#!/usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################### # # File: reg_list.pl # RCS: $Header: /doc_tools/register/reg_list.pl 1.2 2004/08/16 23:37:07 lovell Exp $ # Description: Output a table (per function) of CSR's in offset order # Author: Matthew Lovell # Created: Mon Mar 31 16:50:05 2003 # Modified: Mon Aug 16 17:36:19 2004 # Language: CPerl # # (C) Copyright 2003, Matthew Lovell, all rights reserved. # ############################################################################### use lib("$ENV{WJ_HOME}/docs/common", "$ENV{WJ_HOME}/docs/common"); use Getopt::Long; use FileHandle; use Reg_macro; # Parameters controlling execution my $params = { file => "", # LaTeX file to parse list => 0, # just list files table => 0, # produce table files Make => 0, # dependency extraction }; $DEBUG = 0; ############################################################################### # M A I N # ############################################################################### # read options and get files from command-line get_input_opts($params); $REG_DEBUG = 1 if ($DEBUG); my @files = get_tex_files($params->{file}, $params->{Make}); if ($DEBUG or $params->{list}) { print "\nFile tree\n"; print "----------------------------\n"; print join("\n",@files) . "\n\n"; exit if ($params->{list}); } # # Just output Makefile dependencies and exit # if ($params->{Make}) { print_depends_list($params->{file}, @files); exit(0); } # # ...otherwise, go on to extract some register information # my @reg_data = (); for (@files) { get_regs($_,\@reg_data) } my $reg_hash = build_reg_hash(\@reg_data); if (!$params->{table}) { print_reg_list($reg_hash); } else { make_reg_files($params->{file}, $reg_hash); } exit($REG_ERRORS); ############################################################################### # S U B R O U T I N E S # ############################################################################### # Print out file dependencies in a format suitable for use by # GNU make. Makefile rules should be setup to update this # information as necessary. # # Arguments: .tex filename # array of dependencies # sub print_depends_list { my ($file, @depends) = @_; my @setup_files = qw[HPpreamble.tex preamble.sty]; # separate all .error files my @error_files = grep { $_ =~ /\.error$/ } @depends; # separate all .func files my @func_files = grep { $_ =~ /\.func$/ } @depends; # ensure output is on STDOUT select STDOUT; my $aux_file, $dvi_file, $d_file, $ps_file; ($aux_file = $file) =~ s/\.tex$/.aux/; ($dvi_file = $file) =~ s/\.tex$/.dvi/; ($ps_file = $file) =~ s/\.tex$/.ps/; ($d_file = $file) =~ s/\.tex$/.d/; print "#\n"; print "# Generated dependency file. Do NOT check into HMS !!\n"; print "#\n\n"; # Print out dependency list for the .aux file itself print "$aux_file $dvi_file : \\\n"; map { print "\t$_ \\\n" } @setup_files; map { print "\t$_ \\\n" } @error_files; map { print "\t$_ \\\n" } @func_files; foreach my $file (@depends) { next if ($file =~ m/\.(?:error|func)$/); next if ($file =~ m/newHP\.eps/); print "\t$file \\\n"; } print "\n"; # Repeat for the .d file, leaving out unneeded files print "$d_file : \\\n"; foreach my $file (@depends) { next if ($file =~ m/\.(?:error|func)$/); next if ($file =~ m/\.eps$/); print "\t$file \\\n"; } print "\n\n"; } # print_depends_list # Print out register names in offset order to STDOUT. Used to # ensure script is acting correctly. # # Arguments: reference to hash constructed by build_reg_hash # sub print_reg_list { my ($reg_hash) = @_; my @functions = keys %$reg_hash; print "\n"; for my $func (sort @functions) { print "Function $func Registers\n"; print "-" x 80 . "\n"; for my $offset (sort { hex($a) <=> hex($b) } keys %{$reg_hash->{$func}}) { my $output = ""; if ($offset =~ /^unk/) { $output = sprintf(" ? %-50s %-20s", $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{long_name}, $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{short_name} ); } else { $output = sprintf("%03x %-50s %-20s", hex($offset), $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{long_name}, $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{short_name} ); } print "$output\n"; } print "\n\n"; } } # print_reg_list # Output a LaTeX longtable listing registers in each function. # # Arguments: name of latex file parsed, used as the root for # the table files names # # reference to hash created by build_reg_hash # sub make_reg_files { my ($orig_file, $reg_hash) = @_; my @functions = keys %$reg_hash; for my $func (sort @functions) { my $filename = $orig_file =~ s/\.tex$//; $filename = $orig_file . ".func$func"; my $file = new FileHandle ">$filename"; if (!defined $file) { print STDERR "#ERROR reg_list.pl Unable to open $filename for writing!"; die; } for my $offset (sort { hex($a) <=> hex($b) } keys %{$reg_hash->{$func}}) { my $name = $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{long_name}; if (defined $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{short_name}) { $name .= " ($reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{short_name})"; } my $pageref = ""; if (exists $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{label}) { $pageref = '\pageref{' . $reg_hash->{$func}{$offset}{label} . '}'; } if ($offset =~ /^unk/) { printf $file "\\texttt{?} & %s & %s \\\\\n", $name, $pageref; } else { printf $file "\\texttt{0x%03x} & %s & %s \\\\\n", hex($offset), $name, $pageref; } } close $file; } } # make_reg_files # Retrieve the input parms passed to this script and set the proper # options. Some global variables may be set by this subroutine. # # Arguments: reference to parameters hash # sub get_input_opts { my ($params) = @_; my $help = 0; # Setup for GetOptions $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev = 1; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; $Getopt::Long::order = $PERMUTE; my @optl = (); push(@optl, "help", \$help, # show usage information "debug", \$DEBUG, # show debug information "file=s", \$params->{file}, # LaTeX file to parse "list", \$params->{list}, "table", \$params->{table}, "Make", \$params->{Make}, ); GetOptions(@optl); if ($help) { print_usage_and_die(); } if ($params->{file} eq "") { print "Must specify a LaTeX file. Use --help for usage info.\n"; exit(1); } return; } # get_input_opts sub print_usage_and_die { $usage = <<"@@USAGE_INFO"; Register (CSR) Lister This script parses all register/CSR diagrams found in a LaTeX document. The document can include or import sub-documents; the script will follow the tree. By default, a human-readable list of registers, ordered by offset within each function, is printed to STDOUT. If the -table option is given, files are written with a similar table formatted for inclusion in a LaTeX document. The filenames will have the same root as the file specified on the command-line, but with an extension of .func for each non-empty function encountered during parsing. Usage: reg_list.pl -file <.tex file> ( [-table] | [-list] | [-Make] ) [-debug] [-help] <.tex file> LaTeX file to parse Mutually exclusive ------------------ -table Produce LaTeX table output, no STDOUT output -list Show the file tree of <.tex file>, then quit -Make Produce makefile dependencies for specified LaTeX file Other options ------------- -debug Show parsing debug information -help Print this stuff @@USAGE_INFO print $usage; exit(1); } # print_usage_and_die