% The following files form the SplitIndex Bundle and also every
% SplitIndex Distribution since 2013.
% =======================================
% Documentation:
% --------------
% manifest.txt      --  This file.
% install.txt       --  How to install SplitIndex (overview).
% README            --  Should be read first.
% splitindex.1      --  The unix manual page of all SplitIndex
%                       programs.
% splitidx.pdf      --  The user manual of SplitIndex and 
%                       splitidx.sty.
% LaTeX files:
% ------------
% splitidx.dtx      --  The source of the splitidx package and of the
%                       manual.
% splitidx.ins      --  The installation script for the splitidx
%                       package.
% Program sources:
% ----------------
% splitindex.pl     --  The source of the reference implementation of
%                       the SplitIndex program.
% splitindex.java   --  The source of the SUN JAVA 1.4.1 implementation
%                       of the SplitIndex program.
% splitindex.c      --  The source of the C implementation of the
%                       SplitIndex program.
% splitindex.tex    --  The source of the TeX implementation of the
%                       SplitIndex program.
% splitindex.tlu    --  TeXlua wrapper for the TeXlua implementation of
%                       the SplitIndex program.
% splitindex_main.tlu
%                   --  TeXlua implementation of the SplitIndex program.
% Programs (binaries):
% --------------------
% splitindex.pl     --  Perl is an interpreter, so this is the source
%                       and the program itself (but not binary)
% splitindex.tlu    --  TeXlua is an interpreter, so this is the source
%                       and the program itself (but not binary)
% Installation programs:
% ----------------------
% install.sh        --  See `install.txt' for more information about
%                       this.
% ====================================================================