\documentclass[twoside,12pt]{book} \usepackage{polyglossia,fontspec} \usepackage{libertineotf} \setmainlanguage{english} \usepackage[series={A},noend,nofamiliar,noledgroup]{reledmac} \usepackage{reledpar} \linenumincrement*{1} \firstlinenum*{1} \begin{document} \date{} \title{Sectioning commands with critical notes in parallel pages} {\let\newpage\relax\maketitle} {\small This file provides examples for using the sectioning command with reledpar. The section titles are in the line numbering, and have critical notes. The left and right sides are put in parallel pages. Following the standard behavior of reledpar, only the left titles are put to the table of contents. We use the \verb+\reledxxx+ commands, each of them in their own \verb+\pstart…\pend+ group. Page breaks are manually added before chapter with \verb+\beforeeledchapter+. } \tableofcontents \beforeeledchapter \chapter{Preamble} A chapter outside any parallel typesetting environment. \begin{pages} \begin{Leftside} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledchapter{Left \edtext{chapter}{\Afootnote{chapitre}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Left \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Left \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Left \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Left \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \endnumbering \end{Leftside} \begin{Rightside} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledchapter{Right \edtext{chapter}{\Afootnote{chapitre}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Right \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Right \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Right \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Right \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \endnumbering \end{Rightside} \end{pages} \Pages \begin{pages} \begin{Leftside} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledchapter{Left \edtext{chapter}{\Afootnote{chapitre}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Left \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Left \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Left \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Left \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Left section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \endnumbering \end{Leftside} \begin{Rightside} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledchapter{Right \edtext{chapter}{\Afootnote{chapitre}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Right \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Right \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart \eledsubsection{Right \edtext{subsection}{\Afootnote{sous-section}}} \pend \pstart \eledsubsubsection{Right \edtext{subsubsection}{\Afootnote{sous-sous-section}}} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \pstart \eledsection{Right section} \pend \pstart I use git to manage some packages. I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which tests only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten. \pend \endnumbering \end{Rightside} \end{pages} \Pages \end{document}