* thalie 0.10a (2019-02-24) * New translation: German (thanks Ekkart Kleinod). * Minor documentation updates. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.9b (2017-04-24) * Remove blank page at the beginning of documentation. * Add missing dependency. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.9a (2017-04-22) * Thalie.sty * Commands `\playmark`, `\actmark` and `\scenemark` no longer include label (e.g. "Act 1"). It is up to the user to add it or not. * Display default translations, even in language environments using non-latin characters where no latin font is available (closes #24). * Do not add a wrong indentation after character name in verse environment (closes #3). * Package options can be redefined anywhere in the document (closes #5). * Reduce vertical space around character names in style `imprimerie-verse` (closes #6). * Replace package [ifthen](http://ctan.org/pkg/ifthen) with package [etoolbox](http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox) (closes #29). * Style of ramatis personæ can be customized (closes #9 #15 #18 #19). * Use [translations](http://ctan.org/pkg/translations) to translate words ("act", "scene", etc.). * Documentation * Add sections *Examples* and *Localization*. * Add a note about non-latin characters and character style `bold` (closes #26). * Fix `\customact` example. * Various minor improvements. * README * Convert README from text to markdown. * Add examples. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.8 (2015-12-30) * Fix release errors in previous release. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.7 (2015-12-28) * Update project URL to http://framagit.org/spalax/thalie. * Add commands `\pauseverse`, `\resumeverse` and `\adjustverse`. * Add package option `xspace`. * Minor documentation improvements. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.6 (2014-06-26) * Add character style `imprimerie-verse`, `imprimerie-prose`, and `arden`. * Correct a lot of typos in documentation (thanks Per). * Better alignment of groups of characters. * Improve spacing (thanks Caroline). * Several documentation and core improvements. -- Louis Paternault * thalie 0.5 (2013-06-08) * Initial release. -- Louis Paternault