Dr Nicola Talbot | School of Computing Sciences | University of East Anglia

probsoln.sty v2.02: LATEX2e Package to help create problem sheets

Nicola L.C. Talbot

2nd March 2006



The probsoln package is designed for teachers or lecturers who want to create problem sheets for their students. This package was designed with specifically mathematics problems in mind, but can be used for other subjects as well. The idea is to create a file containing a large number of problems with their solutions which can be read in by LATEX, and then select a number of problems to typeset. This means that once the database has been set up, each year you can easily create a new problem sheet that is sufficiently different from the previous year, thus preventing the temptation of current students seeking out the previous year's students, and checking out their answers. There is also an option that can be passed to the package to determine whether or not the solutions should be printed. In this way, one file can either produce the student's version or the teacher's version.

Package Options

The following options may be passed to this package:
answers Show the answers
noanswers Don't show the answers (default)

Creating a New Problem


A new problem is defined using the command \newproblem. This does not print anything, but merely stores the problem. The argument label is a unique string that is assigned to this problem so that it can be used later. The argument problem is normal LATEX code that should be used to typeset the problem. The argument solution is normal LATEX code that should be used to typeset the solution, if required. For example, the following defines a problem with the label quaddiff:
 %This is the problem
 f(x) = x^2 + 3x + 4
 %This is the solution
 f'(x) = 2x + 3

The optional argument nargs specifies the number of parameters this problem will take. By default this value is 0, but any value from 1 to 9 may be used. Each parameter is referred to by #1, #2, ..., #9. For example, the following problem, labelled sindiff, takes one parameter:

\(f(x) = \sin(#1x)\)
\(f'(x) = #1\cos(#1x)\)

The quaddiff problem shown above can be made more generic by using parameters:

\(f(x) = 
\ifnum#1=1\else#1\fi x^2 
\ifnum#2>0 \ifnum#1=0 \else + \fi \fi
\ifnum#2=1\else#2\fi x 
\ifnum#3>0 \ifnum#2=0 \ifnum#1=0 \else + \fi \else + \fi\fi
\(f'(x) = 
\multiply\ctr by #1
\the\ctr x 
\ifnum#2>0 \ifnum#1=0 \else + \fi \fi
 % print 0 if both #1 and #2 are 0
\ifnum#1=0 \ifnum#2=0 0 \fi\fi 
The three parameters correspond to the coefficients. Note that they must all be integers since TEX only performs integer arithmetic.

Creating a Database

To generate a database, simply create a .tex file where all the problems are defined using \newproblem, and either \input it at the start of your document if you want to use specific problems, or pass it to \selectrandomly. This package comes with some sample databases, along with some sample documents that use these databases.

Displaying a Problem


Once a problem has been defined using \newproblem, it can be typeset using the command \useproblem. If the problem was defined to take arguments, the arguments to the problem should come after the label. In the case of the sindiff example above, the command \useproblem{sindiff}{2} would produce the following:

f(x) = sin(2x)


f'(x) = 2cos(2x)

whereas the command \useproblem{diff:quad}{3}{0}{-2} would produce:

f(x) = 3x2 - 2


f'(x) = 6x

Suppose all the above problems are defined in the file probs.tex, then the following code will create a problem sheet with four questions in it:



Differentiate the following functions with respect to $x$:
\item \useproblem{quaddiff}
\item \useproblem{sindiff}{4}
\item \useproblem{diff:quad}{2}{3}{1}
\item \useproblem{diff:quad}{0}{1}{2}
The answer sheet can then be generated by passing the option answers to the probsoln package.

Selecting All Problems

To select all problems defined in a database, in the order in which they were defined, use the command: \selectallproblems{filename} For example, suppose the problems are defined in the file easy.tex, then the following will create a problem sheet which uses all these problems:



Differentiate the following functions:

Selecting Problems at Random


The command \selectrandomly will select n problems that are defined in the file filename. Each problem is proceeded by \PSitem which is defined to be \item, so the command \selectrandomly should occur within one of the list-like environments, such as enumerate. For example:
will result in four numbered problems, selected at random from the file easy.tex. (The .tex extension may be omitted.) Each problem is followed by the command \endPSNitem which by default does nothing.

Multiple \selectrandomly commands may be used, however a different file must be used each time. For example:

\item Differentiate the following functions with respect to $x$:



This will result in a total of 6 problems, numbered 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 1(d), 2 and 3.

If a randomly selected problem requires arguments, a message similar to the following will be displayed:

Problem diff:quad requires 3 argument(s), please specify (e.g. {5}{3}):
Enter the required arguments, where each argument is enclosed in braces ({ }).

Other Commands

The command \PSNrandseed{n} specifies the seed for the random number generator. For example, if you are using \selectrandomly, \PSNrandseed{\year} will produce a different set of problems each year, whereas \PSNrandseed{\time} will produce a different set of problems each time you LATEX the problem sheet (as long as you leave at least a minute between runs.)

The command \random{counter}{a}{b} generates a random number from a to b and stores it in the LATEX counter counter. For example, to select 2, 3 or 4 problems from the file implicit.tex:

(Note the use of \value.)

This command can also be used to generate random values for problems that take arguments. Consider the problem diff:quad defined earlier. Three counters can be defined to represent the three coefficients:

Random values can now be assigned to these counters:
Finally, the problem can be used (note the use of \arabic):

The command \doforrandN{n}{cmd}{list}{text} will apply text for a random selection of n items in the comma separated list. In each iteration the list item is denoted by cmd. For example, suppose you have three files called file1.tex, file2.tex and file3.tex, and you want to select 1 problem from two of the three files, then you can do:

Note that it is also possible to do
however there is a possibility that the same file may be selected twice which will cause an error.

The command \showanswers will show the solutions from that point on. May be localised by placing within a group.

The command \hideanswers will hide the solutions from that point on. May be localised by placing within a group.

The solution is placed inside the solutionsolution environment. By default this environment simply does \paragraph{\solutionname:} at the start, where \solutionname has the value: Solution. See the file sample3.tex, which comes with this package, for an illustration of how to customise the way in which the randomly selected problems are displayed. This sample file randomly selects multiple choice problems stored in the file tabmchoice.tex, and displays them in a longtable environment.

The boolean variable showanswers is defined to be true if the answers are shown and false otherwise. You can therefore do something like:

\ifthenelse{\boolean{showanswers}}{\textbf{Solution Sheet}}{}
and Solution Sheet will be printed only if the answers are displayed. (For more information on \ifthenelse and \boolean see the documentation for the ifthen package by David Carlisle.)

The showanswers switch can also be used within the definition of a problem, if you want the question to appear differently if the solution is displayed. For example:

Which of the following is the derivative of $x\sin(x)$?
(Circle the correct answer.)
\item[A] $\sin(x)$
\item[B] $x\cos(x)$
\item[C] $\sin(x) + x\cos(x)$
\item[A] $\sin(x)$
\item[B] $x\cos(x)$
\item[\textcircled{C}] $\sin(x) + x\cos(x)$ (product rule).
If the solutions are not displayed, the question will appear as
Which of the following is the derivative of xsin(x)? (Circle the correct answer.)
otherwise it will appear as:
Which of the following is the derivative of xsin(x)? (Circle the correct answer.)
sin(x) + xcos(x) (product rule)


Unexpected Output

Error Messages

Contact Details

Dr Nicola Talbot
School of Computing Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich. NR4 7TJ


Other Commands
Other Commands
Other Commands
Selecting Problems at Random
Other Commands
Error Messages
Other Commands
Creating a Database | Error Messages | Error Messages | Error Messages
Selecting Problems at Random | Error Messages | Error Messages
Creating a New Problem | Creating a New Problem | Creating a Database | Displaying a Problem | Error Messages | Error Messages
Selecting Problems at Random
Error Messages | Error Messages
Other Commands
Other Commands
Selecting All Problems
Creating a Database | Creating a Database | Selecting Problems at Random | Selecting Problems at Random | Selecting Problems at Random | Selecting Problems at Random | Other Commands | Unexpected Output | Unexpected Output | Error Messages | Error Messages | Error Messages
Other Commands
Other Commands
Displaying a Problem | Displaying a Problem
Other Commands

Nicola L. C. Talbot. School of Computing Sciences. University of East Anglia. Last Modified: 2006-03-02