----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'suftesi' class for LaTeX Maintained by Ivan Valbusa E-mail: ivan.valbusa@univr.it Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: 'suftesi' is a document class for typesetting a bachelor, master or PhD thesis in Italian or in any other language supported by babel. It provides few options to change the style of headings and titles and a new layout for the title page using the package 'frontespizio' by Enrico Gregorio. INSTALLATION: To use the class place the sutesi.cls file in: /texmf/tex/latex/base/ Alternatively, place the .cls file in your working directory or in: /tex/latex/base. In this case remember to refresh the file name database. USAGE: \usepackage[]{suftesi}