%%  An UIT Edition example
%%  1st edition
%%  Example 02-13-3 on page 47.
%%  Copyright (C) 2012 Herbert Voss
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%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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%% ==== 
% Show page(s) 1,2,3

\title{Introduction to analytic geometry} \author{Gerhard Kowalewski} \date{1910}
Arbitrary notes can be given here; the output is controlled through the
\texttt{display} class option.
\begin{slide}{The integral and its geometric applications}
We assume that the theory of irrational numbers is known.
\begin{itemize}\item one \item two \item three\end{itemize}
\begin{note}{note 2}
Again arbitrary notes can be given here; the output is controlled through the
\texttt{display} class option.
\begin{slide}{title} foo \end{slide}