% ****** Start of file apssamp.tex ******
%   This file is part of the APS files in the REVTeX 4 distribution.
%   Version 4.0 of REVTeX, August 2001
%   Copyright (c) 2001 The American Physical Society.
%   See the REVTeX 4 README file for restrictions and more information.
% TeX'ing this file requires that you have AMS-LaTeX 2.0 installed
% as well as the rest of the prerequisites for REVTeX 4.0
% See the REVTeX 4 README file
% It also requires running BibTeX. The commands are as follows:
%  1)  latex apssamp.tex
%  2)  bibtex apssamp
%  3)  latex apssamp.tex
%  4)  latex apssamp.tex

% Some other (several out of many) possibilities
%\documentclass[prb]{revtex4}% Physical Review B

\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math




\title{Manuscript Title:\\with Forced Linebreak}% Force line breaks with \\

\author{Ann  Author}
 \altaffiliation[Also at ]{Physics Department, XYZ University.}%Lines break automatically or can be forced with \\
\author{Second Author}%
Authors' institution and/or address\\
This line break forced with \textbackslash\textbackslash

\author{Charlie Author}
Second institution and/or address\\
This line break forced% with \\

\date{\today}% It is always \today, today,
             %  but any date may be explicitly specified

An article usually includes an abstract, a concise summary of the work
covered at length in the main body of the article. It is used for
secondary publications and for information retrieval purposes. Valid
PACS numbers may be entered using the \verb+\pacs{#1}+ command.

\pacs{Valid PACS appear here}% PACS, the Physics and Astronomy
                             % Classification Scheme.
%\keywords{Suggested keywords}%Use showkeys class option if keyword
                              %display desired

\section{\label{sec:level1}First-level heading:\protect\\ The line
break was forced \lowercase{via} \textbackslash\textbackslash}

This sample document demonstrates proper use of REV\TeX~4 (and
\LaTeXe) in mansucripts prepared for submission to APS
journals. Further information can be found in the REV\TeX~4
documentation included in the distribution or available at

When commands are referred to in this example file, they are always
shown with their required arguments, using normal \TeX{} format. In
this format, \verb+#1+, \verb+#2+, etc. stand for required
author-supplied arguments to commands. For example, in
\verb+\section{#1}+ the \verb+#1+ stands for the title text of the
author's section heading, and in \verb+\title{#1}+ the \verb+#1+
stands for the title text of the paper.

Line breaks in section headings at all levels can be introduced using
\textbackslash\textbackslash. A blank input line tells \TeX\ that the
paragraph has ended. Note that top-level section headings are
automatically uppercased. If a specific letter or word should appear in
lowercase instead, you must escape it using \verb+\lowercase{#1}+ as
in the word ``via'' above.

\subsection{\label{sec:level2}Second-level heading: Formatting}

This file may be formatted in both the \texttt{preprint} and
\texttt{twocolumn} styles. \texttt{twocolumn} format may be used to
mimic final journal output. Either format may be used for submission
purposes; however, for peer review and production, APS will format the
article using the \texttt{preprint} class option. Hence, it is
essential that authors check that their manuscripts format acceptably
under \texttt{preprint}. Manuscripts submitted to APS that do not
format correctly under the \texttt{preprint} option may be delayed in
both the editorial and production processes.

The \texttt{widetext} environment will make the text the width of the
full page, as on page~\pageref{eq:wideeq}. (Note the use the
\verb+\pageref{#1}+ to get the page number right automatically.) The
width-changing commands only take effect in \texttt{twocolumn}
formatting. It has no effect if \texttt{preprint} formatting is chosen

\subsubsection{\label{sec:level3}Third-level heading: References and Footnotes}
Reference citations in text use the commands \verb+\cite{#1}+ or
\verb+\onlinecite{#1}+. \verb+#1+ may contain letters and numbers.
The reference itself is specified by a \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ command
with the same argument as the \verb+\cite{#1}+ command.
\verb+\bibitem{#1}+ commands may be crafted by hand or, preferably,
generated by using Bib\TeX. REV\TeX~4 includes Bib\TeX\ style files
\verb+apsrev.bst+ and \verb+apsrmp.bst+ appropriate for
\textit{Physical Review} and \textit{Reviews of Modern Physics},
respectively. REV\TeX~4 will automatically choose the style
appropriate for the journal specified in the document class
options. This sample file demonstrates the basic use of Bib\TeX\
through the use of \verb+\bibliography+ command which references the
\verb+assamp.bib+ file. Running Bib\TeX\ (typically \texttt{bibtex
apssamp}) after the first pass of \LaTeX\ produces the file
\verb+apssamp.bbl+ which contains the automatically formatted
\verb+\bibitem+ commands (including extra markup information via
\verb+\bibinfo+ commands). If not using Bib\TeX, the
\verb+thebibiliography+ environment should be used instead.

To cite bibliography entries, use the \verb+\cite{#1}+ command. Most
journal styles will display the corresponding number(s) in square
brackets: \cite{feyn54,witten2001}. To avoid the square brackets, use
\verb+\onlinecite{#1}+: Refs.~\onlinecite{feyn54} and
\onlinecite{witten2001}. REV\TeX\ ``collapses'' lists of
consecutive reference numbers where possible. We now cite everyone
together \cite{feyn54,witten2001,epr}, and once again
(Refs.~\onlinecite{epr,feyn54,witten2001}). Note that the references
were also sorted into the correct numerical order as well.

When the \verb+prb+ class option is used, the \verb+\cite{#1}+ command
displays the reference's number as a superscript rather than using
square brackets. Note that the location of the \verb+\cite{#1}+
command should be adjusted for the reference style: the superscript
references in \verb+prb+ style must appear after punctuation;
otherwise the reference must appear before any punctuation. This
sample was written for the regular (non-\texttt{prb}) citation style.
The command \verb+\onlinecite{#1}+ in the \texttt{prb} style also
displays the reference on the baseline.

Footnotes are produced using the \verb+\footnote{#1}+ command. Most
APS journal styles put footnotes into the bibliography. REV\TeX~4 does
this as well, but instead of interleaving the footnotes with the
references, they are listed at the end of the references\footnote{This
may be improved in future versions of REV\TeX.}. Because the correct
numbering of the footnotes must occur after the numbering of the
references, an extra pass of \LaTeX\ is required in order to get the
numbering correct.

\section{Math and Equations}
Inline math may be typeset using the \verb+$+ delimiters. Bold math
symbols may be achieved using the \verb+bm+ package and the
\verb+\bm{#1}+ command it supplies. For instance, a bold $\alpha$ can
be typeset as \verb+$\bm{\alpha}$+ giving $\bm{\alpha}$. Fraktur and
Blackboard (or open face or double struck) characters should be
typeset using the \verb+\mathfrak{#1}+ and \verb+\mathbb{#1}+ commands
respectively. Both are supplied by the \texttt{amssymb} package. For
example, \verb+$\mathbb{R}$+ gives $\mathbb{R}$ and
\verb+$\mathfrak{G}$+ gives $\mathfrak{G}$

In \LaTeX\ there are many different ways to display equations, and a
few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will center by
default. Use the class option \verb+fleqn+ to flush equations left.

Below we have numbered single-line equations; this is the most common
type of equation in \textit{Physical Review}:
\chi_+(p)\alt{\bf [}2|{\bf p}|(|{\bf p}|+p_z){\bf ]}^{-1/2}
|{\bf p}|+p_z\\
Note the open one in Eq.~(\ref{eq:one}).

Not all numbered equations will fit within a narrow column this
way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot fit
on the same line with a one-line equation:

When the \verb+\label{#1}+ command is used [cf. input for
Eq.~(\ref{eq:one})], the equation can be referred to in text without
knowing the equation number that \TeX\ will assign to it. Just
use \verb+\ref{#1}+, where \verb+#1+ is the same name that used in
the \verb+\label{#1}+ command.

Unnumbered single-line equations can be typeset
using the \verb+\[+, \verb+\]+ format:
\[g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow
q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \]

\subsection{Multiline equations}

Multiline equations are obtained by using the \verb+eqnarray+
environment.  Use the \verb+\nonumber+ command at the end of each line
to avoid assigning a number:
{\cal M}=&&ig_Z^2(4E_1E_2)^{1/2}(l_i^2)^{-1}
\sum \vert M^{\text{viol}}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2}
        (N^2-1)\nonumber \\
 & &\times \left( \sum_{i<j}\right)
 \sum_\tau c^f_\tau~.
\textbf{Note:} Do not use \verb+\label{#1}+ on a line of a multiline
equation if \verb+\nonumber+ is also used on that line. Incorrect
cross-referencing will result. Notice the use \verb+\text{#1}+ for
using a Roman font within a math environment.

To set a multiline equation without \emph{any} equation
numbers, use the \verb+\begin{eqnarray*}+,
\verb+\end{eqnarray*}+ format:
\sum \vert M^{\text{viol}}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2}
 & &\times \left( \sum_{i<j}\right)
To obtain numbers not normally produced by the automatic numbering,
use the \verb+\tag{#1}+ command, where \verb+#1+ is the desired
equation number. For example, to get an equation number of
g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow
q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \tag{2.6$'$}\label{eq:mynum}

A few notes on \verb=\tag{#1}=. \verb+\tag{#1}+ requires
\texttt{amsmath}. The \verb+\tag{#1}+ must come before the
\verb+\label{#1}+, if any. The numbering set with \verb+\tag{#1}+ is
\textit{transparent} to the automatic numbering in REV\TeX{};
therefore, the number must be known ahead of time, and it must be
manually adjusted if other equations are added. \verb+\tag{#1}+ works
with both single-line and multiline equations. \verb+\tag{#1}+ should
only be used in exceptional case - do not use it to number all
equations in a paper.

Enclosing single-line and multiline equations in
\verb+\begin{subequations}+ and \verb+\end{subequations}+ will produce
a set of equations that are ``numbered'' with letters, as shown in
Eqs.~(\ref{subeq:1}) and (\ref{subeq:2}) below:
{\cal M}=&&ig_Z^2(4E_1E_2)^{1/2}(l_i^2)^{-1}
Putting a \verb+\label{#1}+ command right after the
\verb+\begin{subequations}+, allows one to
reference all the equations in a subequations environment. For
example, the equations in the preceding subequations environment were

\subsubsection{Wide equations}
The equation that follows is set in a wide format, i.e., it spans
across the full page. The wide format is reserved for long equations
that cannot be easily broken into four lines or less:
{\cal R}^{(\text{d})}=
 + x_WQ_e
 \right)\;. \label{eq:wideeq}
This is typed to show the output is in wide format.
(Since there is no input line between \verb+\equation+ and
this paragraph, there is no paragraph indent for this paragraph.)
REV\TeX{} will automatically number sections, equations, figure
captions, and tables. In order to reference them in text, use the
\verb+\label{#1}+ and \verb+\ref{#1}+ commands. To reference a
particular page, use the \verb+\pageref{#1}+ command.

The \verb+\label{#1}+ should appear in a section heading, within an
equation, or in a table or figure caption. The \verb+\ref{#1}+ command
is used in the text where the citation is to be displayed.  Some
examples: Section~\ref{sec:level1} on page~\pageref{sec:level1},
Table~\ref{tab:table1}, and Fig.~\ref{fig:epsart}.

\section{Figures and Tables}
Figures and tables are typically ``floats'' which means that their
final position is determined by \LaTeX\ while the document is being
typeset. \LaTeX\ isn't always successful in placing floats

Figures may be inserted by using either the \texttt{graphics} or
\texttt{graphix} packages. These packages both define the
\verb+\includegraphics{#1}+ command, but they differ in how optional
arguments for specifying the orientation, scaling, and translation of the
figure. Fig.~\ref{fig:epsart} shows a figure that is small enough to
fit in a single column. It is embedded using the \texttt{figure}
environment which provides both the caption and the imports the figure
\includegraphics{fig_1}% Here is how to import EPS art
\caption{\label{fig:epsart} A figure caption. The figure captions are
automatically numbered.}

Fig.~\ref{fig:wide} is a figure that is too wide for a single column,
so instead the \texttt{figure*} environment has been used.
\includegraphics{fig_2}% Here is how to import EPS art
\caption{\label{fig:wide}Use the figure* environment to get a wide
figure that spans the page in \texttt{twocolumn} formatting.}

The heart of any table is the \texttt{tabular} environment which gives
the rows of the tables. Each row consists of column entries separated
by \verb+&+'s and terminates with \textbackslash\textbackslash. The
required argument for the \texttt{tabular} environment
specifies how data are displayed in the columns. For instance, entries
may be centered, left-justified, right-justified, aligned on a decimal
point. Extra column-spacing may be be specified as well, although
REV\TeX~4 sets this spacing so that the columns fill the width of the
table. Horizontal rules are typeset using the \verb+\hline+
command. The doubled (or Scotch) rules that appear at the top and
bottom of a table can be achieved enclosing the \texttt{tabular}
environment within a \texttt{ruledtabular} environment. Rows whose
columns span multiple columns can be typeset using the
\verb+\multicolumn{#1}{#2}{#3}+ command (for example, see the first
row of Table~\ref{tab:table3}).

Tables~\ref{tab:table1}-\ref{tab:table4} show various effects. Tables
that fit in a narrow column are contained in a \texttt{table}
environment. Table~\ref{tab:table3} is a wide table set with the
\texttt{table*} environment. Long tables may need to break across
pages. The most straightforward way to accomplish this is to specify
the \verb+[H]+ float placement on the \texttt{table} or
\texttt{table*} environment. However, the standard \LaTeXe\ package
\texttt{longtable} will give more control over how tables break and
will allow headers and footers to be specified for each page of the
table. A simple example of the use of \texttt{longtable} can be found
in the file \texttt{summary.tex} that is included with the REV\TeX~4

There are two methods for setting footnotes within a table (these
footnotes will be displayed directly below the table rather than at
the bottom of the page or in the bibliography). The easiest
and preferred method is just to use the \verb+\footnote{#1}+
command. This will automatically enumerate the footnotes with
lowercase roman letters. However, it is sometimes necessary to have
multiple entries in the table share the same footnote. In this case,
there is no choice but to manually create the footnotes using
\verb+\footnotemark[#1]+ and \verb+\footnotetext[#1]{#2}+.
\texttt{\#1} is a numeric value. Each time the same value for
\texttt{\#1} is used, the same mark is produced in the table. The
\verb+\footnotetext[#1]{#2}+ commands are placed after the \texttt{tabular}
environment. Examine the \LaTeX\ source and output for
Tables~\ref{tab:table1} and \ref{tab:table2} for examples.

\caption{\label{tab:table1}This is a narrow table which fits into a
narrow column when using \texttt{twocolumn} formatting. Note that
REV\TeX~4 adjusts the intercolumn spacing so that the table fills the
entire width of the column. Table captions are numbered
automatically. This table illustrates left-aligned, centered, and
right-aligned columns.  }
Left\footnote{Note a.}&Centered\footnote{Note b.}&Right\\
1 & 2 & 3\\
10 & 20 & 30\\
100 & 200 & 300\\

\caption{\label{tab:table2}A table with more columns still fits
properly in a column. Note that several entries share the same
footnote. Inspect the \LaTeX\ input for this table to see
exactly how it is done.}
 &$r_c$ (\AA)&$r_0$ (\AA)&$\kappa r_0$&
 &$r_c$ (\AA) &$r_0$ (\AA)&$\kappa r_0$\\
Cu& 0.800 & 14.10 & 2.550 &Sn\footnotemark[1]
& 0.680 & 1.870 & 3.700 \\
Ag& 0.990 & 15.90 & 2.710 &Pb\footnotemark[2]
& 0.450 & 1.930 & 3.760 \\
Au& 1.150 & 15.90 & 2.710 &Ca\footnotemark[3]
& 0.750 & 2.170 & 3.560 \\
Mg& 0.490 & 17.60 & 3.200 &Sr\footnotemark[4]
& 0.900 & 2.370 & 3.720 \\
Zn& 0.300 & 15.20 & 2.970 &Li\footnotemark[2]
& 0.380 & 1.730 & 2.830 \\
Cd& 0.530 & 17.10 & 3.160 &Na\footnotemark[5]
& 0.760 & 2.110 & 3.120 \\
Hg& 0.550 & 17.80 & 3.220 &K\footnotemark[5]
&  1.120 & 2.620 & 3.480 \\
Al& 0.230 & 15.80 & 3.240 &Rb\footnotemark[3]
& 1.330 & 2.800 & 3.590 \\
Ga& 0.310 & 16.70 & 3.330 &Cs\footnotemark[4]
& 1.420 & 3.030 & 3.740 \\
In& 0.460 & 18.40 & 3.500 &Ba\footnotemark[5]
& 0.960 & 2.460 & 3.780 \\
Tl& 0.480 & 18.90 & 3.550 & & & & \\
\footnotetext[1]{Here's the first, from Ref.~\onlinecite{feyn54}.}
\footnotetext[2]{Here's the second.}
\footnotetext[3]{Here's the third.}
\footnotetext[4]{Here's the fourth.}
\footnotetext[5]{And etc.}

\caption{\label{tab:table3}This is a wide table that spans the page
width in \texttt{twocolumn} mode. It is formatted using the
\texttt{table*} environment. It also demonstates the use of
\textbackslash\texttt{multicolumn} in rows with entries that span
more than one column.}
 Ion&1st alternative&2nd alternative&lst alternative
&2nd alternative\\ \hline
 K&$(2e)+(2f)$&$(4i)$ &$(2c)+(2d)$&$(4f)$ \\
 Mn&$(2g)$\footnote{The $z$ parameter of these positions is $z\sim\frac{1}{4}$.}
 Ag& &$(4k)^{\text{a}}$& &$(4h)^{\text{a}}$\\

\caption{\label{tab:table4}Numbers in columns Three--Five have been
aligned by using the ``d'' column specifier (requires the
\texttt{dcolumn} package). Non-numeric entries (those entries without
a ``.'') in a ``d'' column are aligned on the decimal point. Use the
``D'' specifier for more complex layouts. }
He&2& 2.77234 & 45672. & 0.69 \\
C\footnote{Some tables require footnotes.}
  &C\footnote{Some tables need more than one footnote.}
  & 12537.64 & 37.66345 & 86.37 \\

\textit{Physical Review} style requires that the initial citation of
figures or tables be in numerical order in text, so don't cite
Fig.~\ref{fig:wide} until Fig.~\ref{fig:epsart} has been cited.

We wish to acknowledge the support of the author community in using
REV\TeX{}, offering suggestions and encouragement, testing new versions,



To start the appendixes, use the \verb+\appendix+ command.
This signals that all following section commands refer to appendixes
instead of regular sections. Therefore, the \verb+\appendix+ command
should be used only once---to setup the section commands to act as
appendixes. Thereafter normal section commands are used. The heading
for a section can be left empty. For example,
will produce an appendix heading that says ``APPENDIX A'' and
will produce an appendix heading that says ``APPENDIX A: BACKGROUND''
(note that the colon is set automatically).

If there is only one appendix, then the letter ``A'' should not
appear. This is suppressed by using the star version of the appendix
command (\verb+\appendix*+ in the place of \verb+\appendix+).

\section{A little more on appendixes}

Observe that this appendix was started by using
\section{A little more on appendixes}

Note the equation number in an appendix:

\subsection{\label{app:subsec}A subsection in an appendix}

You can use a subsection or subsubsection in an appendix. Note the
numbering: we are now in Appendix \ref{app:subsec}.

Note the equation numbers in this appendix, produced with the
subequations environment:
E&=&mc, \label{appa}
E&=&mc^2, \label{appb}
E&\agt& mc^3. \label{appc}
They turn out to be Eqs.~(\ref{appa}), (\ref{appb}), and (\ref{appc}).
\newpage %Just because of unusual number of tables stacked at end
\bibliography{apssamp}% Produces the bibliography via BibTeX.

% ****** End of file apssamp.tex ******