%%% Testing:colours, borders and margins \documentclass{article} \usepackage{textpos} \usepackage{color} \setlength{\TPHorizModule}{20pt} \setlength{\TPVertModule}\TPHorizModule \setlength\parindent{0pt} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \definecolor{Blue}{rgb}{0.8,0.8,1.0} \definecolor{Borders}{rgb}{0.8,1.0,0.8} \begin{textblock}{4}(0,0) \textblockcolour{Blue} Blue \end{textblock} \begin{textblock}{8}(14,0) \hrule width 8\TPHorizModule \vskip1\TPVertModule \hrule width 4\TPHorizModule \vskip1\TPVertModule \hrule width 2\TPHorizModule \vskip1\TPVertModule \hrule width 1\TPHorizModule \end{textblock} \begin{textblock}{12}(4,4) This text is inside a box with a blue background. The text is flush with the edge of the box, and the whole thing is twelve units wide. There's a second paragraph in here. \begin{itemize} \item Here is a list item. It should be appropriately narrower than the text around it, and specifically not abut the border. \item Here is a second item. \end{itemize} \end{textblock} \TPshowboxestrue \textblockrulecolour{red} \setlength\TPboxrulesize{0.25\TPHorizModule} \TPMargin{1\TPHorizModule} \begin{textblock}{4}(0,7) \textblockcolour{Blue} Blue \end{textblock} \begin{textblock}{12}(4,11) This text is also inside a box with a blue background. However, this time, there's a red border and a margin. The box as a whole is twelve units wide, and the text is correspondingly narrower. \begin{itemize} \item Here is a list item. It should be appropriately narrower than the text around it, and specifically not abut the border. \item Here is a second item. \end{itemize} \end{textblock} \TPMargin*{1\TPHorizModule} \begin{textblock}{4}(0,19) \textblockcolour{Blue} Blue \end{textblock} \tekstblokroolkulur{Borders} \begin{textblock}{12}(4,21) Finally, here is some text on a blue background with an unattractive green border. This time, the text is twelve units wide, and the box, and its border, is consequently wider than that. \begin{itemize} \item Here is a list item. It should be appropriately narrower than the text around it, and specifically not abut the border. \item Here is a second item. \end{itemize} Here's some final text, and a quotation: \begin{quotation} \noindent You shall see them on a beautiful quarto page, where a neat rivulet of text shall meander through a meadow of margin. \hfil\penalty50\hskip2em\hbox{}\nobreak\hfil \emph{--- Sheridan, The School for Scandal}\parfillskip=0pt \end{quotation} \end{textblock} \end{document}