\opt{note}{\skbheading{Figures, Multiinclude}} The last option for the macro \cmd{\skbfigure} is called \skbem[code]{multiinclude}. It can be used with the beamer package to realise animations by loading a series of images and showing them in sequence with or without overlaying. If used, this option will overwrite all other options resulting in a simple call to \cmd{multiinclude} within a resised box. One can use all standard multiinclude paramters with \cmd{\skbfigure}, just omit the enclosing brackets. For instance, if you want to use multiinclude on the \skbem[code]{myfig} with the options \skbem[code]{<+->} call \begin{lstlisting} \skbfigure[multiinclude=+-]{myfig} \end{lstlisting} The figure size will be automatically set to \cmd{\textwidth} and the height to \skbem[code]{!}. The start of the multiinclude is fixed to be 0, the format is PDF. For more informatio on how to use multiinclude please refer to mpmulti and beamer packages.