#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) Michael Sharpe, 2014 # This is free software, subject to the LATEX Project Public License. import sys filename=sys.argv[1] with open(filename,'r') as f: s=f.read() tmp=s.split("%Repetitions=") if len(tmp) != 2: print "Bailing! The file does not contain exactly one '%Repetitions='" sys.exit() ss=tmp[1] tmp2=ss.split('\n') numrep=int(tmp2[0]) #get variable names tmp=s.split("%Variables=") if len(tmp) != 2: print "Bailing! The file does not contain exactly one '%Variables='" sys.exit() ss=tmp[1] tmp2=ss.split('\n') vbllst=tmp2[0].strip() #like {nnn,0:1+1,1:3+-2} vbllst3=vbllst[1:-1] vbles=vbllst3.split(',') #line {nnn,0:1+1,1:3+-2} n=len(vbles) root=vbles[0].strip() vlst=[] vinit=[] vinc=[] valt=[] for j in range(1,n): vbles[j]=vbles[j].strip().replace("+",":") x=vbles[j].split(":") if len(x) != 3: print "Bad variable descriptor-- " + vbles[j] sys.exit vlst.append(x[0]) nnn=0 hasp=0 if x[2][-1:] == ")": hasp=1 nnn=int(x[2][-2]) x[2]=x[2][:-3] else: if x[1][0] == "[": nnn=-100 if x[2][-2:]=="/2": x[2]=x[2][:-2] if hasp == 1: nnn=-nnn else: nnn=-10 valt.append(nnn) if nnn == -100: vinit.append(x[1][1:]) vinc.append(x[2][:-1]) else: vinit.append(x[1]) vinc.append(x[2]) viniti=[] vinci=[] kk=len(vinit) for j in range(kk): try: viniti.append(int(vinit[j])) except: viniti.append(0) try: vinci.append(int(vinc[j])) except: vinci.append(0) tmp=s.split('\n') m=len(tmp) tmp2=[] for j in range(2,m): t=tmp[j] if len(t) > 1: t=t[1:] else: t="" tmp2.append(t) body='\n'.join(tmp2) repl=[s,] for p in range(numrep): newbody=body for k in range(kk): v="" alt=valt[k] if alt == -100: if (p % 2) == 1: v=vinc[k] else: v=vinit[k] else: v=viniti[k] if (alt < 0): v=v//2 alt=-alt if (alt!=10) and (alt!= 0): v =str(v).zfill(alt) else: v=str(v) newbody=newbody.replace(root+vlst[k],v) viniti[k] =int(viniti[k]) + vinci[k] repl.append(newbody) with open(filename,'w') as f: for j in range(len(repl)): f.write(repl[j]+'\n')