---------------------------------------------------------------- tikzscale --- Absolute resizing of TikZ pictures and PGF plots without scaling text E-mail: pat_h@web.de Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------- The tikzscale package extends the includegraphics command to support tikzpictures. It allows scaling of TikZ images and PGFPlots to a provided width or height without changing the text size. Usage: \usepackage{tikzscale} or \usepackage[loadFromCurrentDirectory]{tikzscale} As an example write \includegraphics{myTikZFile.tikz} instead of \includegraphics{myJPEGFile.jpeg}, with myTikZFile.tikz being the file name of a text file containing everything from \begin{tikzpicture} to \end{tikzpicture}. To actually do some scaling of the included TikZ file, give either an absolute width or an absolute height in the optional argument, e.g. \tikzscale@includetikz[width=0.5\linewidth]{myTikZFile.tikz}. If the file contains a plot created with the PGFPlots package, set both width and height via the optional argument, e.g. \tikzscale@includetikz[width=\linewidth,height=0.4\linewidth]{myPGFPlot.tikz}.