\documentclass[parskip=full]{scrartcl} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{refenums} %Always add a dot behind the definition \renewcommand{\refenumenclosing}[1]{#1.} \begin{document} \title{Demonstation of the refenums package} \date{} \author{} \maketitle \vspace{-12ex} This documents demonstrates the usage and results of the \href{http://mirror.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/refenums/}{refenums} package. All content appearing in this work is fictitious. Any resemblance to real artefacts, items, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. \Crefrange{sec:reqs}{sec:milestones} show defined referenceable enums. \Cref{sec:discussion} references the defined enums. \tableofcontents \clearpage %Setup ``requirements'' \setupRefEnums{R}{Requirement} %Setup ``capabilities'', without any separator \setupRefEnums[]{C}{Capability} %Setup ``Notes'' showing the usage of defineReferenceableEnumElementInline \setupRefEnums{N}{Note} %Setup ``Steps'' not having a print form \setupRefEnums[ ]{Step}{ONLYSHORT} %Setup ``Issue'' not having a print form \setupRefEnums[ ]{Issue}{ONLYSHORT} %Setup ``Milestones'' where the print name and the short name is combined \setupRefEnums[COMBINED]{M}{Milestone} \section{Requirements} \label{sec:reqs} \defRefEnum{R}{Scalability}{sca} We see scalability as important requirement. \defRefEnum{R}{Portability}{port} We also see portability as important requirement. \section{Capabilities} \defRefEnum{C}{Maintainability}{maint} \section{Notes} \defRefEnumInline{N}{Blue}{blue} It should be a blue note, shouldn't it? \defRefEnumInline{N}{Red}{Red} There should also be a red note, shouldn't it? \section{Steps} \label{sec:steps} \defRefEnum[subsection]{Step}{Requirements Analysis}{rqa} \label{sec:rqa} The heading is defined using the macro. \defRefEnum[subsection]{Step}{Software Specification}{spec} The heading is defined using the macro. \section{Issues} \defRefEnum{Issue}{Fictional}{fi} \defRefEnum{Issue}{Unrealistic}{unr} \section{Milestones} \label{sec:milestones} \defRefEnum[subsection]{M}{Basic Model}{bm} \section{Discussion} \label{sec:discussion} In \cref{sec:reqs}, we discussed \refEnumFull{R}{sca} and \refEnumFull{R}{port}. We showed the capability \refEnumFull{C}{maint}. We also had a note \refEnumFull{N}{blue}. In \cref{sec:steps}, we started with \refEnumFull{Step}{rqa}. \LaTeX{} put that step into \cref{sec:rqa}. Afterwards, \refEnumFull{Step}{spec} has been described. Some issues such as \refEnumFull{Issue}{fi} were raised. First, the milestone \refEnumFull{M}{bm} has to be reached. Following properties are the most important ones: \begin{itemize} \item \refEnumFullT{R}{sca} \item \ldots \end{itemize} \end{document}