\documentclass[widecs]{nlctdoc} \usepackage[marginpar=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{cmap} \usepackage{upquote} \usepackage{testidx} \usepackage[colorlinks, bookmarks, hyperindex=false, pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot}, pdftitle={testidx.sty: dummy text for testing indexes}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX,package,dummy text}]{hyperref} \IndexPrologue{\section*{\indexname} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indexname}% \markboth{\indexname}{\indexname}} \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} \renewcommand*{\main}[1]{\hyperpage{#1}} \renewcommand*{\usage}[1]{\hyperpage{#1}} \begin{document} \title{testidx.sty v1.0: dummy text for testing indexes} \author{Nicola L.C. Talbot\\[10pt] \url{http://www.dickimaw-books.com/}} \date{2016-10-17} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} The \styfmt{testidx} package is for testing indexes (\cs{index}, \env{theindex} and indexing applications, such as \app{makeindex} and \app{xindy}). As with packages like \sty{lipsum} and \sty{blindtext}, this package provides dummy text, but it's interspersed with \cs{index} commands. The filler text is English not lorum ipsum, as this makes it slightly easier to check the words in the index against the words in the document. (For those who don't understand English, it's at least no worse than lorum ipsum.) Example document: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} If the document is called, say, \texttt{myDoc.tex}, then the PDF can be built using: \begin{verbatim} pdflatex myDoc makeindex myDoc.idx pdflatex myDoc \end{verbatim} \begin{important} There will be warnings about multiple encaps. This is intentional to test how the indexing applications deal with this problem. \end{important} If you want to use \app{xindy}, you'll need to define the attributes (encaps) used in the dummy text. For example: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.xdy} ; list of allowed attributes (define-attributes (( "tstidxencapi" "tstidxencapii" "tstidxencapiii" ))) ; define format to use for locations (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapi{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapi") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapii") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapiii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapiii") (markup-locref-list :sep ",") (markup-range :sep "--") \end{filecontents*} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} If this document is called, say, \texttt{myDoc.tex} then the build process is: \begin{verbatim} pdflatex myDoc xindy -L english -C utf8 -M myDoc.xdy -M texindy -t myDoc.ilg myDoc.idx pdflatex myDoc \end{verbatim} You can substitute \texttt{english} for another language (for example, \texttt{swedish} or \texttt{danish}) to test how the extended Latin characters are sorted for a particular language. \XeLaTeX\ can be used instead: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.xdy} ; list of allowed attributes (define-attributes (( "tstidxencapi" "tstidxencapii" "tstidxencapiii" ))) ; define format to use for locations (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapi{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapi") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapii") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapiii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapiii") (markup-locref-list :sep ",") (markup-range :sep "--") \end{filecontents*} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} The build process is now: \begin{verbatim} xelatex myDoc xindy -L english -C utf8 -M myDoc.xdy -M texindy -t myDoc.ilg myDoc.idx xelatex myDoc \end{verbatim} (Similarly for \LuaLaTeX.) If you want to use \app{makeindex}'s \texttt{-g} option (German) you can use the package option \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman}, which will change the \app{makeindex} quote character to \texttt{+} but remember you need to add this to a style file. For example: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{ngerman} \usepackage[german]{testidx} \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.ist} quote '+' \end{filecontents*} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} This document can be built using: \begin{verbatim} pdflatex myDoc makeindex -g -s myDoc.sty myDoc.idx pdflatex myDoc \end{verbatim} (Note the different position of the \qt{Numbers} group in the index.) Alternatively: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[ngerman]{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{testidx} \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.ist} quote '+' \end{filecontents*} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} \section{Package Options} \label{sec:pkgopt} The following package options are provided: \begin{description} \item[\pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman}] This redefines the indexing \qt{quote} character to use \texttt{+} instead of the double-quote character. Remember to add this to your style file and call \app{makeindex} with the \texttt{-g} (German) switch. (See example above in the previous section.) This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxGermanOn] \cs{testidxGermanOn} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{nogerman}] Counteract the effect of the previous option. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxGermanOff] \cs{testidxGermanOff} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{stripaccents}] Strips accent commands from the sort key when using the ASCII option (see \sectionref{sec:exlatin}). This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxStripAccents] \cs{testidxStripAccents} \end{definition} Note that the \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman} package option won't strip the umlaut accent when used with this option. \item[\pkgopt{nostripaccents}] Doesn't strip accent commands from the sort key when using the ASCII option (see \sectionref{sec:exlatin}). This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxNoStripAccents] \cs{testidxNoStripAccents} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{sanitize}] Sanitize the terms before indexing them when using the UTF-8 option to prevent the UTF-8 characters from being expanded to \sty{inputenc}'s internal macros such as \cs{IeC}. This option is the default unless \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\ are in use. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxSanitizeOn] \cs{testidxSanitizeOn} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{nosanitize}] Don't sanitize the terms before indexing them when using the UTF-8 option. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxSanitizeOff] \cs{testidxSanitizeOff} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{showmarks}] (Default.) Show the location of the \cs{index} commands in the dummy text with markers. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxshowmarkstrue] \cs{testidxshowmarkstrue} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{hidemarks} or \pkgopt{noshowmarks}] Hide the markers. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxshowmarksfalse] \cs{testidxshowmarksfalse} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{verbose}] Show the actual indexing commands within the dummy text. This will most likely cause a high number of overfull lines. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxverbosetrue] \cs{testidxverbosetrue} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{noverbose}] (Default.) Cancel the \pkgopt{verbose} option. This option may also be implemented using \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidxverbosefalse] \cs{testidxverbosefalse} \end{definition} \item[\pkgopt{notestencaps}] Suppress the testing of the encaps. Note that this only affects the commands used within \ics{testidx}, which have an optional argument to specify the encap. Some of these commands have the default value of the optional argument set to one of the test encaps. This option changes the command definition so that the optional argument is blank. Therefore this setting can only be used as a package option. However, this doesn't prevent you from explicitly testing an encap either directly using \ics{index} (e.g.\ \verb"\index{word|emph}") or implicitly using one of the helper commands described in the documented code (e.g.\ \verb"\tstidxsty[emph]{testidx}"). \item[\pkgopt{testencaps}] (Default.) Cancels the \pkgopt{notestencaps} option. This option ensures that \ics{testidx} uses the three test encaps. \end{description} \section{Basic Commands} \label{sec:basic} This section only covers the basic commands provided by \styfmt{testidx}. For more advanced commands, see the documented code. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\testidx] \cs{testidx}\oarg{blocks} \end{definition} This is the principle command provided by this package. It generates the predefined dummy text that's interspersed with indexing commands. There are \number\tstidxmaxblocks\ blocks in total. This number can be accessed through the register: \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxmaxblocks] \cs{tstidxmaxblocks} \end{definition} If the optional argument \oarg{blocks} is omitted, all the blocks will be used. Each block starts with a number identifying it. This number prefix is formatted using: \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxprefixblock] \cs{tstidxprefixblock}\marg{n} \end{definition} where \meta{n} is the block number. If you want to suppress the number prefix, just redefine this command to ignore its argument. By default, the blocks are separated by a paragraph break. If the starred form is used, the blocks are separated by a~space. Note that some of the blocks contain paragraph breaks for displayed material. The starred form won't eliminate paragraph breaks \emph{within} the blocks, just those used as separators between the blocks. The intention of the dummy text is to provide an index that should typically span at least three pages for A4 or letter paper, to allow testing of headers and footers across a double-paged spread. Some of the indexing commands intentionally cause warnings from \app{makeindex} to test for certain situations. Phrases are indexed as well as just individual words to increase the chances of indexed terms spanning a page break. However, the page dimensions, fonts and other material in the document will obviously alter where the page breaks occur. You can display only a subset of the blocks using the optional argument, which may be a comma-separated list of block identifiers or hyphen-separated range. Note that some of the blocks contain the start or end of an indexing range. If you only display a subset of the blocks that contains any of these, you need to make sure that you include the blocks that contain matching open and closing ranges (unless you're testing for mis-matched ranges). The optional argument may be a mixture of individual block identifiers and ranges. Examples: \begin{enumerate} \item Just display block~6: \begin{verbatim} \testidx[6] \end{verbatim} \item Display blocks~4 to 6: \begin{verbatim} \testidx[4-6] \end{verbatim} \item Display blocks~1, 4 to 6, and the last block: \begin{verbatim} \testidx[1,4-6,\tstidxmaxblocks] \end{verbatim} \item Intersperse the blocks with sections: \begin{verbatim} \section{Sample} \testidx[1-6] \section{Another Sample} \testidx[7-\tstidxmaxblocks] \end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} If for some bizarre and wacky reason you want the blocks in the reverse order, you can do so. For example: \begin{verbatim} \testidx[\tstidxmaxblocks-1] \end{verbatim} However the open and close range formations are likely to confuse \app{makeindex}\slash\app{xindy}, but perhaps that's your intention. Just remember to stay within the range 1--\cs{tstidxmaxblocks} as you'll get an error if you go out of those bounds. The actual indexing is performed using: \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstindex] \cs{tstindex}\marg{text} \end{definition} This defaults to just \cs{index}\marg{text} but may be redefined. For example, if you are testing multiple indexes, you can redefine \cs{tstindex} to use a specific index. The dummy text includes markers to identify where the instances of \cs{tstindex} have been used. To reduce the possibility of package conflict, \styfmt{testidx} loads a bare minimum of packages\footnote{only \sty{color}, \sty{ifxetex} and \sty{ifluatex} are loaded} and tries to rely as much as possible on \LaTeX\ kernel commands, so the markers are fairly primitive. If you prefer fancier markers, you can change them by redefining the commands listed below. Multiple markers in the dummy text indicate multiple instances of \cs{tstindex} without any intervening text. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxmarker] \cs{tstidxmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a top-level entry that doesn't start or end a range. Default: \tstidxmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxopenmarker] \cs{tstidxopenmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a top-level entry that starts a range. Default: \tstidxopenmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxclosemarker] \cs{tstidxclosemarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a top-level entry that ends a range. Default: \tstidxclosemarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxsubmarker] \cs{tstidxsubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-entry that doesn't start or end a range. Default: \tstidxsubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxopensubmarker] \cs{tstidxopensubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-entry that starts a range. Default: \tstidxopensubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxclosesubmarker] \cs{tstidxclosesubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-entry that ends a range. Default: \tstidxclosesubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxsubsubmarker] \cs{tstidxsubsubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-sub-entry that doesn't start or end a range. Default: \tstidxsubsubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxopensubsubmarker] \cs{tstidxopensubsubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-sub-entry that starts a range. Default: \tstidxopensubsubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxclosesubsubmarker] \cs{tstidxclosesubsubmarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} for a sub-sub-entry that ends a range. Default: \tstidxclosesubsubmarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxseemarker] \cs{tstidxseemarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} that uses a cross-reference. Additionally, the cross-referenced information will appear in a marginal note. Default: \tstidxseemarker \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxsubseemarker] \cs{tstidxsubseemarker} \end{definition} This is the marker used to show an instance of \cs{tstindex} that uses a cross-reference in a sub-entry. Default: \tstidxsubseemarker\ (the sub-level and cross-reference markers superimposed, not to be confused with a sub-level marker followed by a cross-reference marker, which indicates consecutive occurrences of \cs{tstindex}). As above the cross-reference information appears in a marginal note. The main term and the sub-entry term are separated with the symbol given by \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxsubseesep] \cs{tstidxsubseesep} \end{definition} which defaults to \tstidxsubseesep There are three encap values used: \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxencapi] \cs{tstidxencapi}\marg{location} \end{definition} \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxencapii] \cs{tstidxencapii}\marg{location} \end{definition} \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxencapiii] \cs{tstidxencapiii}\marg{location} \end{definition} By default these just set \meta{location} in a different text colour. If you are using \app{xindy}, you'll need to add these to a \texttt{.xdy} file that can be loaded using \app{xindy}'s \texttt{-M} switch. For example, include the following in your \texttt{.xdy} file: \begin{verbatim} ; list of allowed attributes (define-attributes (( "tstidxencapi" "tstidxencapii" "tstidxencapiii" ))) ; define format to use for locations (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapi{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapi") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapii") (markup-locref :open "\tstidxencapiii{" :close "}" :attr "tstidxencapiii") \end{verbatim} You may also want to add the list and range separators, if you haven't already done so: \begin{verbatim} (markup-locref-list :sep ",") (markup-range :sep "--") \end{verbatim} The \cs{tstindex} command is sometimes placed before the term or phrase being indexed and sometimes afterwards. To clarify what's being indexed, the adjacent word or phrase is surrounded by \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxtext] \cs{tstidxtext}\marg{text} \end{definition} This defaults to using a dark grey text colour. If an encap has been used, the corresponding encap command (see above) is included within the argument of \cs{tstidxtext}: \begin{definition} \cs{tstidxtext}\{\meta{cs}\marg{text}\} \end{definition} where \meta{cs} is the encap command. This means that with the default definitions, the dark grey text colour will only be visible when there's no encap, as the encap command will override the colour change. Note that the marker is included within \meta{text}. Some of the examples have consecutive uses of \cs{tstindex}, such as a top-level entry followed by a sub-entry. For example, a person's name is indexed twice: \begin{verbatim} Donald Knuth\index{Knuth, Donald}\index{people!Knuth, Donald} \end{verbatim} (It's actually done using \verb|\tstidxperson{Donald}{Knuth}| for better consistency. These markup commands typically won't need changing, but if they do, see the documented code for further detail.) Example: \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand*{\tstindex}[1]{} \textsf{\testidx[1,\tstidxmaxblocks]} \end{verbatim} produces the two paragraphs (first and last blocks) shown below: \medskip\par \renewcommand*{\tstindex}[1]{} \textsf{\testidx[1,\tstidxmaxblocks]} \par\medskip Note that I've redefined \cs{tstindex} to ignore its argument in this document so those terms won't actually be indexed in this case. The block references (such as \qt{block~1}) in the dummy text don't use the standard \cs{label}\slash\cs{ref} mechanism as the references must still work even if the referenced block has been omitted. This means they won't have hyperlinks even if you include the \sty{hyperref} package as the target may not be defined. They are provided primarily so you can easily find out which blocks need adding if you're only using a subset and need to close a range. \section{Indexing Special Characters} \label{sec:idxspchars} If you need to change the indexing special characters, you can redefine the commands listed in this section. Remember that you will also need to make the relevant changes to your indexing style file. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxquote] \cs{tstidxquote} \end{definition} The \qt{quote} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxquote}. Note that the \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman} package option will automatically redefine \cs{tstidxquote} to \texttt{+} (plus). \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxactual] \cs{tstidxactual} \end{definition} The \qt{actual} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxactual}. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxlevel] \cs{tstidxlevel} \end{definition} The \qt{level} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxlevel}. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxencap] \cs{tstidxencap} \end{definition} The \qt{encap} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxencap}. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxopenrange] \cs{tstidxopenrange} \end{definition} The \qt{open range} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxopenrange}. \begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro\tstidxcloserange] \cs{tstidxcloserange} \end{definition} The \qt{close range} character. The default is: \texttt{\tstidxcloserange}. \section{Extended Latin Characters} \label{sec:exlatin} The dummy text includes words or phrases that have extended Latin characters. There are two modes: \begin{description} \item[ASCII] This mode is on \emph{unless} you are using \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX, or the document has loaded \sty{inputenc} with the encoding set to \pkgopt{utf8}. Example that will switch on ASCII mode: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} \item[UTF-8] This mode is on \emph{if} you are using \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX, or if the document has loaded \sty{inputenc} with the encoding set to \pkgopt{utf8}. Example that will switch on UTF-8 mode: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} Or \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{testidx} \makeindex \begin{document} \testidx \printindex \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{description} When the ASCII mode is on, words or phrases with UTF-8 characters use the standard \LaTeX\ accent commands, such as \cs{'} (acute accent) or \cs{o} (\o). There are two package options that determine whether or not to include these commands in the sort key: \pkgopt{stripaccents} will remove the accent commands (except for the umlaut shortcut \verb|"| if the \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman} package option has been used), and \pkgopt{nostripaccents} will keep the accent commands in the sort key. For example, with the ASCII mode on with the \pkgopt{stripaccents} option, \qt{Anders Jonas \AA ngstr\"om} is indexed as \begin{verbatim} Angstrom, Anders Jonas@\AA ngstr\""om, Anders Jonas \end{verbatim} unless the \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman} option is on, in which case it's indexed as \begin{verbatim} Angstr"om, Anders Jonas@\AA ngstr"om, Anders Jonas \end{verbatim} Whereas with the \pkgopt{nostripaccents} option, this name is indexed as \begin{verbatim} \r Angstr\""om, Anders Jonas@\AA ngstr\""om, Anders Jonas \end{verbatim} unless the \pkgopt{german} or \pkgopt{ngerman} option is on, in which case it's indexed as \begin{verbatim} \r Angstr"om, Anders Jonas@\AA ngstr"om, Anders Jonas \end{verbatim} When the UTF-8 mode is on, UTF-8 characters are used instead. For example, \qt{Anders Jonas \AA ngstr\"om} is indexed as \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily \AA ngstr\"om, Anders Jonas \end{flushleft} (The \pkgopt{stripaccents} and \pkgopt{nostripaccents} options are ignored.) \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX\ both natively support UTF-8, so when either of those engines are in use, the UTF-8 characters will be written to the indexing file as they are. So the above example will appear in the \texttt{.idx} file as: \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily \cs{indexentry}\{\AA ngstr\"om, Anders Jonas\}\marg{location} \end{flushleft} Regular \LaTeX\ requires the \sty{inputenc} package to support UTF-8 characters, but each UTF-8 character is treated as two tokens (the first and second octets) where the first token is an active character that takes the second token as the argument. This means that expansion will occur when writing these active characters to an external file. This means that the above will appear in the \texttt{.idx} file as: \begin{verbatim} \indexentry{\IeC {\r A}ngstr\IeC {\"o}m, Anders Jonas}{3} \end{verbatim} (where 3 is the page number). Since this can confuse the indexing application, \styfmt{testidx} provides a \pkgopt{sanitize} package option which will first sanitize the UTF-8 characters before indexing them. This option is on by default for regular \LaTeX\ and off for \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX. You can switch it off using the \pkgopt{nosanitize} package option. Whether it should be on or off really depends on what you want to test. For example, if you want to test how an indexing application deals with UTF-8 characters, then switch it on, but if you want to test how your indexing command (whatever \cs{tstindex} is defined as) behaves with these characters, then switch it off. Note that this \pkgopt{sanitize} option isn't adjusting the definition of \cs{index} or \cs{tstindex}, but is essentially pretending that the user is doing something like: \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily\obeylines \cs{makeatletter} Anders Jonas \AA ngstr\"om\% \cs{def}\cs{tmp}\{\AA ngstr\"om, Anders Jonas\}\% \cs{@onelevel@sanitize}\cs{tmp} \cs{exandafter}\cs{index}\cs{expandafter}\{\cs{tmp}\}\% \cs{edef}\cs{tmp}\{people\cs{tstidxlevel}\cs{tmp}\}\% \cs{exandafter}\cs{index}\cs{expandafter}\{\cs{tmp}\}\% \end{flushleft} instead of simulating: \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily\obeylines Anders Jonas \AA ngstr\"om\% \cs{tstindex}\{\AA ngstr\"om, Anders Jonas\}\% \cs{tstindex}\{people\tstidxlevel\AA ngstr\"om, Anders Jonas\}\% \end{flushleft} Note that the sanitization isn't applied to the entire argument of \cs{tstindex}, but only selected parts of it. \PrintIndex \end{document}