\documentclass[a4paper,article]{memoir} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} \usepackage{bera} \setsecnumdepth{part} \pagestyle{plain} \usepackage{xspace,listings,xcolor} \newcommand\pkg{\jobname\xspace} \newcommand\tpt{threeparttable\xspace} \definecolor{felinesrcbgcolor}{rgb}{1,1,0.85} \definecolor{austdblue}{cmyk}{1,0.8,0,0.15} \definecolor{nicered}{rgb}{.647,.129,.149} \lstset{ basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize, columns=fixed, backgroundcolor=\color{felinesrcbgcolor}, frame=single, extendedchars=true, framexleftmargin=3pt, numbers=none, numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily, escapeinside={X}{X}, } \usepackage[referable]{threeparttablex} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \title{A small extension to threeparttable \\ -- or bringing threeparttable to longtable} \author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email: daleif@imf.au.dk}} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \label{sec:introduction} Because of the measuring nature of the original \tpt environment, one cannot use it in combination with the longtable environment. This package makes up for this and brings \tpt to longtable, at the small cost of having to do things a little different when adding table notes to longtable. If asked for it, the pacakge will also enable the user to label and refer to table notes. \section{Prerequisites} \label{sec:prerequisites} The \pkg package requires the \tpt and environ packages to be available on your system. \section{Basic usage} \label{sec:basic-usage} The interface for the regular \tpt system has not changed. We add the following: \begin{description} \item[ThreePartTable] a very simple wrapper environment that should wrap around the entire longtable. (It actually does nothing else but enable the \cs{tnote} command). \item[TableNotes] an environment taking the same options as the normal table\-notes environment, write the table notes in this environment. It needs to be placed \emph{before} the longtable. It \emph{cannot} be added inside longtable. \item[\cs{insertTableNotes}] use this macro to insert the table notes inside the longtable. It is inserted via a special \cs{multicolumn}. If you add stuff after the table notes, e.g.\ a caption, you should remember to use \verb+\insertTableNotes\\+. \end{description} \noindent A longtable example could look like this: \begin{lstlisting} \begin{ThreePartTable} \begin{TableNotes} \item[a] A note \item[b] Another note \end{TableNotes} \begin{longtable}{l l} \toprule Column 1 & Column 2 \\ \midrule \endhead \cmidrule{2-2} \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{continued}} \endfoot \bottomrule \insertTableNotes \endlastfoot % the contents of the table A & B\tnote{a} \\ C\tnote{b} & D \\ \end{longtable} \end{ThreePartTable} \end{lstlisting} \section{Extending \tpt} \label{sec:extending-tpt} One thing missing in \tpt is the ability to refer to individual table notes. And even let \cs{tnote} pickup the note marker via a label (reducing the error-40 factor). By using the package option >>\texttt{referable}<< we will change a few \tpt internals such that \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item The manually specified note markers issued by \verb+\item[...]+ is referable, and \item \cs{tnotex}\marg{label} will refer to the table note identified by \meta{label}. (We do not want to change \cs{tnote}). In case you are using hyperref, there is also a \cs{tnotex*} that does not make the tnote into a hyperlink. \item \cs{setTableNoteFont}\marg{font commands} can be used to set the font inside tables notes. (default is empty) \end{enumerate} \section{Example} \label{sec:example} \begin{lstlisting} \begin{ThreePartTable} \begin{TableNotes} \item[a] \label{tn:a} test test test test test test test test \item[b] \label{tn:b} test2 \end{TableNotes} \begin{longtable}{l l l} \caption{A long table}\\ \toprule Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\ \midrule \endhead \cmidrule{3-3} \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{continued}} \endfoot \bottomrule \insertTableNotes\\ \endlastfoot AAAA\tnotex{tn:a} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\ % \newpage CC & & DD\tnotex{tn:b} \\ \end{longtable} \end{ThreePartTable} \begin{center} \begin{threeparttable} \caption{A regular tabular} \begin{tabular}{l l l} \toprule Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\ \midrule AAAA\tnote{c} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\ CC & & DD\tnotex*{tn:c} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \begin{tablenotes} \footnotesize \item[c] test test test test test test test test \item[d] \label{tn:c} the reference to this is not a link \end{tablenotes} \end{threeparttable} \end{center} \end{lstlisting} \noindent Resulting in: \begin{ThreePartTable} \begin{TableNotes} \item[a] \label{tn:a} test test test test test test test test \item[b] \label{tn:b} test2 \end{TableNotes} \begin{longtable}{l l l} \caption{A long table}\\ \toprule Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\ \midrule \endhead \cmidrule{3-3} \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{continued}} \endfoot \bottomrule \insertTableNotes\\ \endlastfoot AAAA\tnotex{tn:a} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\ % \newpage CC & & DD\tnotex{tn:b} \\ \end{longtable} \end{ThreePartTable} \begin{center} \begin{threeparttable} \caption{A regular tabular} \begin{tabular}{l l l} \toprule Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\ \midrule AAAA\tnote{c} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\ CC & & DD\tnotex*{tn:c} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \begin{tablenotes} \footnotesize \item[c] test test test test test test test test \item[d] \label{tn:c} the reference to this is not a link \end{tablenotes} \end{threeparttable} \end{center} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: