%%%% % % ticket.sty example file for visiting cards % %%%% % use the corresponding paper size for your ticket definition \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{letter} % load ticket.sty with the appropriate ticket definition \usepackage[zw32010,crossmark]{ticket} % load misc stuff \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} % define something \definecolor{uni}{rgb}{.3019,.7216,.7019} % make your default ticket. \ticketdefault is somewhat like a background % here it is empty, because we use different tickets for the front an % the back of our card \renewcommand{\ticketdefault}{% } % now what do you like to put in your ticket \newcommand{\vcardfront}[5]{\ticket{% \put( 63, 5){\includegraphics[width=40mm,angle=90,origin=bl]{ifmlogoc}} \put( 63.2, 2){\color{uni}your logo} \put( 5, 13){\color{uni}\line(1,0){56}} \put( 7, 10){\small your company} \put( 7,6.5){\small street 1} \put( 7, 3){\small xxxxx city and state} \put( 7, 24){\small phone:} \put( 7, 20){\small fax:} \put(6,40){\bfseries\LARGE #1} \put(7,36){#2} \put(15,24){\small #3} \put(15,20){\small #4} \put( 7,16){\small #5} }} \newcommand{\vcardback}[1]{\ticket{% \put( 7, 26){\small private:} \put( 5, 23){\color{uni}\line(1,0){56}} \put( 7,19){\small% \begin{minipage}[t]{50mm}% {#1}\hss% \end{minipage}}% }} % a counter, which makes life easier... \newcounter{numcards} \begin{document} \sffamily % ten cards for the front \whiledo{\thenumcards<10}{% \stepcounter{numcards}% \vcardfront{Mr. X}{Degree/Profession}{+YY/XXXX/ZZZ ZZ ZZ}{+YY/XXXX/ZZZ ZZ ZZ}{yourmail@your-provider.xxx}} \setcounter{numcards}{0} % and ten for the backside \whiledo{\thenumcards<10}{% \stepcounter{numcards}% \vcardback{phone: ---/HH HH HHH\\fax: ---/HH HH HHH\\homestreet 7\\everywhere}} \end{document}