 1. Book design \hspace*{2em} I. Title \vfill Printed in the World The Herries Press, \\ Normandy Park, WA \\ \texttt{herries dot press (at) earthlink dot net} %%%%{\LARGE\plogo} \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \endgroup \clearpage \pagestyle{plain} \tableofcontents \cleardoublepage \mainmatter \chapter{Introduction} This document presents various styles of designs for title pages. If you have a style you would like to contribute, please send it to me\footnote{I am currently at \texttt{herries dot press (at) earthlink dot net}}, with code, and I will include it in the next version with due acknowledgements. \LaTeX{} provides the \cs{author}, \cs{title} and \cs{date} commands for specifying the author, title, and date of a work. The \cs{maketitle} command is then used to print these. If the document is more like a book or a report than an article there is a temptation to use a \texttt{titlepage} environment and \cs{maketitle} to print the title page. However, there are many designs for title pages other than that provided by \cs{maketitle}, and it may be advantageous to define your own rather than relying on the default which, I think, is more suited for an article than any substantive work. Quoting from Ruari McLean~\cite{MCLEAN80} in reference to the title page, he says: \begin{quote} From the designer's point of view, it is the most important page in the book: it sets the style. It is the page which opens communication with the reader. \ldots If illustrations play a large part in the book, the title page opening should, or may, express this visually. If any form of decoration is used inside the book, e.g., for chapter openings, one would expect this to be repeated or echoed on the title page. Whatever the style of the book, the title page should give a foretaste of it. If the book consists of plain text, the title page should at least be in harmony with it. \end{quote} This short document provides some examples of title page designs. I claim no credit for any of these as I found them in books in my library and all I did was create \LaTeX{} code to demonstrate their general appearance. A list of the sources is given in the Bibliography. In the real world many different fonts were used %but for illustrative purposes I have restricted the ones here to Knuth's %Computer Modern Roman family. and I have used some here, although I have set most pages with Knuth's Computer Modern Roman family. The title page for this document is based on one of the examples. Several designs are shown following this introduction and the code for each is given at the end. There is no particular ordering to the examples apart from the order in which I found them. The designs are meant as possible starting points for exercising your creativity. While on the subject of introductory pages, the copyright page of a book like the title page, is an individual design and I cannot think that a generic \LaTeX{} command or environment for the contents of a copyright page would be of any use. The example copyright page of this work was laid out by hand; fortunately there is no requirement for typographical perfection --- it is more a question of printing the required information than anything else. \chapter{Example title pages} Each example is shown in a frame which represents the textblock, although it is shrunk slightly here in order to get the illustrations on to the pages without \LaTeX{} complaining about `\texttt{overfull} this or that'. The frame is designed to fit this document --- the title pages used as exemplars had textblocks that were wider or narrower and/or longer or shorter than here. At the bottom of each frame is the name of the command used to generate the title page material (the code for these is given later). The same general title, not, I hope, a real one, has been used throughout but the surrounding details may differ from one example to another. The fonts used in the originals were many and varied. Most used black but in some cases the main title was set in color --- typically red. Printers' ornaments were used in some of the originals and I have included some here to indicate the flavour of the originals. In some cases the publisher's logo was put on the title page. Here I have used \plogo{} to represent the logos. In some cases the year of publication was included on the title page and I have indicated where this was placed by {\scshape year}. In brief, the examples given here are merely sketches of the real title pages but hopefully convey the spirit, if not the elegance, of the originals. The exception to all the above is the last example, which is a real title page shown in all its glory and at its true typeblock size --- the (double) frame in this case being an integral part of the design. It is from an old book, probably dating to the late 18th or early 19th century, that I reset using \LaTeX. \begin{showtitle} \titleJT \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleJT?} \begin{showtitle} \titleTH \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleTH?} \begin{showtitle} \titleM \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleM?} \begin{showtitle} \titleS \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleS?} \begin{showtitle} \titleRF \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleRF?} \begin{showtitle} \titleDB \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleDB?} \begin{showtitle} \titleAM \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleAM?} \begin{showtitle} \titleP \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleP?} \begin{showtitle} \titleGM \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleGM?} \begin{showtitle} \titlePM \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titlePM?} \begin{showtitle} \titleAT \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleAT?} \begin{showtitle} \titleLL \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleLL?} \begin{showtitle} \titleCC \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleCC?} \begin{showtitle} \titleDS \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleDS?} \begin{showtitle} \titleMS \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleMS?} \begin{showtitle} \titlePW \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titlePW?} \begin{showtitle} \titleSW \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleSW?} \begin{showtitle} \titleTMB \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleTMB?} \begin{showtitle} \titleJE \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleJE?} \begin{showtitle} \titleZD \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleZD?} \begin{showtitle} \titleWH \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleWH?} \begin{showtitle} \titleBWF \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleBWF?} \begin{showtitle} \titleSI \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleSI?} \begin{showtitle} \titleGP \end{showtitle} {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleGP?} %%\noindent \titleRB {\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleRB?} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix \chapter{The code} The code for each of the designs is given below. I have created a new length, called \cs{drop}, which I have used in some of the code just to make life a little easier for myself. The \texttt{memoir} class defines the \cs{HUGE} fontsize which I've used in the examples; change it to \cs{Huge} if you are not using \texttt{memoir}. Apart from those there is nothing untoward about any of the examples. You can use any of them, after changing the words and spacing to suit, along the lines of: \begin{verbatim} \providecommand{\HUGE}{\Huge}% if not using memoir \newlength{\drop}% for my convenience \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \titleX \clearpage ... \end{verbatim} Some of the original title pages used color. In such cases I have used a shade of gray instead, which requires the \texttt{color} package. The values I have used are below, together with the definition of the publisher's logo (\cs{plogo}): \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{color} \definecolor{Dark}{gray}{.2} \definecolor{Medium}{gray}{.6} \definecolor{Light}{gray}{.8} \newcommand*{\plogo}{\fbox{$\mathcal{PL}$}} \end{verbatim} In other cases I have used the \texttt{graphicx} package to scale or rotate elements of the design. You may, of course, want to add or subtract material from the examples, such as including a publication date or removing the publisher, or use a different font (or fonts). The design is in your hands. \section{titleJT} This is based on the title page of \emph{Jan Tschichold: Typographer}~\cite{MCLEAN75}. The book was designed by Herbert\index{Spencer, Herbert} Spencer and Christine\index{Charlton, Christine} Charlton. The text type is 12/14 Monotype Garamond 156 with chapter headings in 24 point Sabon Semi-bold. I used Garamond for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleJT}{\begingroup% Jan Tschichold: typographer \drop = 0.08\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \hspace*{0.3\textwidth} {\Large The Author}\\[2\drop] \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Huge\itshape The Big Book of}\par {\raggedleft\Huge\itshape Conundrums\par} \vfill \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] \hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large The Publisher} \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleTH} This is based on the title page of Thames and Hudson's \emph{Manual of Typography} by Ruari McLean~\cite{MCLEAN80}. The main element of the title was set using a red font with everything else in normal black. If you use this you need the \texttt{color} package. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleTH}{\begingroup% T&H Typography \raggedleft \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\Large The Author}\\[0.167\textheight] {\bfseries The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip] {\textcolor{Medium}{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\\[\baselineskip] {\small With 123 illustrations}\par \vfill {\Large The Publisher \plogo}\par \vspace*{3\baselineskip} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleM} This is based on a title page designed by Jan\index{Tschichold, Jan} Tschichold in 1954 for a King Penguin book on Misericords and shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleM}{\begingroup% Misericords, T&H p 153 \drop = 0.08\textheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape puzzles for the mind}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape by}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\scshape the author}\par \vfill {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\scshape the publisher}\par \vspace*{2\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleS} This is based on a title page designed by Jan\index{Tschichold, Jan} Tschichold in 1949 for a King Penguin book on Scripts and shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleS}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151 \drop = 0.1\textheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape by The Author}\\[\baselineskip] \vfill \rule{0.4\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape The Publisher}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleRF} This is based on a title page designed by Rudolph\index{Ruzicka, Rudolph} Ruzicka in 1971 for an Imprint Society's book of Robert Frost's poetry and shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}. The text is set with Ruzicka's Linotype Fairfield with the display lines in Monotype Bembo. I used Bembo for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleRF}{\begingroup% Robert Frost, T&H p 149 \drop = 0.2\textheight \centering \vfill {\Huge The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\large Edited by The Editor}\\[0.5\drop] {\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\Large The Publisher}\par {\large\scshape year}\par \vfill\null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleDB} This is based on the title page of \emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93}, designed by Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian} Wilson. The types used in the book are handset Palatino and Linotype Aldus, designed by Hermann Zapf. I used Palatino for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleDB}{\begingroup% AW, Design of Books \drop = 0.14\textheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Large THE}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge OF}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[1.5\baselineskip] {\LARGE BY}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE THE AUTHOR}\par \vfill {FOREWORD BY AN OTHER}\\[8\baselineskip] \vfill {\small\sffamily THE PUBLISHER}\par \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleAM} This is based on a title page designed by Will\index{Carter, Will} Carter for a limited edition of Samual Taylor Coleridge's \emph{The Rime of the Ancient Mariner} from \emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93}. The book was typeset using Bembo. I used Bembo for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleAM}{\begingroup% Ancient Mariner, AW p. 151 \drop = 0.12\textheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\large The Author}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge THE BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large OF}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\scshape with ten engravings}\\ {\scshape and with a foreword by}\\ {\large\scshape an other}\\[\drop] {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\small\scshape the publisher}\par {\small\scshape year}\par \vfill\null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleP} This is based on a title page designed by Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian} Wilson in 1961 for a book about the Pyramids and shown in \emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93}. The text type is 11/13 Monotype Bembo. I used Bembo for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleP}{\begingroup% The Pyramids, AW p. 81 \drop = 0.12\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \hspace*{0.3\textwidth} {\Huge SOME}\\[\baselineskip] \hspace*{0.3\textwidth} {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par \vspace*{3\drop} {\large By THE AUTHOR} \vfill {\scshape the publisher} \vspace*{0.5\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleGM} The original for this is the title page for \emph{Gentle Madness} by Nicholas Basbanes~\cite{BASBANES95}, except that the vertical rule was made up of printers' ornaments in the original. The book was designed by Paula\index{Szafranski, Paula R} R.~Szafranski. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleGM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness \drop = 0.1\textheight \vspace*{\baselineskip} \vfill \hbox{% \hspace*{0.2\textwidth}% \rule{1pt}{\textheight} \hspace*{0.05\textwidth}% \parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ \vbox{% \vspace{\drop} {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vspace{0.5\textheight} {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip] }% end of vbox }% end of parbox }% end of hbox \vfill \null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titlePM} This is a version of \cs{titleGM} which is closer to the original as I have used ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS} instead of the vertical rule. These should be available on your system (but you may have to install the \texttt{webo.map} file). I obtained the various numbers used in the setting of the ornaments through trial and error as it is a once-off layout, but it would be possible to calculate them. Note the use of color for the printers' ornaments. The book consists of several parts and the title page ornaments are repeated on each \cs{part} page, thus stylistically tying them together with the title page. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\wb}[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\usefont{U}{webo}{xl}{n}} \newcommand*{\titlePM}{\begingroup% \titleGM with Ornaments \drop = 0.1\textheight \vspace*{\baselineskip} \vfill \hbox{% \hspace*{0.1\textwidth}% {\wb{18pt}{18pt} \begin{picture}(0,0) \multiput(0,0)(0,20){22}{\textcolor{Medium}{Q}} \end{picture} } % \rule{1pt}{\textheight} \hspace*{0.15\textwidth}% \parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ \vbox{% \vspace{\drop} {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vspace{0.5\textheight} {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip] }}}% ends of vbox/parbox/hbox \vfill \null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleAT} This is based on the title page from \emph{Anatomy of a Typeface}~\cite{LAWSON90}. In the original both the title and the publisher's logo were in red. You will need the \texttt{color} package for this style. The text was set in Galliard, designed by Matthew Carter. I used Galliard for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleAT}{\begingroup% Anatomy of a Typeface \drop=0.1\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}\par \vspace{2pt}\vspace{-\baselineskip} \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\par \vspace{0.5\drop} \centering \textcolor{Medium}{ {\Huge THE BOOK}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\Large OF}\\[0.75\baselineskip] {\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\par \vspace{0.25\drop} \rule{0.3\textwidth}{0.4pt}\par \vspace{\drop} {\Large \scshape The Author}\par \vfill {\large \textcolor{Medium}{\plogo}}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large\scshape the publisher}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleLL} This is based on the title page of \emph{Lost Languages}~\cite{ROBINSON02}. The book was designed by Cathleen\index{Bennett, Cathleen} Bennett. In the original the main element of the title was set in a light blue font. The \texttt{color} package is needed for this style. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleLL}{\begingroup% Lost Languages \drop=0.1\textheight \fboxsep 0.5\baselineskip \sffamily \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\textcolor{Light}{\HUGE CONUNDRUMS}}\par \vspace{0.5\drop} \colorbox{Dark}{\textcolor{white}{\normalfont\itshape\Large Puzzles for the Mind}}\par \vspace{\drop} {\Large The Author}\par \vfill {\footnotesize THE PUBLISHER}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleCC} A title page for a work that consists of two or more volumes. It is based on a Survey of Cambridge~\cite{CAMBRIDGE59} which was published in 2 Parts, plus a set of maps. The main element of the title was set using a red font, everything else was as normal. If you try this you need to use the \texttt{color} package. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleCC}{\begingroup% City of Cambridge \drop=0.1\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\itshape THE BIG BOOK OF}\\[0.5\drop] {\textcolor{Medium}{\HUGE\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}}\par \vspace{\drop} {\LARGE\itshape VOLUME 1: SOCIAL AND MORAL}\par \vfill {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par \vfill {\plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip] {\itshape THE PUBLISHER}\par {\scshape year}\par %\vfill \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleDS} A student of mine, Donald\index{Sanderson, Donald} Sanderson, used \LaTeX{} to typeset his thesis~\cite{SANDERSON94}. This is the title page style mandated by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as of 1994. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleDS}{\begingroup% DS Thesis \drop=0.1\textheight %\vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\bfseries CONUNDRUMS CONSIDERED AS PUZZLES FOR THE MIND}\par \vspace{0.6\baselineskip} {By}\\[0.6\baselineskip] {The Candidate\\[0.6\baselineskip] A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate\\[0.5\baselineskip] Faculty of The University\\[0.5\baselineskip] in Partial Fulfillment of the\\[0.5\baselineskip] Requirements for the Degree of\\[0.5\baselineskip] DEGREE\\[0.5\baselineskip] Major Subject: Logic}\par \flushleft {Approved by the \\ Examining Committee:}\par \vspace{1.5\baselineskip} \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ Another Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ Another Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip] \rule{15em}{0.4pt}\\ A Third Faculty, Member\par \centering \vspace{1\baselineskip} The University \\ The Address \\[\baselineskip] The Date\par \vfill \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleMS} Maarten\index{Sneep, Maarten} Sneep used the \LaTeX{} \texttt{memoir} class to typeset his thesis~\cite{SNEEP04}. This style is based on his title page. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleMS}{\begingroup% MS Thesis \drop=0.1\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\LARGE THE UNIVERSITY}\\[2\baselineskip] {\LARGE\sffamily Conundrums: \\ puzzles for the mind}\par \vfill {\LARGE THESIS}\par \vspace{\drop} {\large some remarks concerning the supervisor \\ and the time and place of the examination \\ and other administrative details}\par \vfill {\large\bfseries The Candidate}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titlePW} This is a typeset version of the title page from my\index{Wilson, Peter} thesis~\cite{WILSON71}. submitted to the University of Nottingham in 1971. The original was typewritten with the mathematics inserted by hand with pen and ink. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titlePW}{\begingroup% PW Thesis \drop=0.1\textheight \vspace*{\drop} \centering {\Large\bfseries SOME REMARKS \\ ON CONUNDRUMS \\ AS PUZZLES FOR THE MIND}\par \vspace*{\drop} {\large by}\par \vspace*{\drop} {\Large THE CANDIDATE}\par \vfill \raggedright {\Large Thesis submitted to The University for the degree of Degree, Month year.}\par \vfill \null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleSW} This is based on the title page of \emph{The Story of Writing}~\cite{ROBINSON95} published by Thames \& Hudson. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleSW}{\begingroup% Story of Writing \raggedleft \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\Huge\itshape The Book \\ of Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\itshape With over 120 illustrations, 50 in color}\\[0.2\textheight] {\Large The Author}\par \vfill {\Large \plogo{} \sffamily The Publisher} \vspace*{\baselineskip} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleTMB} A somewhat old fashioned title page style which, however, suits the period of the book --- \emph{Three Men in a Boat}~\cite{JEROME64}, first published in 1889. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleTMB}{\begingroup% Three Men in a Boat \drop=0.1\textheight \centering \settowidth{\unitlength}{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS} \vspace*{\baselineskip} {\large\scshape the author}\\[\baselineskip] \rule{\unitlength}{1.6pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{2pt} \rule{\unitlength}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip] {\itshape puzzles for the mind}\\[0.2\baselineskip] \rule{\unitlength}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3.2pt} \rule{\unitlength}{1.6pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\large\scshape drawings by the artist}\par \vfill {\large\scshape the publisher}\\[\baselineskip] {\small\scshape year}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleJE} This is modeled after the title page of \emph{Jane Eyre} from an edition published by the Folio Society~\cite{BRONTE65}. The book was originally published in 1847. This edition was set 10 point Scotch Roman leaded 1~1/2 points. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleJE}{\begingroup% Jane Eyre \vspace*{2\baselineskip} {\Large\bfseries The Author}\\[2\baselineskip] \begin{center} {\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS} \end{center} \vspace*{4\baselineskip} {\Large\bfseries Illustrations by The Artist}\par \vfill \begin{center} {\Large{\bfseries The Publisher $\bullet$} \scshape year} \end{center} \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleZD} This is an elaborate style using printers' ornaments and based on the title page of the Folio Society's edition of \emph{Zuleika Dobson} by Max Beerbohm~\cite{BEERBOHM66}. The text was set with 11/12 Monotype Ehrhardt. The book was originally published in 1911. I have used one of the ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS}, which in this case matches the one used in the original, and rotating it via the \texttt{graphicx} package. I also made an ornament by combining the two math symbols $\prec$ and $\succ$. \begin{verbatim} \providecommand*{\wb}[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\usefont{U}{webo}{xl}{n}} \newcommand*{\cdiam}{\prec\kern-2pt\succ} \newcommand*{\titleZD}{\begingroup% Zuleika Dobson \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \centering \begin{picture}(240,0) \multiput(0,0)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}} \multiput(-5,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}} \multiput(0,-360)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}} \multiput(235,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}} \put(0,0){% \begin{minipage}[t]{240pt} \centering \vspace*{2\baselineskip} {\Huge Selected Conundrums}\\ {\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---}% \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip] {\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par \vspace*{5\baselineskip} $\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip] $\cdiam$\par \vspace*{5\baselineskip} {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\ {\Large\scshape year}\par \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \end{minipage}} \end{picture} \vfill \null \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleWH} The inspiration for this style came from one of the Cambridge University Printer's Christmas books --- \emph{Words in Their Hands} by Walter Nurnberg~\cite{NURNBERG64}. I assume that Brooke\index{Crutchley, Brooke} Crutchley, the Printer, was also the designer as, unlike in some other books in the series, no designer was mentioned. I used one of the ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS} for the page, in two instances stretching it via the \texttt{graphicx} package. \begin{verbatim} \providecommand*{\wb}[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\usefont{U}{webo}{xl}{n}} \newcommand*{\titleWH}{\begingroup% Words in their Hands \drop = 2\baselineskip \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge SOME CONUNDRUMS}\\[\drop] \scalebox{8}[1]{{\wb{10}{12}4}}\\[\drop] {\Large\itshape A Collection of Puzzles by}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large THE AUTHOR}\\[\baselineskip] {\wb{10}{12}4}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape with a Commentary by}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large A N OTHER}\par \vfill \scalebox{8}[1]{{\wb{10}{12}4}}\\[\drop] {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\ {\scshape year}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleBWF} This example page is based on the title page from Seamus Heaney's wonderful translation of \emph{Beowulf}~\cite{HEANEY99}. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleBWF}{\begingroup% Beowulf \drop = 0.1\textheight \parindent=0pt \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip] {\Large {\itshape Translated by} {\scshape the translator}}\par \vfill \plogo\\[0.2\baselineskip] {\Large\itshape The Publisher} \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleSI} This page does'nt look much out of the ordinary --- it is based on the title page of \emph{The Sagas of the Icelanders}~\cite{THORSSON00}. However, this is one in a series of books called \emph{World of the Sagas}, the whole being produced by an editor and several translators. These, together with the names of the editorial advisory board, are listed on the recto page facing the title page, thus making up a double spread. \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleSI}{\begingroup% Sagas \drop = 0.13\textheight \centering \vspace*{\drop} {\Huge CONUNDRUMS FOR}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge THE MIND}\\[\baselineskip] {\Huge\itshape A Selection}\\[3\baselineskip] {\Large \textit{Preface by} \textsc{famous person}}\\ {\Large \textit{Introduction by} \textsc{an other}}\par \vfill {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\par \vspace*{\drop} \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleGP} This is a title page based on one~\cite{WILSON92} of a series of books reporting on various annual workshops organised by the International Federation for Information Processing. This particular workshop was held in a retreat in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains in New York and well away from any distractions (unless you liked hiking). \begin{verbatim} \newcommand*{\titleGP}{\begingroup% Geometric Modeling \drop=0.1\textheight \centering \vspace*{\baselineskip} \rule{\textwidth}{1.6pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{2pt} \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[\baselineskip] {\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip] PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip] \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3.2pt} \rule{\textwidth}{1.6pt}\\[\baselineskip] \scshape Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working Conference on \\ Enigmas \\ Location, date from--to\par \vspace*{2\baselineskip} Edited by \\[\baselineskip] {\Large FIRST EDITOR \\ SECOND EDITOR \\ THIRD EDITOR}\\ {\itshape Organisation \\ Address}\par \vfill \plogo\\ {\scshape year} \\ {\large THE PUBLISHER}\par \endgroup} \end{verbatim} \section{titleRB} This is the title page of an old book that I reset using \LaTeX. The style is definitely Victorian and it looks as though the printer used every font that he had in his shop. He was most likely the designer as well. The two lengths \cs{rbtextwidth} and \cs{rbtextheight} are the true dimensions of the original textblock (in the original code \cs{textwidth} and \cs{textheight} were used). The command \cs{strip@pt}\cs{alength} is from the \LaTeX{} kernel and strips the two characters `pt' from the value of \cs{alength}. In this case I have used it as a means of using length values instead of plain integers in the \texttt{picture} environment (the default unit of measurement in the environment is 1pt). I used Century Old Style for setting the title page and text and Algerian for the cover. These are both part of the FontSite 500 fonts~\cite{LEAGUE02} (the FontSite CD is commercial but all the \LaTeX{} setup has been done for you by Christopher League). I used Century Old Style for the printed example. \begin{verbatim} %%% textblock dimensions \newlength{\rbtextwidth}\setlength{\rbtextwidth}{289pt} \newlength{\rbtextheight}\setlength{\rbtextheight}{490pt} %%% title page text --- one line per `paragraph' \newcommand*{\covertext}{% {\normalsize THE NEW\par} {\huge FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK\par} {\tiny CONTAINING A LARGE COLLECTION OF\par} {\footnotesize HIGHLY ESTIMATED RECEIPTS IN A VARIETY \par} {\footnotesize OF BRANCHES, NAMELY:\par} {\huge BREWING,\par} {\Large MAKING AND PRESERVING BRITISH WINES,\par} {\huge DYING,\par} {\large RURAL AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY,\par} {\footnotesize SELECTED FROM EXPERIENCED \& APPROVED RECEIPTS,\par} {\normalsize\textsf{FOR THE USE OF PUBLICANS}\par} {\footnotesize AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN GENERAL,\par} {\tiny A GREAT MANY OF WHICH WERE NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED.\par} \rule{0.15\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\Large BY G.~MILLSWOOD.\par} \rule{0.75\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\footnotesize \textsf{PRICE ONE SHILLING}\par} \rule{0.5\rbtextwidth}{0.4pt}\par {\footnotesize DERBY: PRINTED AND SOLD BY G.~WILKINS AND SON,\par} {\footnotesize QUEEN STREET.\par}} %% set up for the double frame \newlength{\sepframe} \newlength{\framex} \newlength{\framey} \setlength{\sepframe}{2.4pt} \setlength{\framex}{\rbtextwidth} \addtolength{\framex}{2\sepframe} \setlength{\framey}{\rbtextheight} \addtolength{\framey}{2\sepframe} %% use a picture for the framed text \makeatletter \newcommand*{\titleRB}{% \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight)% \thinlines \put(0,0){\framebox(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,% \strip@pt\rbtextheight){% \begin{minipage}{\rbtextwidth} \centering \setlength{\parskip}{0.67\baselineskip} \covertext \end{minipage} }}% \put(-\strip@pt\sepframe,-\strip@pt\sepframe)% {\framebox(\strip@pt\framex,\strip@pt\framey){}}% \end{picture}} \makeatother \end{verbatim} \providecommand{\biblistextra}{% \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\itemindent}{\labelwidth} \addtolength{\itemindent}{\labelsep} } \bibliographystyle{alpha} \begin{thebibliography}{RCHM99} \bibitem[Bas95]{BASBANES95} Nicholas A. Basbanes. \newblock \emph{A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books}, \newblock Henry Holt, 1995. \bibitem[Bee65]{BEERBOHM66} Max Beerbohm. \newblock \emph{Zuleika Dobson}, \newblock The Folio Society, 1966. \newblock (First published in 1911). \bibitem[Bro65]{BRONTE65} Charlotte Bront\"{e}. \newblock \emph{Jane Eyre}, \newblock The Folio Society, 1965. \newblock (First published in 1847). \bibitem[Hea99]{HEANEY99} Seamus Heaney. \newblock \emph{Beowulf}, \newblock Faber and Faber, 1999. \bibitem[Jer64]{JEROME64} Jerome K. Jerome. \newblock \emph{Three Men in a Boat}, \newblock The Folio Society, 1964. \newblock (First published in 1889). \bibitem[Law90]{LAWSON90} Alexander Lawson. \newblock \emph{Anatomy of a Typeface}, \newblock David R. Godine, 1990. \bibitem[Lea02]{LEAGUE02} Christopher League. \newblock \emph{\TeX{} support for the FontSite 500 CD}, 2002. \newblock (Available from \url{http://contrapunctus.net/fs500tex}). \bibitem[Lor02]{WEBOMINTS} Maurizio Loreti. \newblock \emph{Web-O-Mints}, September, 2002. \newblock (Available from CTAN in \url{/fonts/webomints}). \bibitem[McL75]{MCLEAN75} Ruari McLean. \newblock \emph{Jan Tschichold: Typographer}, \newblock David R. Godine, 1975. \bibitem[McL80]{MCLEAN80} Ruari McLean. \newblock \emph{The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography}, \newblock Thames and Hudson, 1980. \bibitem[Nur64]{NURNBERG64} Walter Nurnberg. \newblock \emph{Words in their Hands}, \newblock Privately printed at the University Printing House, Cambridge, 1964. \bibitem[RCHM59]{CAMBRIDGE59} Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. \newblock \emph{City of Cambridge}, 2 Parts, \newblock Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1959. \bibitem[Rob95]{ROBINSON95} Andrew Robinson. \newblock \emph{The Story of Writing}, \newblock Thames \& Hudson, 1995. \bibitem[Rob02]{ROBINSON02} Andrew Robinson. \newblock \emph{Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts}, \newblock McGraw-Hill, 2002. \bibitem[San94]{SANDERSON94} Donald B. Sanderson. \newblock \emph{Loss of Data Semantics in Syntax Directed Translation}, \newblock Doctoral Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1994. \bibitem[Sne04]{SNEEP04} Maarten Sneep. \newblock \emph{The atmosphere in the laboratory: cavity ring-down measurements on scattering and absorption}, \newblock Thesis, Vrije Universitet, 2004. \bibitem[Tho00]{THORSSON00} \"{O}rn\'{o}lfur Thorsson (editor). \newblock \emph{The Sagas of the Icelanders}, \newblock Viking, 2000. \bibitem[Wil93]{WILSON93} Adrian Wilson. \newblock \emph{The Design of Books}, \newblock Chronicle Books, 1993. \bibitem[Wil71]{WILSON71} P. R. Wilson. \newblock \emph{Some Observations on Planar Diffused Junctions in Silicon}, \newblock Doctoral Thesis, University of Nottingham, October 1971. \bibitem[Wil92]{WILSON92} P. R. Wilson, M. J. Wozny and M. J. Pratt (editors). \newblock \emph{Geometric Modeling for Product Realization}, \newblock IFIP Transactions, B-8, North-Holland, 1992. \end{thebibliography} \printindex \end{document}