This directory contains the rec-thy package. This package provides a large number of macros to express standard pieces of notation in recursion theory aka computability theory. The file rec-thy.pdf (which can be generated from rec-thy.tex) provides a guide to usage and examples of almost all the macros and package options as well as release notes. Comments, feedback and patches welcomes. Since my goal is to provide something of use to the community (and myself) and having seen some of the problems that can result from even well intentioned licenses later down the road, e.g., difficulties updating TeX, and since I still hold sole copyright I'm releasing this into the public domain (this applies retroactively to prior releases). I would *ask* anyone who reuses it not to be a dick about it (give credit, commit upgrades back, rename if forking etc..). Note, I will assume that any contributions to this package are implicitly released into the public domain as well unless told otherwise. Author: Peter Gerdes email: Github URL: 10/15/2010 - v1.0 - Original Release 01/01/2011 - v1.2 06/20/2012 - v1.3 09/26/2017 - v2.0 - Added support for introducing requirements, the subfunction relation and probably other undocumented features 10/05/2017 - v2.1 - Fixed way packages are required so rec-thy can be loaded in a flexible order. Also fixed one or two bugs.