This is an archive for bibliography style files : abbrv-letters.bst alpha-letters.bst apalike-letters.bst frplainnat-letters.bst plain-letters.bst plainnat-letters.bst siam-letters.bst (C) 2006 - Thomas van Oudenhove Copying of this file is authorized only if either (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or (2) if you do make changes, you name it something other than all standard styles' names (for consistency reasons). these styles do the same stuff as the original files, but they write in the bbl file the first letter of the first author or editor name. the references in the bibliography are thus sorted by letter, like this : A___ Aamport,... K___ Knuth, ... Known bugs : - sorting doesn't work with 'organization' - 'odd encoding' are not supported, especially with accents (e.g. \"U will go with the U, but Ü will not be supported... and may go with the next letter) Enjoy !