% Version control information: \svnid{$Id: example_chap1.tex 211 2009-02-27 13:58:39Z martin $} \svnidlong {$HeadURL: svn+ssh://scharrer-online.de/home/martin/svn/src/trunk/latex/svn-multi-2/example_chap1.tex $} {$LastChangedDate: 2009-02-27 13:58:39 +0000 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009) $} {$LastChangedRevision: 211 $} {$LastChangedBy: martin $} \chapter{Example Chapter} \section{Version} \subsection*{This chapter} % \url is needed because there is an underscore in the name % The package 'underscore' seems not to work properly, so the 'hyperref' % package is used which is not the best solution. Avoid underscore in LaTeX filenames. Filename: \svnnolinkurl{\svnkw{Filename}}\\ URL: \url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}\\ % Something like \href{\svnkw{HeadURL}}{Download} works also! \textbf{Last change}\\ Revision: \svnfilerev\\ Date: \svnfiledate\\ Year: \svnfileyear\\ Time: \svnfilehour:\svnfileminute:\svnfilesecond\ \svnfiletimezone00\\ Timezone: \svnfiletimezonehour : \svnfiletimezoneminute\\ Author: \svnfileauthor\\ \subsection*{Whole document} Filename: \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainfilename}\\ URL: \url{\svnmainurl}\\ \textbf{Last change}\\ Revision: \svnrev\\ Date: \svndate\\ Year: \svnyear\\ Time: \svnhour:\svnminute:\svnsecond\ \svntimezone00\\ Timezone: \svntimezonehour : \svntimezoneminute\\ Author: \svnauthor\\ % [...] \section{Tests} \svnRegisterRevision{14}{Test} Registered author name: \svnFullAuthor{\svnfileauthor}\\ Registered revision name: \svnFullRevision{\svnfilerev}\\ Registered author name (*): \svnFullAuthor*{\svnfileauthor}\\ Registered revision name (*): \svnFullRevision*{\svnfilerev}\\ \subsubsection*{Behaviour if value is not registered:} Not registered user name: \svnFullAuthor{someusername}\\ Not registered revision name: \svnFullRevision{12}\\ Not registered user name (*): \svnFullAuthor*{someusername}\\ Not registered revision name (*): \svnFullRevision*{12}\\