\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{probsoln} % use the current year as a random seed so that % it produces a different set of problems each % year. %\PSNrandseed{\year} % or specify a fixed random seed. \PSNrandseed{2004} % Uncomment the following line to generate solution sheet. \showanswers \begin{document} \ifthenelse{\boolean{showanswers}}{\textbf{Solution Sheet}}{} \begin{enumerate} \item Differentiate the following functions with respect to $x$: \begin{enumerate} \selectrandomly{samples/easy.tex}{6} \end{enumerate} \selectrandomly{samples/implicit.tex}{1} \selectrandomly{samples/1stprncp.tex}{1} % The problems defined in samples/arg.tex all take % arguments. \input{samples/args.tex} \item Differentiate the following polynomials \begin{enumerate} \item \useproblem{diff:quad}{3}{0}{-2} \item \useproblem{diff:quad}{1}{2}{3} \item \useproblem{diff:quad}{5}{3}{0} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document}