PACKAGE `schule' ======================================================================== The 'schule' bundle was built to provide packages and commands that could be useful for documents in German schools. At the moment its main focus lies on documents for informatics as a school subject. An extension for physics and history is currently in progress. Extensions for other subjects are welcome. For the time being the whole package splits up into individual packages for informatics (including syntax diagrams, Nassi–Shneiderman diagrams, sequence diagrams, object diagrams and class diagrams) as well as into classes for written exams (tests, quizzes, teaching observations, information sheets, worksheets, and answer keys). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: 0.8 Last change: 2018/08/12 The package is still a work in progress. Open development steps are shown in the documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LICENCE ======================================================================== Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018 Johannes Pieper, André Hilbig, Johannes Kuhaupt, André Hilbig, Daniel Spittank, Ludger Humbert ( This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Johannes Pieper. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main code file of the school package is: schule.sty -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further code files are: relaycircuit.sty schuleab.cls schulealt.pdf schulealt.sty schulein.cls schuleit.cls schulekl.cls schulekl.sty schuleub.cls schuleue.cls schulinf.sty schullsg.cls schullzk.cls schullzk.sty schulphy.sty syntaxdi.sty utfsym.sty -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The schule package consists of the documentation files: README schule.tex, schule.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The schule package consists of the example files: beispiel-ab.tex, beispiel-ab.pdf beispiel-ab-abbott.tex, beispiel-ab-abbott.pdf beispiel-ab-schiefeebene.tex, beispiel-ab-schiefeebene.pdf beispiel-aufgabentemplates.tex, beispiel-aufgabentemplates.pdf beispiel-ib-hieroglyphen.tex, beispiel-ib-hieroglyphen.pdf beispiel-kl.tex, beispiel-kl.pdf beispiel-leitprogramm.tex, beispiel-leitprogramm.pdf bsp-geschichte.tex, bsp-geschichte.pdf bsp-vocab.tex, bsp-vocab.pdf minimal-ab-dev.tex, minimal-ab-dev.pdf minimal-ab.tex, minimal-ab.pdf minimal-ib.tex, minimal-ib.pdf minimal-ka.tex, minimal-ka.pdf minimal-kl-et.tex, minimal-kl-et.pdf minimal-kl.tex, minimal-kl.pdf minimal-kl-teilpunkte.tex, minimal-kl-teilpunkte.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please feel free to contact me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------