3.5 2013-02-22 * Added option filterangle * Fixed wrong output fiber style in \optcoupler * Fixed strange Postscript error which occured with some interpreters. 3.4 2013-02-03 * Fixed bugs when using fillstyle for some components * Extended option switchsize * Modified coupler center node to be on the base line * Extended error checking for \drawbeam and \drawfiber * Fixed some bugs in the connection code 3.3a 2012-09-18 * Fixed bug which was exposed by an update of pst-node. * Fixed trailing spaces. 3.3 2012-08-17 * Extended \opttripole and \optdipole * Modified reference angle for label of \opttripole * Added option optdipolesize to support two interfaces for \optdipole * Added option gratingalign * Added option forcebeaminside * Extended option mirrorradius * Improved \drawbeam and \drawwidebeam to be able to use ArrowInside without linestyle * Fixed orientation of \oenodeBeamUp and \oenodeBeamLow * Fixed a bug related to beaminside and ambiguous components. * Fixed some trailing spaces * Added more examples 3.2 2012-07-26 * Added component \glanthompson * Added access to beam vectors with \oeBeamVec, \oeBeamVecUp and \oeBeamVecLow * Fixed wrong computation of node distance in \fiberbox * Fixed bug in \wdmsplitter for coupleralign=b and couplertype=none * Fixed bug when filling components placed with position=end/start * Added value absolute to parameter labelref * Added examples 3.1 2012-07-17 * Added component \fiberbox * Extended connection macros to not required curly braces around node parenthesis any more * Modified \fibercollimator to have allowbeaminside=false by default * Extended fiber couplers to allow using only two nodes * Fixed a bug concerning node expressions with \drawfiber 3.0 2012-07-09 * Modified beam connections with \drawbeam to support raytracing * Added wide beams with \drawwidebeam * Added \drawfiber for fiber connections * Added optexp environment for layering of components and connections * Added german documentation * Modified naming of component nodes * Modified extnode to work with more components * Modified angle and rotateref to affect all components * Modified endbox to affect all components * Extended position by values start and end * Extended abspos by values start and end * Removed deprecated lens code which used lenswidth and lensheight for construction * Added option platesize * Added option phwidth * Modified option caxislength * Deprecated option lampscale * Added style CrystalCaxis * Added style CrystalLamp * Added option optboxsize * Extended option detsize * Added style DetectorStyle * Removed deprecated \detector, use \optdetector * Extended option doveprismsize * Added style Polarization * Deprecated option pollinewidth * Removed option polwidth * Removed option pol * Added style VariableStyle * Added mirror type semitrans * Renamed \optgrid to \optgrating * Renamed optgridwidth to gratingwidth * Renamed optgridheight to gratingheight * Renamed optgriddepth to gratingdepth * Renamed optgridcount to gratingcount * Renamed optgridtype to gratingtype * Renamed optgridlinewidth to gratinglinewidth * Added option prismalign * Modified faulty alignment of \rightangleprism * Extended option optampsize * Extended option optmzmsize * Added option polcontroltype * Extended option isolatorsize * Added style IsolatorArrow * Extended option fdlsize * Added style FdlArrow * Extended option fiberpolsize * Added component \optcirculator * Extended option couplersize * Extended option couplertype * Renamed option align to coupleralign * Added style VariableCoupler * Added style FilterStyle * Extended option fibercolsize * Removed deprecated option labelrelative * Removed deprecated option iwidth * Removed deprecated option owidth * Removed deprecated option bswidth * Deprecated \newOptexpDipoleNolabel, use \newOptexpDipole * Deprecated option refractiveindex * Deprecated option conn * Extended option fiber 2.1 2009-11-05 * Added component \optfiberpolarizer * Added option compshift * Added option label * Added option connjoin * Added options addtoBeam and newBeam * Added style OptComp and related options addtoOptComp and newOptComp * Added option bsstyle * Extended \fibercollimator to use up to four reference nodes * Improved thicklens to work also with plain lenses * Use pst-doc class for the documentation 2.0 2008-07-27 * Added fiber-optical components * Added component \optdiode * Added component \pentaprism * Added component \rightangleprism * Added component \doveprism * Added component \optprism * Added \drawbeam * Added component connections (options fiber, conn and beam) * Added option compname * Added option extnode * Renamed \detector to \optdetector 1.2 2008-06-17 * Modified lens design to use interface curvatures * Added options lensradiusleft and lensradiusright * Added option thicklens * Added option lenstype * Added option mirrorradius (curved mirrors) * Added option optgridtype (binary gratings) * Added \newOptexpDipole * Added \newOptexpDipoleNolabel * Added \newOptexpTripole * Added \newOptexpFiberDipole * General improvements of \TeX{} and Postscript code 1.1 2007-09-06 * Improved labeling features * Added parameter labelref * Replaced labelrelative by labelref=relative * Renamed \polarisation to \polarization * Renamed polwidth to polsize * Renamed pol to poltype * Renamed bswidth to bssize * Renamed iwidth to innerheight * Renamed owidth to outerheight * Added support for fillstyle for all components 1.0 2007-07-18 * First CTAN version