\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=20mm]{tikzposter} % Commands \newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} % backslash \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{{\bf \color{red}#1}} % highlights command \tikzposterlatexaffectionproofon % Title, Author, Institute \title{We love TikZ Posters} \author{Pascal Richter \& Dr. Richard Barnard} \institute{MathCCES, RWTH Aachen University, Germany} % Set colortheme % (default, anil, armin, edgar, emre, hanna, james, kai, lena, manuel, % martin, max, nicolas, pascal, peter, philipp, richard, roman, stefanie, % vinay) \usecolortheme{lena} % Change some colors \definecolor{framecolor}{named}{black} \settitlebodystyle{rectangular} \setblocktitlestyle{rounded} \setblockbodystyle{shaded} % Begin document \begin{document} % Title block \titleblock[left fig=logoL.png, right fig=logoR.png, left fig height=7cm, right fig height=7cm,embedded] \block[l]{Formatting Options}{ To generate a poster, you can use the \textsf{tikzposter} class with the command \\ \cmd{\bs documentclass[}\emph{options}\cmd{]\{tikzposter\}}. As options you can set some or all of: font size, paper size, orientation, \cmd{margin},\cmd{inner margin},\cmd{title inner sep}, \cmd{title to block block vertical space},\cmd{block title inner sep},\cmd{block body inner sep}, \cmd{blocktitle width ratio}, \cmd{block title max width}, \cmd{block vertical space},\cmd{col space}, and \cmd{subcol space}. This document was created via\\ \vspace{1em} \cmd{\bs documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=20mm]\{tikzposter\}}.\\ \vspace{1em} Additionally, shapes for the different blocks can be altered by changing the styles in the preamble. This poster uses\\ \vspace*{1em} \cmd{\bs settitlebodystyle\{rectangular\}}, (only effects if the title is not embedded) \\ \cmd{\bs setblocktitlestyle\{rounded\}}, \\ \cmd{\bs setblockbodystyle\{shaded\}}. \\ } \begin{columns} % Set first column \column{0.52} % First column - first block \block[l]{Title Blocks}{ At first, a title should be set. \begin{itemize} \item Title elements are \cmd{\bs title}, \cmd{\bs author} and \cmd{\bs institute.} \item The title block is created by \cmd{\bs titleblock} \item There are two types of title blocks: \begin{itemize} \item not embedded block with rounded block edges separated from the edge of the poster, \item embedded blocks which cover the whole poster width. \end{itemize} The default is not embedded. The type can be set via setting \cmd{embedded = <}\emph{true or false}\cmd{>}; alternatively, \cmd{embedded} sets it as true. \item Also, the title block may have logos on the right, left, or both. This is set via \cmd{left fig, left fig height, right fig} and \cmd{right fig height}. \item The title matter may be placed below the title block by setting \cmd{separated=<}\emph{true or false}\cmd{>}; alternatively, \cmd{separated} sets it as true. The default is not separated. \end{itemize} The title here was generated by \\ \cmd{\bs titleblock[left fig=logoL.png, right fig=logoR.png, left fig height=7cm, right fig height=7cm]} } % First column -second block \block[c,width=0.6\colwidth] {Normal Blocks}{ Standard blocks may be created with the command \\ \cmd{\bs block[}\emph{options}\cmd{]\{}\emph{title}\cmd{\}\{}\emph{text}\cmd{\}}. Where the options are alignment (either \emph{l,c,r}) for the title and block width which can be defined absolutely or relatively. No title is shown when the title is left blank. This block was generated by \\[1em] \cmd{\bs block[c,width=0.9\bs colwidth]\{Normal Blocks\}\{}\emph{CONTENTS}\cmd{\}}\\[1em] where the reference to \cmd{\bs colwidth} will be explained in the next block. } % Set second column \column{0.48} % Second column - first block \block[c]{Columns}{ The page can be divided for some segment of the poster into columns of vertically aligned blocks by using the environment \cmd{ columns}. Within this environment, a column is begun with the command, for instance, \\ \vspace{1em} \cmd{\bs column\{}0.40\cmd{\}}\\ \vspace{1em} for a column of blocks center aligned along a vertical line with default width of $40\%$ of the available width. Following this, additional blocks are created which will be aligned into this column until a new column is called or the environment is ended. The current column can be used for reference by the variable \cmd{\bs colwidth}. } % Second column - third block \block{Subblocks}{ If, inside a column, additional subcolumns should be created, the environment \cmd{subcolumns} may be created. Subcolumns are then created by, for instance,\\ \vspace{1em} \cmd{\bs subcolumn\{}0.40\cmd{\}}\\ \vspace{1em} where the relative width is with respect to \cmd{\bs colwidth}. The current subcolumn's width is stored in \cmd{\bs subcolwidth}. } % Second column - subblocks \begin{subcolumns} \subcolumn{0.3} \block{}{First subblock.} \block{}{Second subblock} \subcolumn{0.5} \block{Images}{You can put images in of course, by using \cmd{\bs subcolwidth} as width for the image. Note, the \cmd{figure} environment is unavailable. However, the caption package can be created to caption images.} \subcolumn{0.2} \block{}{\includegraphics[width=\subcolwidth]{logo}} \end{subcolumns} \block{Other blocks}{Text} \end{columns} \block{Blocks after ending the columns}{Text} \begin{columns} \column{0.3} \block{Making new columns}{ TikZ Picture by Dominique W\"urtz -- Intersecting rings \\ \def\ringa{(-1,0) circle (2) (-1,0) circle (3)} \def\ringb{(1,0) circle (2) (1,0) circle (3)} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.4] \begin{scope}[even odd rule] \clip \ringa; \fill[fill=orange] \ringb; \end{scope} \draw \ringa; \draw \ringb; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} } \column{0.4} \block{Title}{TikZ Picture by Thomas G. Kristensen -- Yin and yang \\ \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=5] \begin{scope} \clip (0,0) circle (1cm); \fill[black] (0cm,1cm) rectangle (-1cm, -1cm); \end{scope} \fill[black] (0,0.5) circle (0.5cm); \fill[white] (0,-0.5) circle (0.5cm); \fill[white] (0,0.5) circle (0.1cm); \fill[black] (0,-0.5) circle (0.1cm); \draw (0,0) circle (1cm); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} } \column{0.3} \block{Title}{TikZ Picture by Paul Gaborit -- The Olympic rings \\ \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5] \definecolor{r1}{RGB}{0,129,188} \definecolor{r2}{RGB}{252,177,49} \definecolor{r3}{RGB}{35,34,35} \definecolor{r4}{RGB}{0,157,87} \definecolor{r5}{RGB}{238,50,78} \begin{scope} \clip (-6,2) rectangle (6,-.9); \foreach \col/\xp/\yp in { r5/4/0, r4/2/-1.8, r3/0/0, r2/-2/-1.8, r1/-4/0 } { \path[draw=white,line width=.08cm, fill=\col,even odd rule] (\xp, \yp) circle (1.9cm) (\xp, \yp) circle (1.5cm); } \end{scope} \begin{scope} \clip (-6,-.9) rectangle (6,-3.8); \foreach \col/\xp/\yp in { r1/-4/0, r2/-2/-1.8, r3/0/0, r4/2/-1.8, r5/4/0 } { \path[draw=white,line width=.08cm, fill=\col,even odd rule] (\xp, \yp) circle (1.9cm) (\xp, \yp) circle (1.5cm); } \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} } \end{columns} \block{Title}{Text} \end{document}