%% %% Package: spectralsequences.sty version 1.0 %% Author: Hood Chatham %% Email: hood@mit.edu %% Date: 2017-06-18 %% License: Latex Project Public License %% %% File: example_bo_May_SS.tex %% %% Draws the May spectral sequence computing Ext_{A(1)} ( F_2, F_2 ), which by a change of rings and a simple argument that the ASS has to collapse, %% is telling us pi_* bo. See the Green Book for reference. %% The main purpose of this example from my perspective is to illustrate the utility of class "tags". %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage{spectralsequences} \NewSseqGroup\tower {} { \class(0,0) \foreach\i in {1,...,11}{ \class(0,\i) \structline(0,\i-1,-1)(0,\i,-1) } } \NewSseqGroup\hvee {} { \tower(0,0) \foreach\i in {1,...,11}{ \class(\i,\i) \structline(\i-1,\i-1,-1)(\i,\i,-1) } } \begin{document} \begin{sseqdata}[ name=A1 May, x range={0}{10}, y range={0}{10}, degree={-1}{1}, classes={fill, tooltip = {(\xcoord,\ycoord)}}, class labels={below=3pt}, run off differentials= ->, no orphan edges, ] \foreach\i in {0,1,2}{ \begin{scope}[xshift=4*\i,yshift=2*\i,tag prefix=\i.] \hvee[tag=id](0,0) \hvee[tag=h0h1](1,2) \hvee[tag=h20](2,1) \foreach\j in {1,...,10}{ \d1(2,\j,h20,h0h1) } \foreach\j in {1,...,10}{ \d1(2+\j,1+\j,h20,h0h1) } \end{scope} } \foreach\i in {0,...,7}{ \d2(4+\i,2+\i,1.id,0.id) } \class(12,6) \d2(12,6,,1) %\classoptions["h_0"](0,1) \classoptions["h_1"](1,1) \classoptions["h_{20}"](2,1) \classoptions["h_{20}^2"](4,2) \classoptions["h_{20}^3"](6,3) \classoptions["h_{20}^4"](8,4) \classoptions["h_{20}^5"](10,5) \doptions[shorten >=3pt]1(10,10,2.h20,2.h0h1) \end{sseqdata} \printpage[name=A1 May,page=1] \newpage \printpage[name=A1 May,page=2] \newpage \begin{sseqpage}[name=A1 May,page=3] \classoptions["h_0h_{20}^2"](4,3,1.id) \end{sseqpage} \end{document}