@manual{Gregorio:Kantlipsum, author = {Enrico Gregorio}, month = {December}, note = {\url{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/kantlipsum}}, title = {The kantlipsum Package. Dummy text in {K}antian Style}, year = {2011}, } @article{Hoff10, author = {Hoff, Karla}, title = {Fairness in Modern Society}, journal = {Science}, volume = 327, number = 5972, pages = {1467--1468}, doi = {10.1126/science.1188537}, year = 2010, URL = {http://www.sciencemag.org}, eprint = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/327/5972/1467.pdf} } @book{Knuth94:TheTeXbook, address = {Reading, MA}, author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin}, titlenote = {Illustrations by Duane Bibby}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}, series = {Computers \& Typesetting A}, title = {The \TeX book}, year = {1994}, } @book{Landau5, author = {L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz}, title = {Statistical Physics}, year = {1980--1981}, volume = 5, publisher = {Pergamon Press}, address = {Oxford; New York}, series = {Theoretical Physics}, edition = {Third}, titlenote = {Rev. and Enl. by E.~M.~Lifshitz and L.~P.~Pitaevskii} } @InCollection{Rao07:BeliefPropagation, author = {Rajesh P. N. Rao}, title = {Neural Models of {B}ayesian Belief Propagation}, booktitle = {Bayesian Brain: Probabilictic Approaches to Neural Coding}, crossref = {BayesianBrain2007}, chapter = 11, pages = {239--267} } @Book{BayesianBrain2007, editor = {Doya, Kenji and Ishii, Shin and Pouget, Alexandre and Rao, Rajesh P. N.}, title = {Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding}, booktitle = {Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = 2007, series = {Computational Neuroscience}, address = {Cambridge, MA; London, England}, isbn = {026204238X}, keywords = {bayesian, computational, neural-implementation, probabilistic-inference, probabilistic-reasoning}, }