\begin{abstract} \sTeX is a collection of {\LaTeX} packages that allow to markup documents semantically without leaving the document format. Running `pdflatex` over sTeX-annotated documents formats them into normal-looking PDF. But sTeX also comes with a conversion pipeline into semantically annotated HTML5, which can host semantic added-value services that make the documents active (i.e. interactive and user-adaptive) and essentially turning {\LaTeX} into a document format for (mathematical) knowledge management (MKM). \sTeX augments {\LaTeX} with \begin{itemize} \item \emph{semantic macros} that denote and distinguish between mathematical concepts, operators, etc. independent of their notational presentation, \item a powerful \emph{module system} that allows for authoring and importing individual fragments containing document text and/or semantic macros, independent of -- and without hard coding -- directory paths relative to the current document, and \item a mechanism for exporting \sTeX documents to (modular) XHTML, preserving all the semantic information for semantically informed knowledge management services. \end{itemize} \end{abstract} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "stex-manual" %%% End: