spectralsequences v1.3.2 ======================== Author: Hood Chatham Email: hood@mit.edu Date: 2022-02-19 License: All files have the Latex Project Public License. Description: Print spectral sequence diagrams using pgf/tikz. See the file manual/spectralsequencesmanual.pdf for a manual. See the examples directory for a large number of example files. The current development copy is hosted at https://github.com/SpectralSequences/latex. Open an issue on the github issue tracker https://github.com/SpectralSequences/latex/issues/new to submit bug reports, request new features, etc. Changelog: ========== ## [1.3.2] (2022-02-19) ### Fixed: - Bent edges now enter the shapes at their endpoints at the correct angle. - Fixed an incompatibility with versions of latex3 starting with 2022-01-12 ## [1.3.1] (2022-01-04) ### Fixed: - Extensions now should have all of the same features as structlines. Before, a bunch of things were missing or broken. - Various issues with range checks for rotated figures are fixed. - The `u` argument works again in `\DeclareSseqCommand` in versions of TeXLive prior to 2021. ## [1.3.0] (2021-07-18) ### Added: - Added more control over page indicator in title and "print page as" key. - Added `page=\infty`. - Added `\extension` and `\extensionoptions` - Added `\replacestructlines` - Added `range check off`, `range check on`, and `range check sideways` global keys to control range checks. The `sideways` environment from `rotating` environment automatically uses `range check sideways` (issue #11). ### Fixed: - Removed `\replaceclass` in `{sseqpage}` without `keep changes` error (suggested by Junhou Fung). - Fixed `\doptions` and `\structlineoptions` so that they can be used to add an edge label -- `needs tikz` wasn't handled correctly (reported by idlaviV) - Fixed title positioning when the `xrange` that doesn't start at 0 (reported by Robert Burklund) - Fixed relative tikz coordinates (reported by Dexter Chua). - Fixed foreach loops nested inside of plain tikz commands (e.g., `\draw (0,0) foreach \x in {1,2,3} {--(\x,\x)};`) - Fixed `this page structlines` (reported by Irina Bobkova) - Fixed `fit classes` to accomodate new version of `\tikz@calc@anchor` in tikz version 3.1.5 - Fixed various other incompatiblities with latex3 with various versions of expl3. ### Changed: - \replaceclass now pushes the class replaced onto the stack. ## [1.2.2] (2019-02-18) ### Fixed: - expl3 defined \exp_after:NNNf recently, so I changed \cs_new:Npn \exp_after:NNNf to \cs_set:Npn \exp_after:NNNf and copied the definition given by expl3. - expl3 changed the definition of \peek_meaning_ignore_spaces to be in terms of \peek_meaning so \letting \peek_meaning to \peek_meaning_ignore_spaces caused an infite regress. - expl3 changed \c__xparse_no_value_tl to \c__novalue_tl, so now I try to use each of them in sequence. - Fixed U argument type. - \sseqnewfamily was broken by an update to tikz that added a \scantokens call to the .ecode key handler, causing issues with @. - If \d was called without a source or target argument and was followed by a macro, \d would eat the first token of the expansion of that macro causing an error. - Draft mode works a lot better now, though it's probably still buggy. ## [1.2.1] (2018-10-08) ### Fixed: - Tick style didn't work, now it does. - Orphan edges are consistently oriented correctly now (reported by Eric Peterson). - Fixed name class in copypage - Fixed incompatibility with new expl3 version (reported by Eric Peterson). The fix amounts to replacing a \cs_new:Npn with a \cs_gset:Npn. ### Added: - \sseqlastlabel ## [1.2.0] (2017-12-10) ### Added: - \replacesource and \replacetarget - \copypage - "name handler" option - \SseqAHSSNameHandler - \SseqNormalizeMonomialSetVariables - "show name" option - predicates \IfExistsTF, \IfAliveTF, \IfValidDifferentialTF, and \DrawIfValidDifferentialTF - "quiet" environment ### Changed: - class label handlers now must output result into \result - renamed \sseqnormalizemonomial to \SseqNormalizeMonomial, and now outputs into \result - renamed \sseqifempty to \SseqIfEmptyTF - renamed \sseqerrortowarning to \SseqErrorToWarning - tooltips now disabled unless you use the package option "tooltips" to prevent extraneous auxiliary files. ### Fixed: - A bug that made "y axis gap" adjust both axes and "x axis gap" do nothing (reported by Achim Krause). - A bug where a random definition of \\ was leaked into global scope (reported by Achim Krause). - Now a \structline defined with option page=n will not be deleted by a shorter differential. - A parser error that caused infinite recurse under certain conditions - Class names now work with commands in their name (particularly, greek letters) - \sseq@ifintexpr no longer breaks if the expression ends in \empty - Using \sseqset to give default scaling values for xscale and yscale now works as expected. ## [1.1.1] (2017-09-18) ### Fixed: - Groups defined with \SseqNewGroup now correctly handle arithmetic in their arguments. - Labels inside a node now replace each other if two are given so you can make the label change on a given page with \classoptions (reported by Steve Wilson). - \kill had a bug in it that sometimes caused it to act on the wrong page (reported by Steve Wilson). ## [1.1.0] (2017-08-06) ### Added: - \sseqparseint - \parsecoordinate and \parsedifferential - \IfInBoundsTF, \IfOutOfBoundsTF - New loop constructs \Do, \DoUntilOutOfBounds, \DoUntilOutOfBoundsThenNMore - \kill which kills a class without having to put a differential - \lastclass as default arguments for \replaceclass, \classoptions, \d/\doptions, \structline/\structlineoptions - Pin key for labels - Families - Insert key for new classes allows control over relative class placement without reordering commands - Draw differentials from a range of pages. - Frame axis type, tick marks. ### Changed: - Ticks are now placed at values congruent to tick offset mod tick step, tick offset defaults to 0 - What was called "x axis style" is now called "x axis type". ### Fixed: - The \tagclass command works now. - Scopes now nest properly. - Fixed a big performance issue with nested scopes and shifts. - Adobe reader grid color is now correct (or more correct) - Fixed the grid drawing so that grids are handled correctly when the range includes negative numbers - The package now works with xparse after 2017/02/08 when changes were made that broke my original code - Fixed a bug where if you used a structline in two sseqpage environments with the same name, it would give an error. - Now if you say \structline(0,0)(0,1) \structlineoptions(0,1)(0,0) it will work correctly. - Big ranges like 0 - 600 now work, provided that you provide an appropriate scale - Big range like 600 - 700 no longer will cause an overflow - Labels now are rectangle nodes so they don't shift down if they are very wide - Fixed a bug with ranges and the sseqpage environment where classes lying outside the printed range would enlarge the range even if an explicit range was specified. - The chess grid works correctly now ## [1.0.0] (2017-06-21)