PST2pdf is a Perl script which isolates all PostScript or PSTricks related parts of the TeX document into single LaTeX files, for which an eps and pdf image is created. The pdf ones are then imported in a last pdflatex run for the pdf output of the main document. The eps and pdf files are saved in a subdirectory images. Syntax: <file>.tex alternative: perl <file>.tex Some restrictions: \begin{postscript} ... \begin{pspicture} .... \end{pspicture} ... \end{postscript} The pspicture environment can be nested, the postscript one NOT! pspicture can be inside of a postscript environment, but not vice versa. The postscript environment should be used for all other PostScript related commands, which are not part of a pspicture environment, e.g. nodes inside normal text. PST2pdf creates a document <file>-pdf.tex for use with pdflatex, which then creates <file>-pdf.pdf. The created images are named <file>-tmp-<No>.pdf -- Herbert Voss 2007-07-04