% This is a skak version of the tugame.ltx which Piet Tutelaers made % to show how the original chess package could be used. % I have changed it to use the skak package commands as a % demonstration of how to use the skak package. % Author: Torben Hoffmann % % Change history % -------------- % Version Comments % 1.0 Initial version adapted to the skak package. % The original comments follows below %=================================================================== % % TUGgame.ltx % ----------- % LaTeX source of example in TUGboat article (part of the game Fisher % lost against Tal), input'ted by TUGboat.ltx. % Author : Piet Tutelaers (internet: rcpt@urc.tue.nl) % Version: 1.2 ( 8 Jun 1991) % Reflects changes in chess.sty version 1.2 % Version: 1.1 (30 Nov 1990) % Improvements over version 1.0: % - two typos corrected, thanks Hugo %=================================================================== \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[ps,mover,styleC]{skak} \usepackage[final]{showexpl} \usepackage{a4wide} \makeatletter %% to get showexpl to respekt empty lines %% this corrects a bug in showexpl as long %% as the new version isn't there \renewcommand*\SX@resultInput{% %%\MakePercentComment\catcode`\^^M=10\relax \SX@@preset\SX@preset \if@SX@rangeaccept \let\@tempa=\SX@input% Nur sinnvoll bei \LTXinputExample \else \let\@tempa=\input \fi \@tempa{\SX@codefile}% \MakePercentIgnore} \makeatother \lstset{width=0.5} % wider examples \lstset{preset=\raggedright} \title{Example of the LaTeX-input and output of an annotated chess game using \texttt{skak.sty}} \author{Torben Hoffmann} \begin{document} \parindent=0pt \maketitle \begin{LTXexample} \fenboard{1q3kr1/3rb2p/p3Q3/8/1p6/8/% PPP3PP/4R2K w - - 0 26} $$\showboard$$ Fischer--Tal after \movecomment{25... Kf8!} \mainline{26. Qxd7} Not \variation{26. Rf1+ Kg7 27. Rf7+ Kh8} and if \continuevariationcurrent{28. Qxd7 Rd8 29. Qg4 Qe5} wins. \mainline{26...Qd6 27. Qb7 Rg6} Within a handful of moves the game has changed its complexion. Now it is White who must fight for a draw! \mainline{28. c3} Black's extra piece means less with each pawn that's exchanged. \mainline{28...a5} On \variation{28...bxc3 29. Qc8+ Bd8 30. Qxc3}=. \end{LTXexample} \begin{LTXexample} \storegame{mainline} \mainline{29. Qc8+} On the wrong track. Right is \variation{29. cxb4 Qxb4} (if \continuevariation{29... axb4 30. a3! bxa3 31. bxa3 Qxa3} draws) \restoregame{mainline} \hidemoves{29. cxb4 Qxb4} \variationcurrent{30. Qf3+ Kg7 31. Qe2} draws, since Black can't possibly build up a winning K-side attack and his own king is to exposed. \restoregame{mainline} \hidemoves{29. Qc8+} \mainline{29...Kg7 30. Qc4 Bd8 31. cxb4 axb4} On \variation{31... Qxb4 32. Qe2} White should draw with best play. $$\showboard$$ \end{LTXexample} \end{document}