% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode \documentclass[11pt]{ltxdockit} \usepackage{btxdockit} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[polutonikogreek,italian,english]{babel} \usepackage[babel,italian=guillemets]{csquotes} \usepackage[% style=philosophy-classic, library=true, natbib=true, hyperref]{biblatex} \bibliography{bibliografia-suftesi} \usepackage{guit} \usepackage{booktabs,multirow} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{epigraph} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{tikz,layouts} \printinunitsof{pt} \usepackage{mdframed} \usepackage[suftesi]{frontespizio} \usepackage{sectsty} \sectionfont{\spotcolor} \subsectionfont{\spotcolor} \subsubsectionfont{\spotcolor} \paragraphfont{\spotcolor} \subparagraphfont{\spotcolor} \hypersetup{% pdftitle={User's Guide to \sty{suftesi}}, pdfsubject={A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles}, pdfauthor={Ivan Valbusa}, pdfkeywords={thesis, humanities, books}, citecolor=spot} %****************************************************************** \rcsid{$Id: suftesi.tex,v 0.5 2011/05/16 17:00:00 valbusa beta $} \titlepage{% title= {User's Guide to \sty{suftesi}}, subtitle={A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles}, url={http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/suftesi}, author={Ivan Valbusa}, email={ivan.valbusa@univr.it}, revision={\rcsrevision}, date={\rcstoday}} %****************************************************************** \DeclareRobustCommand*{\ar}[1]{\texttt{\char`\{#1\char`\}}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\oar}[1]{\texttt{[#1]}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\meta}[1]{% $\langle${\normalfont\itshape#1\kern0.12em }$\rangle$} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\arm}[1]{\ar{\meta{#1}}} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\oarm}[1]{\oar{\meta{#1}}} \newcommand{\quoteskip}{.5\baselineskip plus .1\baselineskip minus .1\baselineskip} \newlength{\normalparindent} \setlength{\normalparindent}{\parindent} \newenvironment{genquote}[1][] {\par\nobreak \addvspace{\quoteskip} \parindent0pt \hangafter0 \hangindent2\normalparindent #1} {\par\addvspace{\quoteskip}\noindent\ignorespacesafterend} \newenvironment{ttquote} {\genquote[\ttfamily\microtypesetup{activate=false}]} {\endgenquote} \newcommand{\new}{\marginpar{\textbf{\textcolor{red}{NEW!}}}} \frenchspacing \begin{document} \raggedright \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \begin{abstract} The \sty{suftesi} class %is based on the standard \sty{book} class and provides a set of page layouts, title styles and heading styles for typesetting theses, books and articles. It is based on the standard \sty{book} class and inspired by the works of \textcite{Bringhurst:1996}, \textcite{Tschichold:1975} and \textcite{Morison:1111}. \end{abstract} %********************************************* \section*{Note on copyright} %********************************************* Copyright \copyright\ 2009-2010 Ivan Valbusa. This package is author-maintained. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c.\footnote{\url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt}.} In addition to the terms of this license the author requires an attribution notice like the following one: \begin{center} \textcolor{spot}{This work has been typeset with \LaTeX{}, using the \textsf{suftesi} class by Ivan Valbusa.} \end{center} You can use the \cmd{colophon}, \cmd{bookcolophon} or \cmd{artcolophon} commands explained in section \ref{sec:comandi}. %********************************************* \subsection*{Warning for newbies} %********************************************* The most important feature of this class is the set of styles it provides. For this reason: \begin{center} \textcolor{spot}{\textsc{please do not modify the styles of this class!\\ if you do not like these styles, use another class.}} \end{center} If you use \sty{suftesi}{} in a document typeset with another class (for example \sty{book}), remember to clean up the preamble from all the layout redefinitions. %********************************************* \subsection*{Loaded packages} %********************************************* The class loads the following packages: \sty{beramono}, \sty{calc}, \sty{caption}, \sty{color}, \sty{enumitem}, \sty{emptypage}, \sty{epigraph}, \sty{fancyhdr}, \sty{fontenc}, \sty{footmisc}, \sty{geometry}, \sty{ifluatex}, \sty{ifxetex}, \sty{iwona}, \sty{mathpazo}, \sty{metalogo}, \sty{microtype}, \sty{mparhack}, \sty{multicol}, \sty{textcase}, \sty{titlesec}, \sty{titletoc}, \sty{varioref}. \section{Class features} %********************************************* \subsection{Layout} %********************************************* The standard document classes allow you to typeset beautiful documents but their layout is quite far from the stylistic requests of some humanists (especially italian). The styles provided by \sty{suftesi} are very simple and sober, and also have the aim of finding in the formal simplicity an aesthetic harmony. They are largely inspired by some beautiful readings, particularly \textcite{Bringhurst:1996}, \textcite{Tschichold:1975} and \textcite{Morison:1111}. Table~\ref{tab:gabbia} summarizes the main features of the styles provided by \sty{suftesi}. \begin{table}[h] \centering \caption[Misure e proporzioni degli elementi della pagina]{Misure e proporzioni degli elementi della pagina.} \label{tab:gabbia} \begin{tabular}{lccccc} \toprule & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Option (pt)}\\\cmidrule{2-6} & (default) & \opt{11pt} & \opt{compact} & \opt{supercompact} & \opt{elements} \\\midrule Text width & $312$ & $324$ & $312$ & $284$ & $251$\\ Text height & $624$ & $648$ & $470$ & $430$ & $502$\\ Marginal notes width & $82$ & $82$ & $65$ & $50$ & $60$\\[1ex] &\multicolumn{5}{c}{Proportions}\\\cmidrule{2-6} \multirow{2}*{Margins\quad{\parbox{1.3cm}{top/botoom\\outer/inner}}} & $1:2$ & $1:2$ & $2:3$ & $2:3$& $1.376$ \\ &$1:2$&$1:2$ & $2:3$ & $2:3$ & $1/2$\\%\midrule Text block & $1:2$& $1:2$ & $2:3$ & $2:3$ & $1/2$\\ Page & $1:\sqrt{2}$& $1:\sqrt{2}$ & $2:3$ & $2:3$ & $1/\sqrt{3}$\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} %********************************************* \subsection{Font} %********************************************* The default font for body text is Palatino designed by Hermann Zapf\index{Zapf, Hermann}.\footnote{Using \XeLaTeX{} the \LaTeX{} default font is loaded and the font options are turned off.} The sans serif font is Iwona designed by Janusz M.~Nowacki\index{Nowacki, Janusz M.}. This choice is inspired by \emph{L'arte di scrivere con \LaTeX{}} \parencite{Pantieri:2011}. If you prefer to use other fonts (such as those provided by \sty{fourier}, \sty{lmodern} or \sty{libertine} packages), remember to load the class option \opt{defaultfont}, which turns off the \sty{suftesi}{} font settings. Moreover pay particular attention in choosing the greek font. %********************************************* \subsubsection{Greek alphabet} %********************************************* The default font for the greek text is Artemisia by the Greek Font Society, which is very suitable for Palatino: \begin{quotation} %Il filosofo Aristotele\index{Aristotele} è nato a Stagira Alla Natura che ogni cosa dona e ogni cosa riprende \dots %\marginpar{\emph{Artemisia}} \begin{otherlanguage*}{polutonikogreek}% \fontfamily{artemisia}\selectfont Th| p`anta dido`ush| ka'i >apolambano`ush| f`usei id`hmwn l`egei; <ap`olabe, <'o j`eleic>>. L`egei d'e to~uto o>u katajrasun`omenos, >all'a peijarq~wn m`onon ka'i e>uno~wn a>ut~h|. %Ἀριστοτέλης, ὁ φιλόσοφος, Σταγειρίτης ἦν τὸ γένος. ἐγένετο δὲ τῶι ἔτει τπδ´. ὀκτωκαιδέκατον ἔτος ἔχων, εἰς Ἀθήνας ἦλθε καὶ συσταθεὶς Πλάτωνι, διέτριψε παρὰ αὐτὸν εἴκοσιν ἔτη. \end{otherlanguage*} \end{quotation} With the \opt{porson} option you can use the Porson font by the Greek Font Society: \begin{quotation} %Il filosofo Aristotele\index{Aristotele} è nato a Stagira Alla Natura che ogni cosa dona e ogni cosa riprende \dots %\marginpar{\emph{Porson}} \begin{otherlanguage*}{greek}% \fontfamily{porson}\selectfont Th| p`anta dido`ush| ka'i >apolambano`ush| f`usei id`hmwn l`egei; <ap`olabe, <'o j`eleic>>. L`egei d'e to~uto o>u katajrasun`omenos, >all'a peijarq~wn m`onon ka'i e>uno~wn a>ut~h|.%Ἀριστοτέλης, ὁ φιλόσοφος, Σταγειρίτης ἦν τὸ γένος. ἐγένετο δὲ τῶι ἔτει τπδ´. ὀκτωκαιδέκατον ἔτος ἔχων, εἰς Ἀθήνας ἦλθε καὶ συσταθεὶς Πλάτωνι, διέτριψε παρὰ αὐτὸν εἴκοσιν ἔτη. \end{otherlanguage*} \end{quotation} The \opt{defaultgreek} option allows you to use the standard CB Greek font:\footnote{This option is also activated by the \opt{defaultfont} option (see section \ref{sec:options}).} \begin{quotation} %Il filosofo Aristotele\index{Aristotele} è nato a Stagira Alla Natura che ogni cosa dona e ogni cosa riprende \dots{} %\marginpar{\emph{CB Greek}} \begin{otherlanguage*}{greek}% \fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont Th| p`anta dido`ush| ka'i >apolambano`ush| f`usei id`hmwn l`egei; <ap`olabe, <'o j`eleic>>. L`egei d'e to~uto o>u katajrasun`omenos, >all'a peijarq~wn m`onon ka'i e>uno~wn a>ut~h|.%Ἀριστοτέλης, ὁ φιλόσοφος, Σταγειρίτης ἦν τὸ γένος. ἐγένετο δὲ τῶι ἔτει τπδ´. ὀκτωκαιδέκατον ἔτος ἔχων, εἰς Ἀθήνας ἦλθε καὶ συσταθεὶς Πλάτωνι, διέτριψε παρὰ αὐτὸν εἴκοσιν ἔτη. \end{otherlanguage*} \end{quotation} %********************************************* \subsection{Frontispiece} %********************************************* The class has a original frontispiece now directly available loading the \sty{frontespizio} package \parencite{Gregorio:frontespizio}\footnote{Version 1.4 or later.} with the \opt{suftesi} option (see the example in the next page): \begin{ttquote} \cmd{usepackage}[suftesi]\ar{frontespizio} \end{ttquote} For use this frontispiece with the \opt{compact}, \opt{supercompact} and \opt{elements} options you will need to manually change the default margins with the command: \begin{ttquote} \cmd{Margini}\ar{\meta{left}}\ar{\meta{bottom}}\ar{\meta{right}}\ar{\meta{top}} \end{ttquote} %% frontespizio %*************************************************************************** \clearpage \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{frontespizio} \Universita{Paperopoli} \Logo{logo} \Facolta{Pennutologia} \Corso{Belle Lettere} \Annoaccademico{2030--2031} \Titoletto{Tesi di laurea magistrale} \Titolo{La mia tesi:\\ una lunga serie di risultati\\ difficilissimi e complicatissimi} \Sottotitolo{Alcune considerazioni mutevoli} \Candidato[PP999999]{Paperino Paolino} \Relatore{Giovanni Episcopo} \Relatore{Pippo Cluvio} \Correlatore{Ugo Frogio} \Correlatore{Ubaldo Kutuzu} \end{frontespizio} %********************************************* \section{Options}\label{sec:options} %********************************************* In addition to the options defined by the \sty{book} document class, \sty{suftesi} accepts the following new options. \subsection{Page layout} \begin{ltxsyntax} \optitem{compact} Prints a typeblock of $14 \si{cm} \times 21 \si{cm}$ on a A4 paper, showing the crop marks (see table \ref{tab:gabbia} for details). The \cmd{crop[off]} command turns off the crop marks. \optitem{supercompact} The same as \opt{compact} but with a typeblock of $16 \si{cm} \times 24 \si{cm}$ (see table \ref{tab:gabbia} for details). \optitem{elements} Reproduces the layout of \citetitle{Bringhurst:1996} by Robert \citeauthor{Bringhurst:1996} (see table \ref{tab:gabbia} for details). \optitem{nocrop} Prints a \textsc{pdf} with page dimensions according to the \opt{compact}, \opt{supercompact} and \opt{elements} options. \optitem{nomarginpar} Disables the \cmd{marginpar} command. This option is useful for the two ``compact'' layouts. \optitem{11pt} Sets the font size at $11\si{pt}$ and resizes the text block dimensions. \end{ltxsyntax} \subsection{Titles and headings} \begin{ltxsyntax} \optitem{sctitles} Prints the headings and the chapter (section) titles in small caps. \optitem{centertitle} Centers the chapter title and number, with the chapter title below the number. \optitem{sufelements} Loads the \opt{sctitles} class option and prints the chapter numbers according to the \opt{elements} option. \optitem{centerheadings} Prints the page number in the center of the footer, the string ``Chapter $n$'' in the header of even pages and the chapter title in the header of odd pages. \optitem{sufplain} Prints no headers and puts the page number in the center of the footer. \optitem{authortitle} Changes the content of the headings. It prints the author's name on the even numbered pages and the title on the odd ones. This option can be combined with the other options seen above. In order to use this option the \cmd{title} and \cmd{author} commands are required. \optitem{article} This option is aimed to typeset articles or short theses (that is to say without chapter divisions) in a two side document. \optitem{bozza} Prints the following note in the footer: \begin{quote} Version of \meta{data documento} \end{quote} \optitem{plain} An older name of the \opt{centerheadings} option. Disabled since version 0.6. \optitem{fullplain} An older name of the \opt{sufplain} option. Disabled since version 0.6. \end{ltxsyntax} \subsection{Fonts} \begin{ltxsyntax} \optitem{artemisia} Loads the Artemisia font (default). \optitem{porson} Loads the Porson font. \optitem{defaultgreek} Loads the standard CB~Greek font. \optitem{defaultfont} Loads the \LaTeX{} standard font and set the \cmd{baselineskip} to the standard default. \optitem{disablefront} Disabled since version 0.5. \end{ltxsyntax} %********************************************* \section{Commands}\label{sec:comandi} %********************************************* The class defines the following new commands. \begin{ltxsyntax} \cmditem{colophon}[OS]{name and surname}{additional info} Prints a page with a copyright notice and the colophon in the bottom. If you don't like the copyright notice leave the second argument of the command empty: \begin{ttquote} \cmd{colophon\oarm{OS}\{\}\arm{info aggiuntive}} \end{ttquote} With the \opt{article} option, you can use the \cmd{artcolophon} command (see below) or the \cmd{thanks} command: \begin{ttquote} \cmd{author}\{\meta{Name Surname}\cmd{thanks}\{This work has been typeset with \LaTeX{},\\ using the \cmd{textsf}\{suftesi\} cass by Ivan Valbusa\}.\} \end{ttquote} \cmditem{bookcolophon}{copyright notice}{attribution notice and other informations} This command is similar to \cmd{colophon} but more customizable. The first argument prints its content (usually the copyright notice) in the center of the page. The second argument prints its content at the bottom, preceded by the title ``Colophon''. For example: {\begin{verbatim} \colophon{Copyright © 2007 by Ivan Valbusa}{This work has been typeset with \LaTeX, using the \sty{suftesi} class by Ivan Valbusa\index{Valbusa, Ivan}. The normal font is Palatino by Hermann Zapf. The sans serif font is Iwona by Janusz M.~Nowacki.} \end{verbatim}} \cmditem{artcolophon}{copyright notice, attribution and other informations} This command has only one argument. It simply prints its content at the bottom of the page. Here is an example: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \artcolophon{Quest'opera è stata rilasciata sotto la licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 2.5 Italia. Per leggere una copia della licenza visita il sito web \begin{center} http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ \end{center} o spedisci una lettera a Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.\\[1ex] Questo lavoro è stato composto con \LaTeX, usando la classe \texttt{suftesi} di Ivan Valbusa. } \end{verbatim}} \cmditem{chapterintro} Prints an unnumbered introduction at the beginning of the chapters, with the correct hyperlink. In order to use this command the \sty{hyperref} package must be loaded. \cmditem{chapterintroname}{name} Changes in \meta{name} the title printed by the \cmd{chapterintro} command. \cmditem{hemph}{testo} Just like \cmd{emph} but for particular cases of the italian language: \begin{verbatim} dell'\hemph{encyclopædia} \end{verbatim} \cmditem{headbreak} A manual break which is active for the table of contents but not in the text or in the headings \cmditem{xheadbreak} A manual break which is active in the text and in the headings but not in the table of contents. \cmditem{appendicesname}{name} Changes in \meta{name} the title printed by the \cmd{appendix} command. \cmditem{chapnumfont}{name} Sets the font for the chapter number with the \opt{sufelements} option. The default is ``\texttt{pplj}'' (\LaTeX) or ``Palatino'' (\XeLaTeX). If you like to use the text body font declare: \begin{ltxcode} \chapnumfont{} \end{ltxcode} \end{ltxsyntax} \section*{Changes} \begin{changelog} \begin{release}{0.6}{2011-10-21} \item New command \cmd{bookcolophon} \see{sec:commands} \item New command \cmd{artcolophon} \see{sec:commands} \item New option \opt{authortitle} \see{sec:options} \item Renamed option \opt{plain} to \opt{centerheadings} \see{sec:options} \item Renamed option \opt{fullplain} to \opt{sufplain} \see{sec:options} \item New english documentation \end{release} \begin{release}{0.5}{2011-07-29} \item The frontispiece of \sty{suftesi}{} is now included in the package \sty{frontespizio} \item New command \cmd{chapnumfont} \item changed option \opt{sctitles} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{article} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{fullplain} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{elements} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{sufelements} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{supercompact} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{compact} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{nocrop} \see{sec:options} \item New option \opt{nomarginpar} \see{sec:options} \end{release} \end{changelog} %********************************************* % sufbibliography %********************************************* \defbibnote{nota}{\sffamily This bibliography has been typeset with the style \texttt{philosophy-modern} provided by the \sty{biblatex-philosophy}, created by the same author of this class.} \printbibliography[prenote=nota] \end{document}