%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
%%Creator: MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc.
%%Title: example.eps
%%CreationDate: 11/05/96  21:16:44
%%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica
%%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox:    97   197   502   604


% MathWorks dictionary
/MathWorks 150 dict begin

% definition operators
/bdef {bind def} bind def
/ldef {load def} bind def
/xdef {exch def} bdef
/xstore {exch store} bdef

% operator abbreviations
/c  /clip ldef
/cc /concat ldef
/cp /closepath ldef
/gr /grestore ldef
/gs /gsave ldef
/mt /moveto ldef
/np /newpath ldef
/cm /currentmatrix ldef
/sm /setmatrix ldef
/rc {rectclip} bdef
/rf {rectfill} bdef
/rm /rmoveto ldef
/rl /rlineto ldef
/s /show ldef
/sc {setcmykcolor} bdef
/sr /setrgbcolor ldef
/w /setlinewidth ldef
/j /setlinejoin ldef
/cap /setlinecap ldef

% page state control
/pgsv () def
/bpage {/pgsv save def} bdef
/epage {pgsv restore} bdef
/bplot /gsave ldef
/eplot {stroke grestore} bdef

% orientation switch
/portraitMode   0 def
/landscapeMode  1 def

% coordinate system mappings
/dpi2point 0 def

% font control
/FontSize 0 def
/FMS {
    /FontSize xstore        %save size off stack
    [FontSize 0 0 FontSize neg 0 0]

/reencode {
exch dup where
{pop load} {pop StandardEncoding} ifelse
dup 3 1 roll
findfont dup length dict begin
  { 1 index /FID ne {def}{pop pop} ifelse } forall
  /Encoding exch def
definefont pop
} bdef

/isroman {
findfont /CharStrings get
/Agrave known
} bdef

3 1 roll 1 index
dup isroman
{reencode} {pop pop} ifelse
exch FMS
} bdef

/csm {
    1 dpi2point div -1 dpi2point div scale
    neg translate
    landscapeMode eq {90 rotate} if
    } bdef

% line types: solid, dotted, dashed, dotdash
/SO { [] 0 setdash } bdef
/DO { [.5 dpi2point mul 4 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef
/DA { [6 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef
/DD { [.5 dpi2point mul 4 dpi2point mul 6 dpi2point mul 4 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef

% macros for lines and objects
/L {
    } bdef
/MP {
    3 1 roll moveto
    1 sub {rlineto} repeat
    } bdef
/AP {
    {rlineto} repeat
    } bdef
/PP {
    closepath fill
    } bdef
/DP {
    closepath stroke
    } bdef
/MR {
    4 -2 roll moveto
    dup  0 exch rlineto
    exch 0 rlineto
    neg  0 exch rlineto
    } bdef
/FR {
    MR stroke
    } bdef
/PR {
    MR fill
    } bdef
/L1i {
    { currentfile picstr readhexstring pop } image
    } bdef

/tMatrix matrix def
/MakeOval {
    tMatrix currentmatrix pop
    translate scale
    0 0 1 0 360 arc
    tMatrix setmatrix
    } bdef
/FO {
    } bdef
/PO {
    } bdef

/PD {
    2 copy moveto lineto stroke
    } bdef

currentdict end def

MathWorks begin

0 cap


%%Page: 1 1
%%PageBoundingBox:    97   197   502   604
MathWorks begin

%%BeginObject: graph1 1

/dpi2point 12 def
portraitMode 0216 7344 csm

  956    91  4862  4883 MR c np
76 dict begin %Colortable dictionary
/c0 { 0 0 0 sr} bdef
/c1 { 1 1 1 sr} bdef
/c2 { 1 0 0 sr} bdef
/c3 { 0 1 0 sr} bdef
/c4 { 0 0 1 sr} bdef
/c5 { 1 1 0 sr} bdef
/c6 { 1 0 1 sr} bdef
/c7 { 0 1 1 sr} bdef
%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 144 FMSR

1 j
   0    0 6912 5185 PR
6 w
4 w
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
1463  388 mt 1463  388 L
2308 4613 mt 2308  388 L
2308  388 mt 2308  388 L
3153 4613 mt 3153  388 L
3153  388 mt 3153  388 L
3999 4613 mt 3999  388 L
3999  388 mt 3999  388 L
4844 4613 mt 4844  388 L
4844  388 mt 4844  388 L
5689 4613 mt 5689  388 L
5689  388 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
5689 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
1463 4191 mt 5689 4191 L
5689 4191 mt 5689 4191 L
1463 3768 mt 5689 3768 L
5689 3768 mt 5689 3768 L
1463 3346 mt 5689 3346 L
5689 3346 mt 5689 3346 L
1463 2923 mt 5689 2923 L
5689 2923 mt 5689 2923 L
1463 2501 mt 5689 2501 L
5689 2501 mt 5689 2501 L
1463 2078 mt 5689 2078 L
5689 2078 mt 5689 2078 L
1463 1655 mt 5689 1655 L
5689 1655 mt 5689 1655 L
1463 1233 mt 5689 1233 L
5689 1233 mt 5689 1233 L
1463  811 mt 5689  811 L
5689  811 mt 5689  811 L
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
5689  388 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
6 w
1463 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
5689 4613 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
5689 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
1463 4613 mt 1463 4613 L
1463 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
1463 4613 mt 1463 4613 L
1463 4613 mt 1463 4571 L
1463  388 mt 1463  430 L
1423 4782 mt
(0) s
2308 4613 mt 2308 4571 L
2308  388 mt 2308  430 L
2268 4782 mt
(2) s
3153 4613 mt 3153 4571 L
3153  388 mt 3153  430 L
3113 4782 mt
(4) s
3999 4613 mt 3999 4571 L
3999  388 mt 3999  430 L
3959 4782 mt
(6) s
4844 4613 mt 4844 4571 L
4844  388 mt 4844  430 L
4804 4782 mt
(8) s
5689 4613 mt 5689 4571 L
5689  388 mt 5689  430 L
5609 4782 mt
(10) s
1463 4613 mt 1505 4613 L
5689 4613 mt 5647 4613 L
1264 4666 mt
(-1) s
1463 4191 mt 1505 4191 L
5689 4191 mt 5647 4191 L
1144 4244 mt
(-0.8) s
1463 3768 mt 1505 3768 L
5689 3768 mt 5647 3768 L
1144 3821 mt
(-0.6) s
1463 3346 mt 1505 3346 L
5689 3346 mt 5647 3346 L
1144 3399 mt
(-0.4) s
1463 2923 mt 1505 2923 L
5689 2923 mt 5647 2923 L
1144 2976 mt
(-0.2) s
1463 2501 mt 1505 2501 L
5689 2501 mt 5647 2501 L
1348 2554 mt
(0) s
1463 2078 mt 1505 2078 L
5689 2078 mt 5647 2078 L
1228 2131 mt
(0.2) s
1463 1655 mt 1505 1655 L
5689 1655 mt 5647 1655 L
1228 1708 mt
(0.4) s
1463 1233 mt 1505 1233 L
5689 1233 mt 5647 1233 L
1228 1286 mt
(0.6) s
1463  811 mt 1505  811 L
5689  811 mt 5647  811 L
1228  864 mt
(0.8) s
1463  388 mt 1505  388 L
5689  388 mt 5647  388 L
1348  441 mt
(1) s
1463  388 mt 5689  388 L
1463 4613 mt 5689 4613 L
1463 4613 mt 1463  388 L
5689 4613 mt 5689  388 L
1463  388 mt 1463  388 L
5689  388 mt 5689  388 L
gs 1463 388 4227 4226 MR c np
42 183 43 192 42 200 42 206 42 210 43 211 42 210 42 208
42 204 43 196 42 188 42 177 42 165 43 151 42 135 42 119
42 100 43 82 42 61 42 42 42 20 43 -1 42 -22 42 -43
42 -63 43 -83 42 -102 42 -120 43 -137 42 -152 42 -166 42 -178
43 -188 42 -197 42 -204 42 -208 43 -211 42 -211 42 -209 42 -206
43 -199 42 -192 42 -182 42 -170 43 -157 42 -142 42 -126 42 -108
43 -89 42 -70 42 -50 43 -29 42 -8 42 13 42 34 43 55
42 75 42 94 42 113 43 130 42 146 42 160 42 173 43 185
42 193 42 202 42 206 43 210 42 211 42 211 42 207 43 202
42 195 42 186 42 176 43 162 42 149 42 132 43 116 42 97
42 79 42 58 43 37 42 17 42 -4 42 -26 43 -46 42 -67
42 -86 42 -105 43 -123 42 -139 42 -155 42 -168 43 -180 42 -190
42 -198 42 -205 43 -209 1505 2290 100 MP stroke
42 -211 1463 2501 2 MP stroke
42 -106 43 -87 42 -67 42 -48 42 -26 43 -5 42 15 42 37
42 57 43 78 42 96 42 115 42 132 43 148 42 162 42 175
42 185 43 195 42 202 42 207 42 210 43 211 42 211 42 206
42 202 43 194 42 185 42 174 43 161 42 146 42 131 42 113
43 95 42 76 42 56 42 35 43 14 42 -7 42 -28 42 -49
43 -69 42 -89 42 -107 42 -125 43 -141 42 -157 42 -169 42 -182
43 -191 42 -199 42 -205 43 -210 42 -211 42 -210 42 -209 43 -204
42 -197 42 -189 42 -179 43 -166 42 -153 42 -137 42 -121 43 -103
42 -84 42 -64 42 -44 43 -22 42 -2 42 19 42 40 43 61
42 81 42 99 42 118 43 135 42 150 42 164 43 177 42 187
42 197 42 203 43 207 42 211 42 211 42 210 43 206 42 200
42 193 42 183 43 172 42 158 42 144 42 128 43 110 42 92
42 73 42 52 43 31 1505 399 100 MP stroke
42 11 1463 388 2 MP stroke

3194 4942 mt
(\\tex[t][t]{$t$}) s
1090 3419 mt  -90 rotate
(\\tex[B][B]{$\\sin\(t\)$, $\\cos\(t\)$}) s
90 rotate
2314  273 mt
(\\tex[B][B]{Plot of $\\sin\(t\)$ and $\\cos\(t\)$}) s
2689 2048 mt
(p1) s
3956 3343 mt
(p2) s
5224 1495 mt
(p2) s
3486 2178 mt  -78 rotate
(p3) s
78 rotate


%%EndObject graph 1


