/* * splitindex.java * Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2002 * * $Id: splitindex.java,v 1.2 2003/01/05 15:05:46 mjk Exp $ * * This file is part of the SplitIndex package * * This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the conditions * of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this * license or (at your option) any later version. * The latest version of this license is in * http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt * and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX * version 1999/12/01 or later. * * You are not allowed to redistribute this file without all the * other files of the SplitIndex package */ /* I know, I should never write an application in a single static class like I do here. But I wanted the program at earch language to be one file. */ import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.io.*; public final class splitindex { private static ArrayList MakeIndexArgs = new ArrayList(); // private static String Identify = "^(.*)\\\\UseIndex *\\{([^\\}]*)\\}(.*)$"; private static String Identify = "^(\\\\indexentry)\\[([^\\]]*)\\](.*)$"; private static String ResultIs = "$1$3"; private static String SuffixIs = "-$2"; private static int Verbose = 0; private static String IDX = null; private static String Jobname = null; private static HashMap IDXwriters = new HashMap(); private static void ShowHelp() { String nl = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ); ShowVersion(); System.out.println(); ShowUsage(); System.out.println( "Split a single raw index file into multiple raw index files." +nl+ "Example: java splitindex foo.idx." +nl+ nl+ "Options:" +nl+ " -h, --help " + "\tshow this help and terminate" +nl+ " -m, --makeindex PROGNAME" +nl+ "\t\t\tcall PROGNAME instead of default `makeindex'." +nl+ " -i, --identify EXPRESSION" +nl+ "\t\t\tuse regular EXPRESSION to match entries" +nl+ "\t\t\t(see also option --resultis and --suffixis)." +nl+ "\t\t\tDefault is \'" + Identify + "\'." +nl+ " -r, --resultis PATTERN" +nl+ "\t\t\tcreate line to be written from PATTERN after matching" +nl+ "\t\t\tlines (see also option --identify)." +nl+ "\t\t\tDefault is \'" + ResultIs + "\'." +nl+ " -s, --suffixis PATTERN" +nl+ "\t\t\tcreate suffix to be used from PATTERN after matching" +nl+ "\t\t\tlines (see also option --identify)." +nl+ "\t\t\tDefault is \'" + SuffixIs +"\'." +nl+ " -v, --verbose " + "\tbe more verbose" +nl+ "\t\t\t(can be used multiple to increase verbosity)" +nl+ " --version " + "\tshow version and terminate" ); System.exit( 0 ); } private static void ShowVersion() { System.out.println( "splitindex.pl 0.1" ); System.out.println( "Copyright (c) 2002 Markus Kohm " ); } private static void ShowUsage( PrintStream out ) { out.println( "Usage: java splitindex [OPTION]... RAWINDEXFILE [MAKEINDEXOPTION]..." ); } private static void ShowUsage() { ShowUsage( System.out ); } private static void UsageError( String msg ) { System.err.println( msg ); System.err.println( "Try `java splitindex --help' for more information." ); System.exit( 1 ); } private static void ScanArguments(String[] args) { String MakeIndex = "makeindex"; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ( args[i].charAt(0) == '-' ) { // Option if ( args[i].charAt(1) == '-' ) { // Long Option if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "help" ) ) { ShowHelp(); System.exit(0); } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "version" ) ) { ShowVersion(); System.exit(0); } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "verbose" ) ) { Verbose++; } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "makeindex" ) ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option makeindex requires an argument" ); } MakeIndex = args[i]; } else if ( ( args[i].length() >= 11 ) && ( args[i].substring(2,11).equals( "makeindex=" ) ) ) { MakeIndex = args[i].substring(12); } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "identify" ) ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option identify requires an argument" ); } Identify = args[i]; } else if ( ( args[i].length() >= 10 ) && ( args[i].substring(2,10).equals( "identify=" ) ) ) { Identify = args[i].substring(11); } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "resultis" ) ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option resultis requires an argument" ); } ResultIs = args[i]; } else if ( ( args[i].length() >= 10 ) && ( args[i].substring(2,10).equals( "resultis=" ) ) ) { ResultIs = args[i].substring(11); } else if ( args[i].substring(2).equals( "suffixis" ) ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option suffixis requires an argument" ); } SuffixIs = args[i]; } else if ( ( args[i].length() >= 10 ) && ( args[i].substring(2,10).equals( "suffixis=" ) ) ) { SuffixIs = args[i].substring(11); } else if ( args[i].equals( "--" ) ) { while ( ++i < args.length ) { MakeIndexArgs.add( args[i] ); } } else { UsageError( "Unknown option " + args[i].substring(2) ); } } else { // Short Option for ( int n = 1; n < args[i].length(); ) { switch( args[i].charAt(n++) ) { case 'h': ShowHelp(); System.exit(0); case 'm': if ( n >= args[i].length() ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option makeindex requires an argument" ); } else { MakeIndex = args[i]; n = args[i].length(); } } else { MakeIndex = args[i].substring( n ); n = args[i].length(); } break; case 'i': if ( n >= args[i].length() ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option identify requires an argument" ); } else { Identify = args[i]; n = args[i].length(); } } else { Identify = args[i].substring( n ); n = args[i].length(); } break; case 'r': if ( n >= args[i].length() ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option resultis requires an argument" ); } else { ResultIs = args[i]; n = args[i].length(); } } else { ResultIs = args[i].substring( n ); n = args[i].length(); } break; case 's': if ( n >= args[i].length() ) { if ( ++i >= args.length ) { UsageError( "Option suffixis requires an argument" ); } else { SuffixIs = args[i]; n = args[i].length(); } } else { SuffixIs = args[i].substring( n ); n = args[i].length(); } break; case 'v': Verbose++; break; } } } } else { MakeIndexArgs.add( args[i] ); } } // Args --> IDX + Stringarray if ( MakeIndexArgs.isEmpty() ) { UsageError( "missing raw index file" ); } else { IDX = (String)MakeIndexArgs.get(0); MakeIndexArgs.remove(0); MakeIndexArgs.add( 0, MakeIndex ); } if ( IDX.endsWith( ".idx" ) ) { Jobname = IDX.substring( 0, IDX.length() - 4 ); } else { Jobname = IDX; } } public static void main(String[] args) { ScanArguments(args); if ( Verbose > 0 ) { ShowVersion(); System.out.println(); if ( Verbose > 9 ) { System.out.println( "Identify: \"" + Identify + "\"" ); System.out.println( "ResultIs: \"" + ResultIs + "\"" ); System.out.println( "SuffixIs: \"" + SuffixIs + "\"" ); System.out.println( "IDX: \"" + IDX + "\"" ); System.out.println( "Jobname: \"" + Jobname + "\"" ); System.out.print( "MakeIndex:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < MakeIndexArgs.size(); i++ ) System.out.print( " \"" + (String)MakeIndexArgs.get(i) + "\"" ); System.out.println(); } } ProcessIDXFile(); } private static void ProcessIDXFile() { File fIDX = new File( IDX ); LineNumberReader rIDX = null; boolean error = false; if ( !fIDX.canRead() ) { if ( IDX.equals( Jobname ) ) { IDX = IDX.concat( ".idx" ); fIDX = new File( IDX ); if ( !fIDX.canRead() ) { System.err.println( "Can read neither file " + Jobname + " nor file " + IDX ); System.exit( 1 ); } } else { System.err.println( "Can't read file " + Jobname ); System.exit( 1 ); } } try { FileReader reader = new FileReader( fIDX ); rIDX = new LineNumberReader( reader ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); System.exit( 1 ); } try { Pattern search = Pattern.compile( Identify ); while ( rIDX.ready() ) { String line = rIDX.readLine(); Matcher match = search.matcher( line ); String suffix, result; try { if ( match.find() ) { suffix = match.replaceFirst( SuffixIs ); result = match.replaceFirst( ResultIs ); } else { result = line; suffix = SuffixIs.replaceFirst( "\\$\\d", "idx" ); } WriteToIndex( Jobname + suffix + ".idx", result ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); error = true; break; } } if ( ! CloseAllIndex() ) error = true; else if ( ! CallAllMakeIndex() ) error = true; } catch ( IOException ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); } try { rIDX.close(); } catch ( IOException ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); System.exit( 1 ); } if ( error ) System.exit( 1 ); } static void WriteToIndex( String Name, String line ) throws FileNotFoundException, SecurityException { PrintWriter fOut; if ( ( fOut = (PrintWriter)IDXwriters.get( Name ) ) == null ) { if ( Verbose > 1 ) { System.out.println( "New index file " + Name ); } fOut = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( Name ) ); IDXwriters.put( Name, fOut ); } fOut.println( line ); } static boolean CloseAllIndex() { Iterator all = IDXwriters.entrySet().iterator(); boolean retVal = true; while ( all.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)all.next(); PrintWriter writer = (PrintWriter)entry.getValue(); if ( Verbose > 1 ) { System.out.println( "Close " + entry.getKey() ); } writer.close(); if ( writer.checkError() ) { System.err.println( "Error writing " + entry.getKey() ); retVal = false; } } return retVal; } static boolean CallAllMakeIndex() { Iterator all = IDXwriters.entrySet().iterator(); boolean retVal = true; ArrayList processes = new ArrayList(); while ( all.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)all.next(); String name = (String)entry.getKey(); try { MakeIndexArgs.add(name); String Args[] = new String[MakeIndexArgs.size()]; Args = (String[])MakeIndexArgs.toArray( Args ); MakeIndexArgs.remove(MakeIndexArgs.size()-1); if ( Verbose > 1 ) { System.out.print( "MakeIndex:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < Args.length; i++ ) System.out.print( " \"" + Args[i] + "\"" ); System.out.println(); } processes.add(Runtime.getRuntime().exec( Args )); } catch ( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); retVal = false; } } for ( int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++ ) { Process p = (Process)processes.get( i ); InputStream out = p.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; for ( boolean oncemore = true; oncemore; ) { oncemore = false; try { while ( out.available() > 0 ) { out.read( buffer ); System.out.print( new String(buffer) ); } for ( out = p.getErrorStream(); out.available() > 0; ) { out.read( buffer ); System.err.print( new String( buffer ) ); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( ex.getMessage() ); retVal = false; } try { if ( p.exitValue() != 0 ) retVal = false; } catch ( IllegalThreadStateException ex ) { oncemore = true; } } } return retVal; } }