\documentclass[12pt]{memoir} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[cleanup={},process=all]{pstool} \input macros.tex \newif\ifNAT \NATfalse \ifNAT \usepackage{natbib} \else \usepackage{biblatex} \bibliography{xampl} \fi \EndPreamble \usepackage{expl3}\begin{document} % hello \title{\textsf{pstool} example document} \maketitle This is an example document for the \textsf{pstool} package. It's grown rather convoluted since I use it for testing some of the more arcane features of the package. There are some external macros defined in the file \texttt{macros.tex}: \verb|\a| $\to$ \a, \verb|\b| $\to$ \b, \verb|\c| $\to$ \c. These are defined in the preamble so when their definitions appear in the replacements below we know the preamble catching is working correctly. The same figure is used for all the examples; only one of its labels is being replaced by default by its associated \verb|.tex| file. \newpage First example: the style is defined as tiny+red, so all labels in the graphic will inherit this. The [Mp] label below first arrow should be replaced by tiny red $M_\a$; in rectangle, [hb] label replacement $H_\b$ comes from \texttt{trial.tex}; near right dot, [epsv] label replacement $\epsilon_v$ comes from \texttt{example-pstool.tex}. \begin{center} \fbox{\psfragfig{trial}{% \color{red} \tiny \psfrag{[Mp]}{$M_\a$}% \psfrag{[epb]}{\cite{article-full}}% }} \end{center} Also, a citation is being used, and this should work for most \LaTeX\ bibliography packages. \clearpage In the second, the replacements should be plain and the whole image rotated 45 degrees. This image comes from a subdirectory so we know that works correctly. The subscript on $Z$ should be the current page number and a different citation is used here. \begin{center} \fbox{\psfragfig[angle=45]{subdir/trial2}{% \psfrag{[Mp]}{$Z_{\thepage}$}% \psfrag{[epb]}{\cite{incollection-full}}% }} \end{center} \frontmatter hello this is a filler page \begin{equation} a=b+c\label{eq1} \end{equation} \begin{equation} a=b+c\label{eq2} \end{equation} \begin{equation} a=b+c\label{eq3} \end{equation} \newpage In the third, hopefully the scale command works. Here we are referencing an equation from the previous page in the $Z$ subscript and the current page number should show up in there too. \begin{center} \fbox{\psfragfig[scale=0.5]{trial2}{% \psfrag{[Mp]}{$Z_{(\ref{eq3})}$}% \psfrag{[ev]}{\thepage} }} \end{center} \ifNAT \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} \bibliography{xampl} \else \printbibliography \fi \end{document}