----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'suftesi' class for LaTeX Author: Ivan Valbusa ivan dot valbusa at univr dot it This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: 'suftesi' is a document class for typesetting theses, books and articles. It provides many options to change the style of headings and titles and a new layout for the frontispiece using the package 'frontespizio' by Enrico Gregorio. This work consists of the following files: README (this file) suftesi.dtx suftesi.ins suftesi.pdf templates/ tesi-triennale/ nome-tesi.tex nome-tesi.bib nome-tesi.pdf immagini/ don.png lamport-png logo.png tesi-magistrale/ nome-tesi.tex nome-tesi.bib nome-tesi.pdf immagini/ don.png lamport-png logo.png Capitoli/ primo.tex secondo.tex terzo.tex MaterialeInizialeFinale/ Introduzione.tex Ringraziamenti.tex and of the derived files: suftesi.cls suftesi.bib INSTALLATION: To install the distribution: o run "latex suftesi.ins" o move "suftesi.cls" to locations where LaTeX will find it (the FAQ on CTAN in /help/uktug-FAQ gives more information about this magic place) DOCUMENTATION: To reproduce the complete documentation, follow these steps: $ latex suftesi.ins $ mpost fakelogo.mp $ epstopdf --hires fakelogo.mps $ pdflatex suftesi.dtx $ pdflatex suftesi-frn.tex $ biber suftesi $ makeindex -s gind.ist -o suftesi.ind suftesi.idx $ makeindex -s gglo.ist -o suftesi.gls suftesi.glo $ xelatex style-roman1.tex $ xelatex style-roman2.tex $ xelatex style-roman3.tex $ xelatex style-roman4.tex $ xelatex style-roman5.tex $ xelatex style-roman6.tex $ xelatex style-italic1.tex $ xelatex style-italic2.tex $ xelatex style-italic3.tex $ xelatex style-italic4.tex $ xelatex style-italic5.tex $ xelatex style-italic6.tex $ xelatex style-italic7.tex $ xelatex style-italic8.tex $ xelatex style-italic9.tex $ xelatex style-italic10.tex $ xelatex style-italic11.tex $ xelatex style-italic12.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps1.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps2.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps3.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps4.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps5.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps6.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps7.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps8.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps9.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps10.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps11.tex $ xelatex style-smallcaps12.tex $ xelatex style-elements.tex $ xelatex style-sufelements.tex $ pdflatex frontespizio.tex $ pdflatex collect-examples.tex $ pdflatex suftesi.dtx $ pdflatex suftesi.dtx from a shell (or in the preferred method for you system), where `$' stands for the shell's prompt. 2012/08/28 Ivan Valbusa