%% %% This is file `thumbs-example.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% thumbs.dtx (with options: `example') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Project: thumbs %% Version: 2011/08/22 v1.0i %% %% Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 by %% H.-Martin M"unch %% %% The usual disclaimer applys: %% If it doesn't work right that's your problem. %% (Nevertheless, send an e-mail to the maintainer %% when you find an error in this package.) %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is H.-Martin Muench. %% %% This work consists of the main source file thumbs.dtx %% and the derived files %% thumbs.sty, thumbs.pdf, thumbs.ins, thumbs.drv, %% thumbs-example.tex. %% \documentclass[twoside,british]{article}[2007/10/19]% v1.4h %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% When compiling with SWP 5.50. Build 2960 % %% (copyright MacKichan Software, Inc.), % %% this is additionally needed: % %% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % %% \usepackage{amsfonts} % %% \usepackage[math]{cellspace} % %% \usepackage{xcolor} % %% \pagecolor{white} % %% \newcommand{\QTO}[2]{#2} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{lipsum}[2011/04/14]% v1.2 \usepackage{eurosym}[1998/08/06]% v1.1 \usepackage[extension=pdf,% pdfpagelayout=TwoPageRight,pdfpagemode=UseThumbs,% plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels=true,% hyperindex=false,% pdflang={en},% pdftitle={thumbs package example},% pdfauthor={Hans-Martin Muench},% pdfsubject={Example for the thumbs package},% pdfkeywords={LaTeX, thumbs, thumb marks, Hans-Martin Muench},% pdfview=Fit,pdfstartview=Fit,% linktoc=all]{hyperref}[2011/04/17]% v6.82g \usepackage[thumblink=rule,linefill=dots,height={auto},minheight={47pt},% width={auto},distance={2mm},topthumbmargin={auto},bottomthumbmargin={auto},% ignorehoffset=true,ignorevoffset=true,final=true,hidethumbs=false,% verbose=true]{thumbs}[2011/08/22]% v1.0i \nopagecolor% use \pagecolor{white} if \nopagecolor does not work \gdef\unit#1{\mathord{\thinspace\mathrm{#1}}}% \makeatletter \@ifundefined{Hy@Warning}{% hyperref not loaded \@ifundefined{\url}{\let\url\verb}% neither url }{% hyperref loaded }% \makeatother \listfiles \begin{document} \pagenumbering{arabic} \section*{Example for thumbs} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Example for thumbs} \markboth{Example for thumbs}{Example for thumbs} This example demonstrates the most common uses of package \textsf{thumbs}, v1.0i as of 2011/08/22 (HMM). The used options were \texttt{thumblink=rule}, \texttt{linefill=dots}, \texttt{height=auto}, \texttt{minheight=\{47pt\}}, \texttt{width={auto}}, \texttt{distance=\{2mm\}}, \newline \texttt{topthumbmargin=\{auto\}}, \texttt{bottomthumbmargin=\{auto\}}, \texttt{ignorehoffset=true}, \texttt{ignorevoffset=true}, \texttt{final=true},\texttt{hidethumbs=false}, and \texttt{verbose=true}. \noindent These are the default options, except \texttt{verbose=true}. For more details please see the documentation!\newline \textbf{Hyperlinks or not:} If the \textsf{hyperref} package is loaded, the references in the overview page for the thumb marks are also hyperlinked (except when option \texttt{thumblink=none} is used).\newline \bigskip {\color{teal} Save per page about $200\unit{ml}$ water, $2\unit{g}$ CO$_{2}$ and $2\unit{g}$ wood:\newline Therefore please print only if this is really necessary.}\newline \bigskip \textbf{% For testing purpose page \pageref{greenpage} has been completely coloured! \newline Better exclude it from printing\ldots \newline} \bigskip Some thumb mark texts are too large for the thumb mark (especially when the paper size and therefore also the thumb mark size is decreased). When option \texttt{width=\{autoauto\}} would be used, the thumb mark width would be automatically increased. \bigskip For printing this example to another format of paper (e.\,g. A4) it is necessary to add the according option (e.\,g. \verb|a4paper|) to the document class and recompile it! (In that case the thumb marks column change will occure at another point, of course.) With paper format equal to document format the document can be printed without adapting the size, like e.\,g. \textquotedblleft shrink to page\textquotedblright . That would add a white border around the document and by moving the thumb marks from the edge of the paper they no longer appear at the side of the stack of paper. It is also necessary to use a printer capable of printing up to the border of the sheet of paper. Alternatively it is possible after the printing to cut the paper to the right size. While performing this manually is probably quite cumbersome, printing houses use paper, which is slightly larger than the desired format, and afterwards cut it to format. \newpage \addtitlethumb{Frontmatter}{0}{white}{gray}{pagesLTS.0} At the first page no thumb mark was used, but we want to begin with thumb marks at the first page, therefore a \begin{verbatim} \addtitlethumb{Frontmatter}{0}{white}{gray}{pagesLTS.0} \end{verbatim} was used at the beginning of this page. \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage To include an overview page for the thumb marks, \begin{verbatim} \addthumbsoverviewtocontents{section}{Thumb marks overview}% \thumbsoverview{Table of Thumbs} \end{verbatim} is used, where \textbackslash addthumbsoverviewtocontents adds the thumb marks overview page to the table of contents. \addthumbsoverviewtocontents{section}{Thumb marks overview}% \thumbsoverview{Table of Thumbs} That were the overview pages for the thumb marks. \newpage \section{The first section} \addthumb{First section}{\space\Huge{\textbf{$1^ \textrm{st}$}}}{yellow}{green} \begin{verbatim} \addthumb{First section}{\space\Huge{\textbf{$1^ \textrm{st}$}}}{yellow}{green} \end{verbatim} A thumb mark is added for this section. The parameters are: title for the thumb mark, the text to be displayed in the thumb mark (choose your own format), the colour of the text in the thumb mark, and the background colour of the thumb mark (parameters in this order).\newline Now for some pages of \textquotedblleft content\textquotedblright\ldots \newpage \lipsum[1] \newpage \lipsum[1] \newpage \lipsum[1] \newpage \section{The second section} \addthumb{Second section}{\Huge{\textbf{\arabic{section}}}}{green}{yellow} For this section, the text to be displayed in the thumb mark was set to \begin{verbatim} \Huge{\textbf{\arabic{section}}} \end{verbatim} i.\,e. the number of the section will be displayed (huge \& bold).\newline Let us change the thumb mark on a page with an even number: \newpage \section{The third section} \addthumb{Third section}{\Huge{\textbf{\arabic{section}}}}{blue}{red} No problem! And you do not need to have a section to add a thumb: \newpage \addthumb{Still third section}{\Huge{\textbf{\arabic{section}b}}}{red}{blue} This is still the third section, but there is a new thumb mark. On the other hand, you can even get rid of the the thumb marks for some page(s): \newpage \stopthumb The command \begin{verbatim} \stopthumb \end{verbatim} was used here. Until another addthumb (with parameters) or \begin{verbatim} \continuethumb \end{verbatim} is used, there will be no more thumb marks. \newpage Still no thumb marks. \newpage Still no thumb marks. \newpage Still no thumb marks. \newpage \continuethumb Thumb mark continued (unchanged). \newpage Thumb mark continued (unchanged). \newpage Time for another thumb, \addthumb{Another heading}{Small text}{white}{black} and another. \addthumb{Huge Text}{\Huge{Huge Text}}{yellow}{green} \bigskip \textquotedblleft {\Huge{Huge Text}}\textquotedblright\ is too large for the thumb mark. When option \texttt{width=\{autoauto\}} would be used, the thumb mark width would be automatically increased.\label{HugeText} \addthumb{bold text }{\textbf{Bf Text}}{pink}{blue} \addthumb{Huge Bold Text}{\Huge{\textbf{HBT}}}{black}{yellow} \bigskip When there is more than one thumb mark at one page, this is also no problem. \newpage Some text \newpage Some text \newpage Some text \newpage \section{xcolor} \addthumb{xcolor}{\Huge{\textbf{xcolor}}}{magenta}{cyan} It is probably a good idea to have a look at the \textsf{xcolor} package and use other colours than used in this example. (About automatically increasing the thumb mark width to the thumb mark text width please see the note at page~\pageref{HugeText}.) \newpage \addthumb{A mark}{\Huge{\textbf{A}}}{lime}{darkgray} I just need to add further thumb marks to get them reaching the bottom of the page. Generally the vertical size of the thumb marks is set to the value given in the height option. If it is \texttt{auto}, the size of the thumb marks is decreased, so that they fit all on one page. But when they get smaller than \texttt{minheight}, instead of decreasing their size further, a~new thumbs column is started (which will happen here). \newpage \addthumb{B mark}{\Huge{\textbf{B}}}{brown}{pink} There! A new thumb column was started automatically! \newpage \addthumb{C mark}{\Huge{\textbf{C}}}{brown}{pink} You can, of course, keep the colour for more than one thumb mark. \newpage \addthumb{$1/1.\,955\,83$\, EUR}{\Huge{\textbf{D}}}{orange}{violet} I am just adding further thumb marks. If you are curiouse why the thumb mark between \textquotedblleft C mark\textquotedblright\ and \textquotedblleft E mark\textquotedblright\ has not been named \textquotedblleft D mark\textquotedblright\ but \textquotedblleft $1/1.\,955\,83$\, EUR\textquotedblright : $1\unit{DM}=1\unit{D\ Mark}=1\unit{Deutsche\ Mark}$\newline $=\frac{1}{1.\,955\,83}\,$\euro $\,=1/1.\,955\,83\unit{Euro}=1/1.\,955\,83\unit{EUR}$. \newpage Let us have a look at \verb|\thumbsoverviewverso|: \addthumbsoverviewtocontents{section}{Table of Thumbs, verso mode}% \thumbsoverviewverso{Table of Thumbs, verso mode} \newpage And, of course, also at \verb|\thumbsoverviewdouble|: \addthumbsoverviewtocontents{section}{Table of Thumbs, double mode}% \thumbsoverviewdouble{Table of Thumbs, double mode} \newpage \addthumb{E mark}{\Huge{\textbf{E}}}{lightgray}{black} I am just adding further thumb marks. \newpage \addthumb{F mark}{\Huge{\textbf{F}}}{magenta}{black} Some text. \newpage \thumbnewcolumn \addthumb{New thumb marks column}{\Huge{\textit{NC}}}{magenta}{black} There! A new thumb column was started manually! \newpage Some text. \newpage \addthumb{G mark}{\Huge{\textbf{G}}}{orange}{violet} I just added another thumb mark. \newpage \pagecolor{green} \makeatletter \@ifundefined{Hy@Warning}{% hyperref not loaded }{\phantomsection% hyperref loaded }% \makeatother \label{greenpage} Some faulty pdf-viewer sometimes (for the same document!) adds a white line at the bottom and right side of the document when presenting it. This does not change the printed version. To test for this problem, this page has been completely coloured. (Probably better exclude this page from printing!) \textsc{Heiko Oberdiek} wrote at Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:13:29 +0200 in the \newline comp.text.tex newsgroup (see e.\,g. \newline \url{http://groups.google.com/group/de.comp.text.tex/msg/b3aea4a60e1c3737}):\newline \textquotedblleft Der Ursprung ist 0 0, da gibt es nicht viel zu runden; bei den anderen Seiten werden pt als bp in die PDF-Datei geschrieben, d.h. der Balken ist um 72.27/72 zu gro\ss{}, das sollte auch Rundungsfehler abdecken.\textquotedblright (The origin is 0 0, there is not much to be rounded; for the other sides the $\unit{pt}$ are written as $\unit{bp}$ into the pdf-file, i.\,e. the rule is too large by $72.27/72$, which should cover also rounding errors.) The thumb marks are also too large - on purpose! This has been done to assure, that they cover the page up to its (paper) border, therefore they are placed a little bit over the paper margin. Now I red somwhere in the net (should have remembered to note the url), that white margins are presented, whenever there is some object outside of the page. Thus, it is a feature, not a bug?! What I do not understand: The same document sometimes is presented with white lines and sometimes without (same viewer, same PC).\newline But at least it does not influence the printed version. \newpage \pagecolor{white} It is possible to use the Table of Thumbs more than once (for example at the beginning and the end of the document) and to refer to them via e.\,g. \verb|\pageref{TableOfThumbs1}, \pageref{TableOfThumbs2}|,... , here: page \pageref{TableOfThumbs1}, page \pageref{TableOfThumbs2}, and via e.\,g. \verb|\pageref{TableOfThumbs}| it is referred to the last used Table of Thumbs (for compatibility with older package versions). If there is only one Table of Thumbs, this one is also the last one, of course. Here it is at page \pageref{TableOfThumbs}.\newline Now let us have a look at \verb|\thumbsoverviewback|: \addthumbsoverviewtocontents{section}{Table of Thumbs, back mode}% \thumbsoverviewback{Table of Thumbs, back mode} \newpage Text can be placed after any of the Tables of Thumbs, of course. \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `thumbs-example.tex'.