Progress of "progress" generated 14.07.2003

    1 Version history 10%
    2 Introduction 20%
    3 Usage 30%
    4 Customizations issues 40%
        4.1 Customizing progress output filename 50%
        4.2 Customizing textural output in dvi/pdf file 60%
        4.3 Customizing graphic progress bar size 70%
    5 Compability issues 80%
    6 Thanks 90%
    7 Example document 100%

  < 0 Means the same as above 0, but indicate that the author is stuck and needs consultance with co-author(s)
0-50 Unfinished
  51-70 1st draft - can have "rough edges"

Focus: main form, contents, major points.
  71-80 2nd draft

Focus: section consistency internally within the chapter, errors, misunderstandings, disagreements, missing points, missing references, additions, readability.
  81-90 3rd draft

Focus: chapter consistency externally within the report, agreement with contents, form, last check if points have been left out, readability.
  91-99 Deliverable
  95 Deliverable, all quotes checked
  96 Deliverable, BibTeX references checked
  97 Deliverable, punctuation checked
  98 Deliverable, thesaurus consulted
  99 Deliverable, whole document spelling checked
  100 Finished

report generated by progress.sty (c) Kasper B. Graversen 2002-2003