% !TeX root = tikz-ext-manual.tex % !TeX spellcheck = en_US % Copyright 2022 by Qrrbrbirlbel % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % \section{Arcs through Three Points} \label{library:topaths.arcthrough} \begin{tikzlibrary}{ext.topaths.arcthrough} This library allows to use an arc defined by three points. \end{tikzlibrary} \begin{codeexample}[width=10cm,preamble=\usetikzlibrary{ext.topaths.arcthrough}] \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate[label=above right:$A$] (A) at ( 3, 1); \coordinate[label=above:$B$] (B) at ( 1, 2); \coordinate[label=below left:$C$] (C) at (-2,-2); \draw[ultra thick, draw=green, fill=green!50] (B) to[arc through={clockwise,(A)}] (C) -- (arc through center) -- cycle; \draw[ultra thick, draw=blue, fill=blue!50] (B) to[arc through=(A)] (C) -- (arc through center) -- cycle; \foreach \p in {A,B,C, arc through center} \fill[red] (\p) circle[radius=2pt]; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} This can only by used for circles in the |canvas| coordinate system. \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{key}{/tikz/arc through/through=\meta{coordinate} (initially {(0,0)})} The coordinate on the circle that defines~-- together with the starting and target point~-- a circle. \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/arc through/center suffix=\meta{suffix} (initially {})} The |arc through| will define a coordinate named |arc through center|\meta{suffix} so that it can be referenced later. \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/arc through/clockwise} The resulting arc will go clockwise from the starting point to the target point. This will not necessarily go through the |through| point. \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/arc through/counter clockwise} The resulting arc will go counter clockwise from the starting point to the target point. This will not necessarily go through the |through| point. \end{key} \begin{key}{/tikz/arc through=\meta{key-value}} This key should be used with |to|\indexPathOperationO{to} or |edge|\indexPathOperationO{edge}. A parameter other than |center suffix|, |clockwise| or |counter clockwise| will be assumed to be the |through| coordinate. \end{key} \end{multicols} \endinput