tikzsymbols =========== Overview -------- The `tiksymbols` package v4.0 contains symbols created using tikz. This package provides: * various emoticons * cooking symbols * trees * other symbols (e.g. Penrose-Triangle(Triban), chair, coffeecup, etc.) Changes ------- * v1.6 Several bugs fixed and some options added. * v1.7 New symbols and some "bugs" fixed * v2.0 Bug fixed, now option "tree=on/off" is working again, new symbols: "Triban", improved BasicTree code. New option: "marvsoym" (see documentation for more details). * v2.2 Included \@ifpackageloaded, now symbols can have negative scale, Did something else, I can`t remember. * v2.25 Changed some code * v2.5 New option: draftabsolute (symbols are replaced by text and LateX becomes faster again). Changed manual a bit. * v3.0 Symbols are stored inside a save-box and are used via \usebox{}, New option: "draft=absolute" (old option is still useable but obsolete), Changed output of "draft=absolute", New option: "prefix=", adds a to all commands, New option: "usebox=true/false" If false the symbols aren`t stored inside a box, See manual for more changes. * v3.0a New cookingsymbols: \grater, \bottle * v3.0b Deleted some non-ASCII characters. * v3.0g Removed a bug caused by me messing up with commands. Removed package `calc` and replaced \setlength with \pgfmathsetlength Reworked some code of the symbols. Did not change the manual. * v3.0h Created a bug in the process of fixing the last bug, added the forgotten \fi. * v3.01alpha Copied the 2e code and started rewriting the code in LaTeX3. * v3.38 Nearly finished rewriting. * v3.40 Now everything is coded in LaTeX3. * v3.40-v0.95 Various fixes and changes. * v3.95 New emoticon \(d)Changey. * v4.0 Finished reworking the code. Requirements ------------ * expl3 & xparse * tikz * xcolor * xspace * l3keys2e This file contains ------------------ * README * tikzsymbols.pdf * tikzsymbols.dtx * tikzsymbols.ins License ------- This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.