% $Header: /home/johnny/html/Sacrifice/LaTeX/RCS/example.tex,v 1.70 2006/09/17 07:45:50 johnny Exp $ % \documentclass{screenplay} % http://dvc.org.uk/sacrific.txt/screenplay.cls % make sure you have the latest versions so they match % and the page-breaking is right % this example.tex was built for screenplay.cls v 1.417 \begin{document} % cover page, this command has to go first ... % % choose one of \titleauthor, \titleextra, \nicholl ... % copyright year is [optional] % (apparently putting your copyright on things upsets studio moguls) \titleauthor[2006] {Example .tex} {John Pate}{% Your address\\ here if you're\\ going postal\\ UK\\ \\ +44~(0)131~999~9999\\ johnny@dvc.org.uk% } % % ... or use ... % \titleextra{% % \copyright 2006 John Pate\\ % ALL RIGHTS RESERVED % } % {Example .tex} % {John Pate}{% % Your address\\ % here if you're\\ % going postal\\ \\ % +44~(0)131~999~9999\\ % http://dvc.org.uk\\% % johnny@dvc.org.uk% % } % % or for the Nicholl Fellowships ... % \nicholl{Example .tex} % % end cover page % % TeX allows quite a lot of leeway in whitespace, so I've messed this % up a bit. I find keeping the format structured helps me a lot tho. % Note: but don't have blank lines *inside* the body of text in % a dialogue environment. % I use vi (Elvis) with macros to make a lot of typing disappear. % % % Anyhoo, on with the show ... % for some reason this always happens at the start ... \fadein \intslug[illumination]{example sample -- screenplay.cls} \begin{dialogue}{Bob} That means that someone sabotaged the unit and killed the President! Was it one of us? \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Brown} Who else is mad but us, Condi~-- and Bliar? \end{dialogue} Bob buries his head in his hands. \intercut \intslug{Atlantis -- somewhere ANyway} John and Mark are at adjacent consoles. Fred is with them. Tom is at another console slightly further away. \begin{dialogue}{John} The planetoid seems to have a thin crust covering a nickel-iron core. Could have been an Earth-like planet at one time. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Mark} We're coming up on the radio source now. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{John} Are we? \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Mark} Yes. \end{dialogue} Brown walks in and goes to a console. He has a PARROT on his shoulder. \begin{dialogue}{Fred} Switch the visual to main screen so we can get a good look.\end{dialogue} They look up at the main screen. \begin{dialogue}[to John and Mark]{Fred} Lock on to that. Give me a Scanalysis. \dialbreak[to Tom]{Fred} Establish planetary orbit, stationary above this thing. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Mark} It seems to be solid with a high metallic content and be the source of the radio energy. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{John} The gravity map shows there's some kind of cavern directly beneath it. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Fred} Get me the fullest details you can. Survey that cavern and see what you can make of it. Looks like this is what we came all the way to see. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Brown} You'd better prep the Galileo for a planet-fall. Looks like we've got some digging to do. Unless Bliar objects that is. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Fred}I didn't come all this way to see the first signs of alien life then turn around and ignore it.\paren{beat} I wonder how this will fit into Bliar's theology.\end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Brown} Perhaps when you've done some digging we'll have some answers.\end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Parrot} Or maybe more questions. \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}{Brown} Who said that? \end{dialogue} \begin{dialogue}[to radio]{Fred} Now hear this. Shuttle to be prepared for launch. \end{dialogue} \pagebreak% \intslug{Atlantis -- SHIP'S HOLD} The Hold is large, has various piles of crates and equipment stored in it. Near the door is a large coffin-shaped packing crate standing on its end. \intextslug[day]{in or out} Apparently some people do this. \extintslug[night]{out or in} Or even this. \extslug[day or nite]{NO WARRANTY -- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED} \pov I made the slugline DAY/NIGHT optional 'cause in space no-one can tell the time. You probably will need to specify. \nb Don't put in pagebreaks by hand until you're really, really finished editing! It isn't the done thing to hyphenate for formatting purposes. Use the source, Luke. \intslug[illumination]{title over environment or centred title} \begin{titleover}There's a titleover environment for dialogue-like layout if you're doing the "Star Wars" thing.\end{titleover} \ldots or a centred title over\ldots \centretitle{http://dvc.org.uk/sacrific.txt/} \extslug[All Hail Discordia!]{where to find us} http://dvc.org.uk/sacrific.txt/example.tex\\ http://dvc.org.uk/sacrific.txt/screenplay.cls \extslug[illumination]{for definitive info on layout} http://www.oscars.org/nicholl/format.html % and this always happens at the end ... \fadeout \theend \end{document} % $Id: example.tex,v 1.70 2006/09/17 07:45:50 johnny Exp $ % +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= % % Copyright (C) 2006 John Pate % % This text is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % % This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License % for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with this text; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., % 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA % % GPL v2 text also available as: % http://dvc.org.uk/gplv2.txt % % +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=