-------- 0.13 2011-12-12 - some more improvements to the code 0.12 2011-01-19 - new optional arguments for running bibtex or biber 0.11 2010-10-03 - use graphicspath instead of $imageDir to allow working with Windows - test for pst-exa to write \psset in the pdf file 0.10 2010-01-04 allow using the package pst-exa 0.09 2009-10-01 allow pspicture* 0.08 2009-08-28 test for png files (only for Linux) 0.07 2009-07-24 - fix bug with \begin{postscript} and following pspicture environment - add some more documentation 0.06 2007-08-28 - fix bug with \begin{pspicture} and \pspicture 0.05 2007-07-05 - allow different extensions for the source file e.g. tex, ltx - ignore verbatim environment - better log file support 0.04 2007-07-04 allow all \begin ..\end sequences anywhere in a line, see testcase 0.03 2007-06-21 fix nested environments 0.02 2007-06-20 first (public) version