% Version control information: \svnidlong {$HeadURL: file://somewhere/example_chap1.tex $} {$LastChangedDate: 2006-05-26 14:37:12 +0100 (Fri, 26 May 2006) $} {$LastChangedRevision: 14 $} {$LastChangedBy: johnd $} \svnid{$Id: example_chap1.tex 14 2006-05-26 14:37:12Z johnd $} \chapter{Example Chapter} Text ... \section{Version} \subsection*{This chapter} % \url is needed because there is an underscore in the name % The package 'underscore' seems not to work properly, so the 'hyperref' % package is used which is not the best solution. Avoid underscore in LaTeX filenames. Filename: \url{\svnkw{Filename}}\\ URL: \url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}\\ % Something like \href{\svnkw{HeadURL}}{Download} works also! Last change:\\ Revision: \svnfilerev\\ Date: \svnfiledate\\ Author: \svnfileauthor\\ \subsection*{Whole document} Last change:\\ Revision: \svnrev\\ Date: \svndate\\ Author: \svnauthor\\ % [...]