\skbheading{User Manual} The \SKB~provides macros that simplify file handling and hide some \LaTeX~ code (i.e. for figures) from the user, thus helping everyone to focus on the actual document one wants to write. There are a few macros, and they can be catagorised as follows. \begin{skbnotelist} \item Files and Headings: \cmd{\skbinput} and \cmd{\skbheading} are used to load files and manage the headings of documents, i.e. associating a heading with a level in the document structure (section, subsection, etc.) \item Figures: \cmd{\skbfigure} is your Swiss Army knife for loading figures and graphics. \item Path and filenames - these macros provide direct access to \SKB-managed paths and filenames. \item Input files - here we have a few macros that load .tex files, figures, slides and slide annotations. \item Emphasising text - some macros that deal with typesetting text in different ways to emphasise that text from the surrounding paragraph. \item List styles - \SKB~specific environments adding specific behaviour to lists and enumerate environments. \item Listings - basically a few pre-defined styles for using the listing environment. \item PDF Info - some macros that help to set meta information in PDF documents. \item Acronyms - some macros that help to load the acronym database and more. \item \BibTeX - one macro that loads bibliographic information. \end{skbnotelist} For the impatient, we start with a few examples. The first one shows how to use the \SKB~to produce a simple article. The second one exmplains how the documentation for the \SKB~is created using most of the \SKB~macros. Then we detail the usage of all the macros, following the above introduced categorisation.