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Basically, it can be used as an alternative to \pkg{babel} for performing the following tasks automatically: \begin{enumerate} \item Loading the appropriate hyphenation patterns. \item Setting the script and language tags of the current font (if possible and available), via the package \pkg{fontspec}. \item Switching to a font assigned by the user to a particular script or language. \item Adjusting some typographical conventions according to the current language (such as afterindent, frenchindent, spaces before or after punctuation marks, etc.). \item Redefining all document strings (like “chapter”, “figure”, “bibliography”). \item Adapting the formatting of dates (for non-Gregorian calendars via external packages bundled with polyglossia: currently the Hebrew, Islamic and Farsi calendars are supported). \item For languages that have their own numbering system, modifying the formatting of numbers appropriately (this also includes redefining the alphabetic sequence for non-Latin alphabets).\footnote{% This is done by bundled sub-packages such as \pkg{arabicnumbers}.} \item Ensuring proper directionality if the document contains languages that are written from right to left (via the package \pkg{bidi}, available separately). \end{enumerate} Several features of \pkg{babel} that do not make sense in the \XeTeX\ world (like font encodings, shorthands, etc.) are not supported. Generally speaking, \pkg{polyglossia} aims to remain as compatible as possible with the fundamental features of \pkg{babel} while being cleaner, light-weight, and modern. The package \pkg{antomega} has been very beneficial in our attempt to reach this objective. \paragraph{Requirements} The current version of \pkg{polyglossia} makes use of some convenient macros defined in the \pkg{etoolbox} package by \TA{Philipp Lehmann} and \TA{Joseph Wright}. Being designed for \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX, it obviously also relies on \pkg{fontspec} by \TA{Will Robertson}. For languages written from right to left, it needs the package \pkg{bidi} (for \XeTeX) or \pkg{luabidi} (for \LuaTeX) by \TA{Vafa Khalighi} (\textarabic{وفا خليقي}) and the \pkg{bidi-tex GitHub Organisation}. Polyglossia also bundles three packages for calendaric computations (\pkg{hebrewcal}, \pkg{hijrical}, and \pkg{farsical}). \section{Setting up multilingual documents} \subsection{Activating languages} The default language of a document is specified by means of the command \displaycmd{\setdefaultlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}}{\setdefaultlanguage} (or, equivalently, \Cmd\setmainlanguage). Secondary languages are specified with \displaycmd{\setotherlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}.}{\setotherlanguage} All these commands allow you to set language-specific options.\footnote{% Section~\ref{specific} documents these options for the respective languages.} It is also possible to load a series of secondary languages at once (but without options) using \displaycmd{\setotherlanguages\{⟨lang1⟩,⟨lang2⟩,⟨lang3⟩,…\}.}{\setotherlanguages} All language-specific options can be modified locally by means of the language-switching commands described in section \ref{languageswitching}. \paragraph{Note} In general, it is advisable to activate the languages \emph{after} all packages have been loaded. This is particularly important if you use right-to-left scripts or languages with babel shorthands. \subsection{Supported languages} Table~\ref{tab:lang} lists all languages currently supported. Those in \TR{red} have specific options and/or commands that are explained in section \ref{specific} below. \begin{table}[ht]\centering \caption{\label{tab:lang}Languages currently supported in \pkg{polyglossia}} % Produced with tools/insert-language-list.rb -- JS, 2019-11-01 % Edited by hand -- JS, 2019-11-01 \begin{tabular}{lllll} \toprule \TX{afrikaans} & danish & \TX{hungarian} & marathi & \TX{slovenian} \\ albanian & divehi & icelandic & \TX{mongolian} & \TX{sorbian} \\ amharic & \TX{dutch} & interlingua & nko & \TX{spanish} \\ \TX{arabic} & \TX{english} & \TX{italian} & \TX{norwegian} & swedish \\ \TX{armenian} & \TX{esperanto} & japanese & occitan & \TX{syriac} \\ asturian & estonian & kannada & \TX{persian} & tamil \\ basque & \TX{finnish} & khmer & piedmontese & telugu \\ \TX{belarusian} & \TX{french} & \TX{korean} & polish & \TX{thai} \\ \TX{bengali} & friulian & \TX{kurdish} & \TX{portuguese} & \TX{tibetan} \\ bosnian & \TX{gaelic} & \TX{lao} & romanian & turkish \\ breton & galician & \TX{latin} & romansh & turkmen \\ bulgarian & \TX{georgian} & latvian & \TX{russian} & \TX{ukrainian} \\ \TX{catalan} & \TX{german} & lithuanian & \TX{sami} & urdu \\ coptic & \TX{greek} & macedonian & \TX{sanskrit} & vietnamese \\ croatian & \TX{hebrew} & \TX{malay} & \TX{serbian} & \TX{welsh} \\ \TX{czech} & \TX{hindi} & malayalam & \TX{slovak} & \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \paragraph{Version Notes} The support for Amharic\new{v1.0.1} should be considered an experimental attempt to port the package \pkg{ethiop}; feedback is welcome. Version 1.1.1\new{v1.1.1} added support for Asturian, %\footnote{ Provided by Kevin Godby and Xuacu Saturio.}, Lithuanian, %\footnote{ Provided by Kevin Godby and Paulius Sladkevičius.}, and Urdu. %\footnote{ Provided by Kamal Abdali.} % Version 1.2\new{v1.2.0} introduced Armenian, Occitan, Bengali, Lao, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Turkmen.\footnote{% See acknowledgements at the end for due credit to the various contributors.} Version 1.43\new{v1.43} brought basic support for Japanese (this is considered experimental, feedback is appreciated). In version 1.45\new{v1.45}, support for Kurdish and Mongolian as well as some new variants (Canadian French and English) have been added. Furthermore, for consistency reasons, some language have been renamed (\emph{farsi}\textrightarrow\emph{persian}, \emph{friulan}\textrightarrow\emph{friulian}, \emph{magyar}\textrightarrow\emph{hungarian}, \emph{portuges}\textrightarrow\emph{portuguese}, \emph{samin}\textrightarrow\emph{sami}) or merged (\emph{bahasai}\slash\emph{bahasam}\textrightarrow\emph{malay}, \emph{brazil}\slash\emph{portuges}\textrightarrow\emph{portuguese}, \emph{lsorbian}\slash\emph{usorbian}\textrightarrow\emph{sorbian}, \emph{irish}\slash\emph{scottish}\textrightarrow\emph{gaelic}, \emph{norsk}\slash\emph{nynorsk}\textrightarrow\emph{norwegian}). The old names are still supported for backwards compatibility reasons. Version 1.46\new{v1.46} introduces support for Afrikaans, Belarusian, Bosnian and Georgian. \subsection{Relation to and use of Babel language names} If you are familiar with the \pkg{babel} package, you will note that \pkg{polyglossia}'s language naming slightly differs. Whereas \pkg{babel} has a unique name for each language variety (\eg\emph{american} and \emph{british}), \pkg{polyglossia} differentiates language varieties via language options (\eg \emph{english}, ¦variant=american¦). Furthermore, \pkg{babel} sometimes uses abbreviated language names (\eg\emph{bahasam} for Bahasa Malayu) as well as endonyms, \ie language names coming from the designated languages (such as \emph{bahasa}, \emph{canadien} or \emph{magyar}). As opposed to this, \pkg{polyglossia} always uses spelled-out (lower-cased) English language names. Please refer to table~\ref{tab:bbllang} for the differing language names in both packages. \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:bbllang}Babel-polyglossia language name matching} \begin{minipage}[t]{1\columnwidth} \small\centering \begin{tabular}{lll} \toprule \textbf{Babel name} & \textbf{Polyglossia name} & \textbf{Polyglossia options}\tabularnewline \midrule acadien & french & variant=acadian \\ american & english & variant=american [\emph{default}] \\ australian & english & variant=australian \\ austrian & german & variant=austrian, spelling=old \\ bahasa & malay & variant=indonesian [\emph{default}] \\ bahasam & malay & variant=malaysian \\ brazil & portuguese & variant=brazilian \\ british & english & variant=british \\ canadian & english & variant=canadian \\ canadien & french & variant=canadian \\ farsi & persian & \\ friulan & friulian & \\ german\footnote{Due to the name conflict only available in \pkg{polyglossia} as \emph{germanb} (which is a \pkg{babel} synonym).} & german & spelling=old \\ irish & gaelic & variant=irish [\emph{default}] \\ kurmanji & kurdish & variant=kurmanji \\ latin.classic\footnote{Available in \pkg{polyglossia} as \emph{latinclassic} (as dots are invalid in command names).} & latin & variant=classic \\ latin.ecclesiastic\footnote{Available in \pkg{polyglossia} as \emph{latinecclesiastic} (as dots are invalid in command names).} & latin & variant=ecclesiastic \\ latin.medieval\footnote{Available in \pkg{polyglossia} as \emph{latinmedieval} (as dots are invalid in command names).} & latin & variant=medieval \\ lowersorbian & sorbian & variant=lower \\ magyar & hungarian & \\ naustrian & german & variant=austrian \\ newzealand & english & variant=newzealand \\ ngerman & german & variant=german [\emph{default}] \\ norsk & norwegian & variant=bokmal \\ nswissgerman & german & variant=swiss \\ nynorsk & norwegian & variant=nynorsk [\emph{default}] \\ polutonikogreek & greek & variant=polytonic \\ portuges & portuguese & variant=portuguese [\emph{default}] \\ samin & sami & \\ scottish & gaelic & variant=scottish \\ serbianc & serbian & script=Cyrillic \\ slovene & slovenian & \\ spanishmx & spanish & variant=mexican \\ swissgerman & german & variant=swiss, spelling=old \\ uppersorbian & sorbian & variant=upper \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{table} For convenience reasons, \pkg{polyglossia} also supports the use of babel names\new{v1.46} (for the few justified exceptions, please refer to the notes in table~\ref{tab:bbllang}). The babel names listed in table~\ref{tab:bbllang} can be used instead of the corresponding polyglossia name\slash options in \cmd\setdefaultlanguage\ and \cmd\setotherlanguage\ as well as in the \pkg{polyglossia} and \pkg{babel} language switching commands\slash environments documented in section~\ref{sec:langcmds} and \ref{sec:babelcmds} (\eg \cmd\textaustrian\ is synonymous to \cmd{\textgerman[variant=austrian,spelling=old]}). However, unless you have special reasons, we strongly encourage you to use the \pkg{polyglossia} names. \subsection{Global options} \pkg{Polyglossia} can be loaded with the following global package options: \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands}\new{v1.1.1} globally activates \pkg{babel} shorthands whenever available. Currently shorthands are implemented for Afrikaans, Belarusian, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, Georgian, German, Italian, Latin, Mongolian, Russian, and Slovak. Please refer to the respective language descriptions (sec.~\ref{specific}) for details. \item \TB{localmarks} redefines the internal \LaTeX\ macros \cmd\markboth\ and \cmd\markright. In earlier versions of \pkg{polyglossia},\new{v1.2.0} this option was set by default, but we now realize that it causes more problems than it helps, so it is now off by default. For backwards-compatibility, the option \TB{nolocalmarks} which used to switch off the previous default, and now does nothing, is still available. \item \TB{quiet} turns off most info messages and some of the warnings issued by \LaTeX, \pkg{fontspec} and \pkg{polyglossia}. \end{itemize} \section{Language-switching commands}\label{languageswitching} \subsection{Recommended commands}\label{sec:langcmds} For each activated language the command \cmd{\text⟨lang⟩[⟨options⟩]\{…\}} \DescribeMacro{\text⟨lang⟩} (as well as the synonymous \DescribeMacro{\textlang}% \cmd{\textlang[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}\{…\}}\new{1.46}) becomes available for short insertions of text in that language. For example ¦\textrussian{\today}¦ and ¦\textlang{russian}{\today}¦ yield \textrussian{\today} The commands switch to the correct hyphenation patterns, they activate some extra features for the selected language (such as extra spacing before punctuation in French), and they translate the date when using ¦\today¦. They do not, however, translate so-called \textit{caption strings},\ie ``chapter'', ``figure'' etc., to the local language (these remain in the main language). The\DescribeEnv{⟨lang⟩}\ environment ¦⟨lang⟩¦, which is also available for any activated language, is meant for longer passages of text. It behaves slightly different than the \cmd{\text⟨lang⟩} and \cmd\textlang\ commands: It does everything the latter do, but additionally, the caption strings are translated as well, and the language is also passed to auxiliary files, the table of contents and the lists of figures/tables. Like the commands, the environment provides the possibility of setting language options locally. For instance the following allows us to quote the beginning of Homer’s \textit{Iliad}: \begin{Verbatim}[formatcom=\color{myblue}] \begin{quote} \begin{greek}[variant=ancient] μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί' Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε' ἔθηκε, πολλὰς δ' ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προί̈αψεν ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ' ἐτελείετο βουλή, ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε Ἀτρεί̈δης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς. \end{greek} \end{quote} \end{Verbatim} \vspace{-.5\baselineskip} \begin{quote} \begin{greek}[variant=ancient] μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί' Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε' ἔθηκε, πολλὰς δ' ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προί̈αψεν ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ' ἐτελείετο βουλή, ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε Ἀτρεί̈δης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς. \end{greek} \end{quote} \noindent\DescribeEnv{Arabic} Note that for Arabic one cannot use the environment ¦arabic¦, as \cmd\arabic\ is defined internally by \LaTeX. In this case we need to use the environment ¦Arabic¦ instead. \subsection{Babel commands}\label{sec:babelcmds} Some macros defined in \pkg{babel}’s \file{hyphen.cfg} (and thus usually compiled into the \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX\ format) are redefined, but keep a similar behaviour. \begin{itemize} \item \DescribeMacro{\selectlanguage}\cmd{\selectlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}} \item \DescribeMacro{\foreignlanguage}\cmd{\foreignlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}\{…\}} \item \DescribeEnv{otherlanguage}\cmd{\begin\{otherlanguage\}[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}} \dots{} \cmd{\end\{otherlanguage\}} \item \DescribeEnv{otherlanguage*}\cmd{\begin\{otherlanguage*\}[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}} \dots{} \cmd{\end\{otherlanguage*\}} \end{itemize} % ¦\selectlanguage{⟨lang⟩}¦ and the ¦otherlanguage¦ environment are identical to the the ¦⟨lang⟩¦ environment, except that ¦\selectlanguage{⟨lang⟩}¦ does not need to be explicitly closed. The command ¦\foreinlanguage{⟨lang⟩}{…}¦ and the ¦otherlanguage*¦ environment are identical with the use of the ¦\text⟨lang⟩¦ or ¦\textlang¦ command, with the one notable exception that they do not translate the date with ¦\today¦. Since the \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX\ format incorporate \pkg{babel}’s \file{hyphen.cfg}, the low-level commands for hyphenation and language switching defined there are also accessible. \subsection{Other commands} The following commands are probably of lesser interest to the end user, but ought to be mentioned here.\footnote{Note that these commands require polyglossia language names; they do not support language\slash babel aliases.} \begin{itemize} \item \DescribeMacro{\selectbackgroundlanguage}\cmd{\selectbackgroundlanguage\{⟨lang⟩\}}: this selects the global font setup and the numbering definitions for the default language. \item \DescribeMacro{\resetdefaultlanguage}\cmd{\resetdefaultlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}} (experimental): completely switches the default language to another one in the middle of a document: \textit{this may have adverse effects}! \item \Cmd\normalfontlatin: in an environment where \cmd\normalfont\ has been redefined to a non-latin script, this will reset to the font defined with \cmd\setmainfont\ etc. In a similar vein, it is possible to use \Cmd\rmfamilylatin, \Cmd\sffamilylatin, and \Cmd\ttfamilylatin. \item \Cmd\latinalph: Representation of counter as a lower-case letter: 1 = a, 2 = b, etc. \item \Cmd\latinAlph: Representation of counter as a upper-case letter: 1 = A, 2 = B, etc. \end{itemize} \subsection{Setting up alias commands} By means of the macro \displaycmd{\setlanguagealias[⟨options⟩]\{⟨language⟩\}\{⟨alias⟩\}}{\setlanguagealias}\new{v1.46} you can define alias commands for specific language (variants). \Eg \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \setlanguagealias[variant=austrian]{german}{deAT} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} % will define a command \cmd{\textdeAT} as well as an environment ¦{deAT}¦ which will link towards the command \cmd{\textgerman[variant=austrian]} and the environment ¦{german}[variant=austrian]¦, respectively. The aliases can also be used in the language switching commands described in section~\ref{sec:langcmds} and \ref{sec:babelcmds}. Note, though, that the usual restrictions for command names apply, so something such as ¦de-AT¦ or ¦de_AT¦ will not work since ¦-¦ and ¦_¦ are not allowed in command names. For the latter case, and for the case where an alias would clash with an existing \cmd{\text⟨...⟩} command (\eg ¦\textit¦), a starred version \Cmd{\setlanguagealias*} is provided which does not define a \cmd{\text⟨alias⟩} command (but which will set up the alias for everything else, including \cmd{\textlang\{⟨alias⟩\}}). \section{Font setup} With polyglossia it is possible to associate a specific font with any script or language that occurs in the document. That font should always be defined as ¦\⟨script⟩font¦\ or ¦\⟨language⟩font¦. For instance, if the default font defined by \cmd\setmainfont\ does not support Greek, then one can define the font used to display Greek with:\\ \centerline{ \cmd\newfontfamily\cmd{\greekfont[Script=Greek,⟨…⟩]\{⟨font⟩\}}. } Note that polyglossia will use the font defined as is, so assure to do all necessary settings (please refer to the \pkg{fontspec} documentation for details). For instance, if ¦\arabicfont¦ is explicitly defined, then the option ¦Script=Arabic¦ should be included in that definition. If a specific sans serif or monospace (`teletype') font is needed for a particular script or language, it can be defined by means of \new{v1.2.0} ¦\⟨script⟩fontsf¦\ or ¦\⟨language⟩fontsf¦ and ¦\⟨script⟩fonttt¦\ or ¦\⟨language⟩fonttt¦, respectively. Whenever a new language is activated, \pkg{polyglossia} will first check whether a font has been defined for that language or – for languages in non-Latin scripts – for the script it uses. If it is not defined, it will use the currently active font and – in the case of OpenType fonts – will attempt to turn on the appropriate OpenType tags for the script and language used, in case these are available in the font, by means of \pkg{fontspec}’s \cmd\addfontfeature. If the current font does not appear to support the script of that language, an error message is displayed. \section{Adapting hyphenation} \subsection{Hyphenation exceptions} \TeX\ provides the command ¦\hyphenation{⟨exceptions⟩}¦ to globally define hyphenation exceptions which override the hyphenation patterns for specified words. The command takes as argument a space-separated list of words where hyphenation points are marked by a dash (if no dash is used, the respective word is not hyphenated at all): \begin{Verbatim} \hyphenation{% po-ly-glos-sia LaTeX } \end{Verbatim} % These exceptions, however, apply to all languages. In addition to this, \pkg{polyglossia} provides the command\new{v1.45} \displaycmd{\pghyphenation[⟨options⟩]\{⟨lang⟩\}\{⟨exceptions⟩\}}{\pghyphenation} which can be used to define exceptions that only apply to a specific language or language variant, respectively. \subsection{Hyphenation disabling} In some very specific contexts (such as music score creation), \TeX{} hyphenation is something to avoid as it may cause troubles. \pkg{polyglossia} provides two functions: \Cmd\disablehyphenation\ and \Cmd\enablehyphenation. Note that if you select a new language while hyphenation is disabled, it will remain disabled. If you re-enable it, the hyphenation patterns of the currently selected language will be activated. \section{Language-specific options and commands}\label{specific} This section gives a list of all languages for which options and end-user commands are defined. The default value of each option is given in italic. %\subsection{amharic}\label{amharic} \subsection{afrikaans}\label{afikaans} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.1.1} if this is turned on, the following shorthands defined for fine-tuning hyphenation and micro-typography of Afrikaans words are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦ in default \TeX). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \end{shorthands} \end{itemize} \subsection{arabic}\label{arabic} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{calendar} = \textit{gregorian} or islamic (= hijri) \item \TB{locale} = \textit{default},\footnote{ % For Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and the Gulf states.} mashriq,\footnote{ % For Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.} libya, algeria, tunisia, morocco, or mauritania. This setting influences the spelling of the month names for the Gregorian calendar, as well as the form of the numerals (unless overriden by the following option). \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{mashriq} or maghrib (the latter is the default when locale = algeria, tunisia or morocco) \item \TB{abjadjimnotail} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.0.3} Set this to true if you want the \textit{abjad} form of the number three to be \textarabic{ج‍} – as in the manuscript tradition – instead of the modern usage \textarabic{ج}. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\abjad and \Cmd\abjadmaghribi (see section \ref{abjad}) \item \Cmd\aemph to emphasize text with ¦\overline¦.\new{v1.2.0} ¦\textarabic{\aemph{اب}}¦ yields \textarabic{\aemph{اب}}. This command is also available for Farsi, Urdu, etc. \end{itemize} \subsection{armenian}\label{armenian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant}\new{v1.45} = eastern or \textit{western} \item \TB{numerals}\new{v1.45} = armenian or \textit{arabic} \end{itemize} \subsection[belarusian]{belarusian\new{v1.46}}\label{belarusian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. If this is turned on, the following shorthands are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"---¦] Cyrillic emdash in plain text. \item[¦"--~¦] Cyrillic emdash in compound names (surnames). \item[¦"--*¦] Cyrillic emdash for denoting direct speech. \item[¦",¦] thinspace for initials with a breakpoint in following surname. \item[¦"‘¦] for German left double quotes (looks like ,,). \item[¦"’¦] for German right double quotes (looks like “). \item[¦"<¦] for French left double quotes (looks like <<). \item[¦">¦] for French right double quotes (looks like >>). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{arabic} or cyrillic. Uses either Arabic numerals or Cyrillic alphanumerical numbering. \item \TB{spelling} = \textit{modern} or classic (=~tarask). With ¦spelling=classic¦, captions and dates adhere to the Taraškievica (or Belarusian classical) orthography rather than the standard orthography. \end{itemize} % \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Asbuk: produces uppercased Cyrillic alphanumerals, for environments such as ¦enumerate¦. The command takes a counter as argument, \eg ¦\textbelarusian{\Asbuk{page}}¦ produces \textrussian{\Asbuk{page}}. \item \Cmd\asbuk: same in lowercase \end{itemize} \subsection[bengali]{bengali\new{v1.2.0}}\label{bengali} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = Western, Bengali or \textit{Devanagari} \item \TB{changecounternumbering} = true or \textit{false} (use specified numerals for headings and page numbers) \end{itemize} \subsection{catalan}\label{catalan} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.1.1} Activates the shorthands \texttt{"l} and \texttt{"L} to type geminated l’s. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd{\l.l} and \Cmd{\L.L}\new{v1.1.1} can be used to type a geminated l, as in \textit{co\l.laborar}, similar to \pkg{babel} (the glyph U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT is used as a geminating sign). \end{itemize} \subsection{czech}\label{czech} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.45} if this is turned on, the following shorthands for Czech are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"=¦] for an explicit hyphen sign which is repeated at the beginning of the next line when hyphenated, as common in Czech typesetting (only needed with ¦splithyphens=false¦). \item[¦"‘¦] for Czech left double quotes (looks like ,,). \item[¦"’¦] for Czech right double quotes (looks like “). \item[¦">¦] for Czech left double guillemets (looks like >>). \item[¦"<¦] for Czech right double guillemets (looks like <<). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{splithyphens} = false or \textit{true}.\new{v1.45} According to Czech typesetting conventions, if a word with a hard hyphen (such as \emph{je-li}) is hyphenated at this hyphen, a second hyphenation character is to be inserted at the beginning of the line that follows the hyphenation (\emph{je-/-li}). By default, this is done automatically\new{v1.46} (if you are using \LuaTeX, the \pkg{luavlna} package is loaded to achieve this). Set this option to ¦false¦ to disable the feature. \item \TB{vlna} = false or \textit{true}. \new{v1.45} According to Czech typesetting conventions, single-letter words (non-syllable prepositions) must not occur at line ends. \pkg{Polyglossia} takes care of this automatically by default\new{v1.46} (if you are using \LuaTeX, the \pkg{luavlna} package is loaded to achieve this). Set this option to ¦false¦ to disable the feature. \end{itemize} \subsection{dutch}\label{dutch} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.1.1} if this is turned on, the following shorthands defined for fine-tuning hyphenation and micro-typography of Dutch words are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦ in default \TeX). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \end{shorthands} In addition, the macro \Cmd\- is redefined to allow hyphens in the rest of the word (equivalent to ¦"-¦). \end{itemize} \subsection{english}\label{english} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = \textit{american} (= us), usmax (same as ‘american’ but with additional hyphenation patterns), british (= uk), australian, canadian\new{v1.45} or newzealand \item \TB{ordinalmonthday} = true/\textit{false} (true by default only when variant = british) \end{itemize} \subsection{esperanto}\label{esperanto} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\hodiau\ and \Cmd\hodiaun are special forms of \cmd\today. The former produces the date in Esperanto preceded by the article (\emph{la}), which is the most common date format. The latter produces the same date format in accusative case. \end{itemize} \subsection{finnish}\label{finnish} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.45} if this is turned on, the following shorthands for fine-tuning hyphenation and micro-typography of Finnish words are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \end{shorthands} \end{itemize} \subsection{french}\label{french} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item\TB{variant} = \textit{french} or canadian (=~acadian).\new{v1.45} Currently, the three variants do not differ; they are supported for compatibility with \pkg{babel} (where they do not differ either). \item \TB{autospacing} = \textit{true} or false. One of the most distinct features of French typography is the addition of extra spacing around punctuation and quotation marks (guillemets). By default, polyglossia adds these spaces automatically, so you don't need to enter them. This options allows you to switch this feature off globally. \item \TB{thincolonspace}\new{v1.46} = true or \textit{false}. Normally, a full (non-breaking) interword space is inserted before a colon. Use this option if you prefer a thinner space as used before \texttt{;}, \texttt{!}, and \texttt{?}. \item \TB{autospaceguillemets}\footnote{Up to version 1.44, the option was called \textit{automaticspacesaroundguillemets}. For backards compatibility reasons, the more verbose old option is still supported.} = \textit{true} or false. If you only want to disable the automatic addition of spacing after opening and before closing guillemets (and not at punctuation), set this to \textit{false}. Note that the more general option \textit{autospacing} overrides this. \item \TB{autospacetypewriter}\footnote{Babel's syntax \textit{OriginalTypewriter} is also supported.}\new{1.45} = true or \textit{false} (default value = true). By default, automatic spacing is disabled in typewriter font. If this is enabled, spacing in typewriter context is the same as with roman and sans serif font, depending on the \textit{autospacing} and \textit{autospaceguillemets} settings (note that this was the default up to v.~1.44). \item \TB{frenchfootnote} = true or \textit{false} (default value = true). If \textit{true}, footnotes start with a non-superscripted number followed by a dot, as common in French typography. Note that this might interfere with the specific footnote handling of classes or packages. Also note that this option is only functional (by design) if French is the main language. \item \TB{frenchitemlabels}\new{v.1.46} = true or \textit{false} (default value = true). If \textit{true}, itemize item labels use em-dashes throughout, as common in French typography. Note that this option is only functional (by design) if French is the main language. Also, it might interfere with list packages such as \pkg{enumitem}. \item \TB{itemlabels}\new{v.1.46} = ¦⟨cmd⟩¦ (default value = ¦\textemdash¦). If \emph{frenchitemlabels} is true, you can customize here the used item label of all levels. \item \TB{itemlabeli}\new{v.1.46} = ¦⟨cmd⟩¦ (default value = ¦\textemdash¦). If \emph{frenchitemlabels} is true, you can customize here the used item label of the first level. \item \TB{itemlabelii}\new{v.1.46} = ¦⟨cmd⟩¦ (default value = ¦\textemdash¦). If \emph{frenchitemlabels} is true, you can customize here the used item label of the second level. \item \TB{itemlabeliii}\new{v.1.46} = ¦⟨cmd⟩¦ (default value = ¦\textemdash¦). If \emph{frenchitemlabels} is true, you can customize here the used item label of the third level. \item \TB{itemlabeliv}\new{v.1.46} = ¦⟨cmd⟩¦ (default value = ¦\textemdash¦). If \emph{frenchitemlabels} is true, you can customize here the used item label of the fourth level. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\NoAutoSpacing\new{v1.45} disables automatic spacing around punctuation and quotation marks in all following text. The command can also be used locally if braces are used for grouping: ¦{\NoAutoSpacing foo:bar}¦ \item \Cmd\AutoSpacing\new{v1.45} enables automatic spacing around punctuation and quotation marks in all following text. The command can also be used locally if braces are used for grouping: ¦{\AutoSpacing regarde!}¦ \end{itemize} \subsection[gaelic]{gaelic\new{v1.45}}\label{gaelic} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = \textit{irish} or scottish \end{itemize} \subsection[georgian]{georgian\new{v1.46}}\label{georgian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. If this is turned on, the following shorthands are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"---¦] Cyrillic emdash in plain text. \item[¦"--~¦] Cyrillic emdash in compound names (surnames). \item[¦"--*¦] Cyrillic emdash for denoting direct speech. \item[¦",¦] thinspace for initials with a breakpoint in following surname. \item[¦"‘¦] for German left double quotes (looks like ,,). \item[¦"’¦] for German right double quotes (looks like “). \item[¦"<¦] for French left double quotes (looks like <<). \item[¦">¦] for French right double quotes (looks like >>). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{arabic} or georgian. Uses either Arabic numerals or Georgian alphanumerical numbering. \item \TB{oldmonthnames} = \textit{true} or false (default: false). Uses traditional Georgian month names. \end{itemize} \subsection{german}\label{german} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item\TB{variant} = \textit{german}, austrian or swiss.\new{v1.33.4} Setting variant=austrian or variant=swiss uses some lexical variants. With spelling=old, variant=swiss furthermore loads specific hyphenation patterns. \item \TB{spelling} = \textit{new} (= 1996) or old (= 1901): indicates whether hyphenation patterns for traditional (1901) or reformed (1996) orthography should be used. The latter is the default. \item \TB{latesthyphen} = \textit{false} or true: if this option is set to true, the latest (experimental) hyphenation patterns ‘(n)german-x-latest’ will be loaded instead of ‘german’ or ‘ngerman’. NB: This is based on the file \texttt{language.dat} that comes with \TeX Live 2008 and later. \item\TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true: \new{v1.0.3} if this is turned on, all shorthands defined in \pkg{babel} for fine-tuning hyphenation and micro-typography of German words are activated. \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"ck¦] for ¦ck¦ to be hyphenated as ¦k-k¦ (1901 spelling). \item[¦"ff¦] for ¦ff¦ to be hyphenated as ¦ff-f¦ (1901 spelling); this is also available for the letters l, m, n, p, r and t. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position (\eg ¦Auf"|lage¦). \item[¦"=¦] for an explicit hyphen with a breakpoint, allowing for hyphenation at the other points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to plain ¦-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable,\eg ¦bergauf und "~ab¦. \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign); \eg ¦(pseudo"~)""wissenschaftlich¦. \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \end{shorthands} There are also four shorthands for quotation signs: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"`¦] for German left double quotes („) \item[¦"'¦] for German right double quotes (“) \item[¦"<¦] for French left double quotes («) \item[¦">¦] for French right double quotes (»). \end{shorthands} \item\TB{script} = \textit{latin} or blackletter\new{v1.46} (=~fraktur\new{v1.2.0}). Setting ¦script=blackletter¦ adapts the captions for typesetting German in blackletter type (using the long s (ſ) where appropriate). \end{itemize} \subsection{greek}\label{greek} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = \textit{monotonic} (= mono), polytonic (= poly), or ancient \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{greek} or arabic \item \TB{attic} = \textit{false}/true \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Greeknumber and \Cmd\greeknumber \ (see section \ref{abjad}). \item The command \Cmd\atticnumeral (= \Cmd\atticnum) (activated with the option ¦attic=true¦), displays numbers using the acrophonic numbering system (defined in the Unicode range \textsf{U+10140–U+10174}).\footnote{ % See the documentation of the \pkg{xgreek} package for more details.} \end{itemize} \subsection{hebrew}\label{hebrew} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = hebrew or \textit{arabic} \item \TB{calendar} = hebrew or \textit{gregorian} \item \TB{marcheshvan} = true or \textit{false} (default value = true). If true, the second month of the civil year will be output as \texthebrew{מרחשון} (Marcheshvan) rather than \texthebrew{חשון} (Heshvan), which is the default. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\hebrewnumeral\ (= \Cmd\hebrewalph) (see section \ref{abjad}). \item \Cmd\aemph (see section \ref{arabic}). \end{itemize} \subsection[hindi]{hindi\new{v1.2.0}}\label{hindi} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = Western or \textit{Devanagari} \end{itemize} \subsection{hungarian}\label{hungarian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{swapstrings} = \textit{all}, captions, headings, headers, hheaders or none\new{v1.46} In Hungarian, some caption strings need to be in a different order than in other languages (\eg \emph{1. fejezet} instead of \emph{Chapter 1}). By default, \pkg{polyglossia} tries hard to provide the correct order for different classes and packages (standard classes, \pkg{KOMA-script}, \pkg{memoir}, and \pkg{titlesec} package should work, as well as \pkg{fancyhdr} and \pkg{caption}). However, since the definition of these strings is not standardized, the redefinitions might not work and even interfere badly if you use specific classes or packages that redefine the respective strings themselves. In this case, you can disable some or all changes. The possibilities are: \begin{itemize} \item ¦all¦: Redefine figure and table captions, part and chapter headings, and running headers (=~default setting) \item ¦captions¦: Redefine figure and table captions only \item ¦headings¦: Redefine part and chapter headings only \item ¦headers¦: Redefine running headers only \item ¦hheaders¦: Redefine part and chapter headings as well as running headers \item ¦none¦: Do not redefine anything \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\ontoday\ (= \Cmd\ondatehungarian): special form of \cmd\today\ which produces a slightly different date format as used in prepositional phrases (such as ‘on February 10th’) in Hungarian. \end{itemize} \subsection{italian}\label{italian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.2.0cc}% TODO: check version Activates the ¦"¦ character as a switch to perform etymological hyphenation when followed by a letter. Furthermore, the following shorthands are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦""¦] double raised open quotes (the Italian keyboard misses the backtick). \item[¦"<¦] open guillemet (looks like <<). \item[¦">¦] closing guillemet (looks like >>). \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \end{shorthands} \end{itemize} \subsection[korean]{korean\new{v1.40.0}}\label{korean} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = \textit{plain}, classic or modern: for spacing before/after CJK punctuations. `classic' is suitable for text with no interword spaces, `modern' for text with interword spaces. \item \TB{captions} = \textit{hangul} or hanja \end{itemize} \subsection[kurdish]{kurdish\new{v1.45}}\label{kurdish} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = kurmanji or \textit{sorani} \item \TB{script} = Arabic or Latin. Defaults are ¦Arabic¦ for Sorani and ¦Latin¦ for Kurmanji. \item \TB{numerals} = western or eastern. Defaults are ¦western¦ for Latin and ¦eastern¦ for Arabic script, depending on the selection above. \item \TB{abjadjimnotail} = \textit{false} or true. Set this to true if you want the \textit{abjad} form of the number three to be \textarabic{ج‍} – as in the manuscript tradition – instead of the modern usage \textarabic{ج}. % \item \TB{locale} (not yet implemented) % \item \TB{calendar} (not yet implemented) \end{itemize} \condbreak{2\baselineskip} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\ontoday: special form of \cmd\today\ which produces a slightly different date format as used in prepositional phrases (as in ‘on February 10th’). Only available for Latin script. \item \Cmd\abjad (see section \ref{abjad}) \item \Cmd\aemph (see section \ref{arabic}) \end{itemize} \subsection[lao]{lao\new{v1.2.0}}\label{lao} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = lao or \textit{arabic} \end{itemize} \subsection{latin}\label{latin} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = classic, medieval, \emph{modern}, or ecclesiastic\new{v.1.46} These variants refer to different spelling conventions. The ¦classic¦ and the ¦medieval¦ variant do not use the letters \emph{U} and \emph{v}, but only \emph{V} and \emph{u}. This concerns predefined terms like month names as well as the behaviour of the \cmd\MakeUppercase\ and the \cmd\MakeLowercase\ command. The ¦medieval¦ and the ¦ecclesiastic¦ variant use the ligatures \emph{\ae} and \emph{\oe}. See table \ref{tab:latin-spelling} for examples. Furthermore, the \texttt{ecclesiastic} variant takes care for a punctuation spacing similar to French, but with smaller spaces, as provided for PDF\TeX\ by the \pkg{ecclesiastic} package. \begin{table} \centering \caption{\label{tab:latin-spelling}Spelling differences between the Latin language variants.\newline The capitalization of month names and the use of \emph{i/j} may be affected by the \texttt{capitalizemonth} and the \texttt{usej} option.} \begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule \textbf{classic} & \textbf{medieval} & \textbf{modern} & \textbf{ecclesiastic} \\ \midrule Ianuarii & Ianuarii & Ianuarii & ianuarii \\ Nouembris & Nouembris & Novembris & novembris \\ Praefatio & Præfatio & Praefatio & Præfatio \\ \addlinespace\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\cmd{\MakeUppercase\{Iulius\}} yields:} \\ IVLIVS & IVLIVS & IULIUS & IULIUS \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \item \TB{hyphenation}\new{v.1.46} = classic, modern, or liturgical There are three different sets of hyphenation patterns for Latin. Separate documention for them is available on the Internet.\footnote{\url{https://github.com/gregorio-project/hyphen-la/blob/master/doc/README.md\#hyphenation-styles}} Each of the four variants mentioned above has its default set of hyphenation patterns as indicated by table \ref{tab:latin-hyphenation}. Use the ¦hyphenation¦ option if the default style does not fit your needs. Note that the liturgical hyphenation patterns are the default of none of the language variants. To use them, you have to say ¦hyphenation=liturgical¦ in any case. \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:latin-hyphenation}Latin default hyphenation styles} \centering \begin{tabular}{ll} \toprule \textbf{Language variant} & \textbf{Default hyphenation style} \\ \midrule classic & classic \\ medieval & modern \\ modern & modern \\ ecclesiastic & modern \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \item \TB{ecclesiasticfootnotes}\new{v.1.46} = true or \emph{false} Use footnotes as provided by the \pkg{ecclesiastic} package, which typesets footnotes with ordinary instead of superior numbers and without indentation. As many ecclesiastic documents and liturgical books use footnotes that are very similar to the ordinary \LaTeX\ ones, we do not use this footnote style as default even for the ¦ecclesiastic¦ variant. Note that this option is only possible if Latin is the main language of your document. \item \TB{usej}\new{v.1.46} = true or \emph{false} Use \emph{J/j} in predefined terms. The letter \emph{j} is not of ancient origin. In early modern times, it was used to distinguish the consonantic \emph{i} from the vocalic~\emph{i}. Nowadays, the use of \emph{j} has disappeared from most Latin publications. So ¦false¦ is the default value for all four language variants. Use this option if you prefer \emph{Januarii} and \emph{Maji} to \emph{Ianuarii} and \emph{Maii}. \item \TB{capitalizemonth}\new{v.1.46} = true or false Capitalize the month name when printing dates (using the \cmd\today\ command). Traditionally, month names are capitalized. However, in recent liturgical books they are lowercase. So ¦true¦ is the default value for the variants ¦classic¦, ¦medieval¦, and ¦modern¦, whereas ¦false¦ is the default value for the ¦ecclesiastic¦ variant. \item \TB{babelshorthands} = true or \emph{false} Enable the following shorthands inherited from \pkg{babel-latin} and the \pkg{ecclesiastic} package. \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"<¦] for « (left guillemet) \item[¦">¦] for » (right guillemet) \item[¦"¦] If no other shorthand applies, ¦"¦ before any letter character defines an optional break point allowing further break points within the same word (as opposed to the \cmd\- command). \item[¦"|¦] the same as ¦"¦, but also possible before non-letter characters \item[¦'a¦] for á (a with acute), also available for é, í, ó, ú, ý, ǽ, and \'œ \item[¦'A¦] for Á (A with acute), also available for É, Í, Ó, Ú, \'V, Ý, Ǽ, and \'Œ \end{shorthands} The following shorthands are only available for the ¦medieval¦ and the ¦ecclesiastic¦ variant. \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"ae¦] for æ (ae ligature), also available for œ \item[¦"Ae¦] for Æ (AE ligature), also available for Œ \item[¦"AE¦] for Æ (AE ligature), also available for Œ \item[¦'ae¦] for ǽ (ae ligature with acute), also available for \'œ \item[¦'Ae¦] for Ǽ (AE ligature with acute), also available for \'Œ \item[¦'AE¦] for Ǽ (AE ligature with acute), also available for \'Œ \end{shorthands} \item \TB{prosodicshorthands}\new{v.1.46} = true or \emph{false} Enable shorthands for prosodic marks (macrons and breves) very similiar to those provided by \pkg{babel-latin} using the ¦withprosodicmarks¦ modifier. Note that the active ¦=¦ character used for macrons will cause problems with commands using \texttt{key=value} interfaces, \eg ¦\includegraphics[scale=2]{...}¦. Use \cmd{\shorthandoff\{=\}} before such commands (and \cmd{\shorthandon\{=\}} thereafter) within every environment with prosodic shorthands enabled. The following shorthands are available. \begin{shorthands} \item[¦=a¦] for ā (a with macron), also available for ē, ī, ō, ū, and ȳ \item[¦=A¦] for Ā (A with macron), also available for Ē, Ī, Ō, Ū, V̄, and Ȳ. Note that a macron above the letter V is only displayed if your font supports the Unicode character ¦0304¦ (\emph{combining macron}). \item[¦=ae¦] for a͞e (ae diphthong with macron), also available for a͞u, e͞u, and o͞e. Note that macrons above diphthongs are only displayed if your font supports the Unicode character ¦035E¦ (\emph{combining double macron}). \item[¦=Ae¦] for A͞e (Ae diphthong with macron), also available for A͞u, E͞u, and O͞e. \item[¦=AE¦] for A͞E (AE diphthong with macron), also available for A͞U, E͞U, and O͞E. \item[¦\textasciicircum a¦] for ă (a with breve), also available for ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ, and y̆. Note that a breve above the letter y is only displayed if your font supports the Unicode character ¦0306¦ (\emph{combining breve}). \item[¦\textasciicircum A¦] Ă (A with breve), also available for Ĕ, Ĭ, Ŏ, Ŭ, V̆, and Y̆. Note that breves above the letters V and Y are only displayed if your font supports the Unicode character ¦0306¦ (\emph{combining breve}). \end{shorthands} \end{itemize} \subsection{malay}\label{malay} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant}\new{v1.45} = \textit{indonesian} (=~bahasai in \pkg{babel}) or malaysian (=~bahasam in \pkg{babel}) \end{itemize} \subsection[mongolian]{mongolian\new{v1.45}}\label{mongolian} Currently, only the Khalkha variety in Cyrillic script is supported. \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. If this is turned on, the following shorthands are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"---¦] Cyrillic emdash in plain text. \item[¦"--~¦] Cyrillic emdash in compound names (surnames). \item[¦"--*¦] Cyrillic emdash for denoting direct speech. \item[¦",¦] thinspace for initials with a breakpoint in following surname. \item[¦"‘¦] for German left double quotes (looks like ,,). \item[¦"’¦] for German right double quotes (looks like “). \item[¦"<¦] for French left double quotes (looks like <<). \item[¦">¦] for French right double quotes (looks like >>). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{arabic} or cyrillic. Uses either Arabic numerals or Cyrillic alphanumerical numbering. \end{itemize} % \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Asbuk: produces uppercased Cyrillic alphanumerals, for environments such as ¦enumerate¦. The command takes a counter as argument, \eg ¦\textmongolian{\Asbuk{page}}¦ produces \textrussian{\Asbuk{page}}. \item \Cmd\asbuk: same in lowercase \end{itemize} \subsection{norwegian}\label{norwegian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant}\new{v1.45} = bokmal (=~`norsk' in \pkg{babel}) or \textit{nynorsk} \end{itemize} \subsection{persian}\label{persian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = western or \textit{eastern} \item \TB{abjadjimnotail} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.0.3} Set this to true if you want the \textit{abjad} form of the number three to be \textarabic{ج‍} – as in the manuscript tradition – instead of the modern usage \textarabic{ج}. % \item \TB{locale} (not yet implemented) % \item \TB{calendar} (not yet implemented) \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\abjad (see section \ref{abjad}) \item \Cmd\aemph (see section \ref{arabic}). \end{itemize} \subsection{portuguese}\label{portuguese} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant}\new{v1.45} = brazilian or \textit{portuguese} \end{itemize} \subsection{russian}\label{russian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. If this is turned on, the following shorthands are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"---¦] Cyrillic emdash in plain text. \item[¦"--~¦] Cyrillic emdash in compound names (surnames). \item[¦"--*¦] Cyrillic emdash for denoting direct speech. % These are commented out in gloss-russian % \item[¦",¦] thinspace for initials with a breakpoint in following surname. % \item[¦"‘¦] for German left double quotes (looks like ,,). % \item[¦"’¦] for German right double quotes (looks like “). % \item[¦"<¦] for French left double quotes (looks like <<). % \item[¦">¦] for French right double quotes (looks like >>). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{indentfirst}\new{v1.46} = \textit{true} or false. By default, all paragraphs are indented in Russian, also those after a chapter or section heading. If this option is false, the latter paragraphs are not indented, as normal in \LaTeX. \item \TB{spelling} = \textit{modern} or old (for captions and date only, not for hyphenation) \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{arabic} or cyrillic. Uses either Arabic numerals or Cyrillic alphanumerical numbering. \end{itemize} % \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Asbuk: produces uppercased Cyrillic alphanumerals, for environments such as ¦enumerate¦. The command takes a counter as argument, \eg ¦\textrussian{\Asbuk{page}}¦ produces \textrussian{\Asbuk{page}}. \item \Cmd\asbuk: same in lowercase \end{itemize} \subsection[sami]{sami\new{v1.45}}\label{sami} Currently support for Sami is limited to Northern Sami. \subsection{sanskrit}\label{sanskrit} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{script} = \textit{Devanagari}\new{v1.0.2}, Gujarati, Malayalam, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu or Latin. The value is passed to \pkg{fontspec} in cases where the respective ¦\⟨script⟩font¦ is not defined. This can be useful if you typeset Sanskrit texts in scripts other than Devanagari. \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{Devanagari}\new{v1.45} or Western \end{itemize} \subsection{serbian}\label{serbian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{script} = \textit{Cyrillic} or Latin. \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{arabic} or cyrillic. Uses either Arabic numerals or Cyrillic alphanumerical numbering. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Asbuk: produces uppercased Cyrillic alphanumerals, for environments such as ¦enumerate¦. The command takes a counter as argument,\\ Example: ¦\textserbian[numerals=cyrillic]{\Asbuk{page}}¦ produces \textserbian[numerals=cyrillic]{\Asbuk{page}}. \item \Cmd\asbuk: same in lowercase \end{itemize} \subsection{slovak}\label{slovak} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{babelshorthands} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.46} if this is turned on, the following shorthands for Slovak are activated: \begin{shorthands} \item[¦"=¦] for an explicit hyphen sign which is repeated at the beginning of the next line when hyphenated, as common in Slovak typesetting (only needed with ¦splithyphens=false¦). \item[¦"|¦] disables a ligature at this position. \item[\texttt{"\textasciitilde}] for a hyphen sign without a breakpoint. Useful for cases where the hyphen should stick at the following syllable. \item[¦"-¦] adds a hyphenation point that does still allow for hyphenation at the points preset in the hyphenation patterns (as opposed to ¦\-¦). \item[¦""¦] allows for a line break at this position (without hyphenation sign). \item[¦"/¦] a slash that allows for a subsequent line break. As opposed to ¦\slash¦, hyphenation at the breakpoints preset in the hyphenation patterns is still allowed. \item[¦"‘¦] for Slovak left double quotes (looks like ,,). \item[¦"’¦] for Slovak right double quotes (looks like “). \item[¦">¦] for Slovak left double guillemets (looks like >>). \item[¦"<¦] for Slovak right double guillemets (looks like <<). \end{shorthands} \item \TB{splithyphens} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.46} According to Slovak typesetting conventions, if a word with a hard hyphen (such as \emph{je-li}) is hyphenated at this hyphen, a second hyphenation character is to be inserted at the beginning of the line that follows the hyphenation (\emph{je-/-li}). By default, this is done automatically (if you are using \LuaTeX, the \pkg{luavlna} package is loaded to achieve this). Set this option to ¦false¦ to disable the feature. \item \TB{vlna} = \textit{false} or true. \new{v1.46} According to Slovak typesetting conventions, single-letter words (non-syllable prepositions) must not occur at line ends. \pkg{Polyglossia} takes care of this automatically by default (if you are using \LuaTeX, the \pkg{luavlna} package is loaded to achieve this). Set this option to ¦false¦ to disable the feature. \end{itemize} \subsection{slovenian}\label{slovenian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{localalph} = true or \textit{false} \end{itemize} \subsection{sorbian}\label{sorbian} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant}\new{v1.45} = lower or \textit{upper} \item \TB{olddate}\new{v1.45} = true or \textit{false} (default value = true). If true, ¦\today¦ will use traditional Sorbian month names (\ie it will be synonymous to ¦\oldtoday¦ below) \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\oldtoday: outputs the current date using traditional Sorbian month names, even if \TB{olddate} is false. \end{itemize} \subsection{spanish}\label{spanish} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{variant} = \textit{spanish} or mexican.\new{v1.46} \item \TB{spanishoperators} = all, accented, spaced or none or \textit{false} (default value = all).\new{v1.46} Determines of and how math operators are localized to Spanish. \begin{itemize} \item ¦accented¦ causes some math operators to use accents where usual in Spanish (\emph{lím}, \emph{lím\,sup}, \emph{lím\,inf}, \emph{máx}, \emph{mín}, \emph{ínf}, \emph{mód}). \item ¦spaced¦ causes some math operators to use spaces where usual in Spanish (\emph{arc\,cos}, \emph{arc\,sen}, \emph{arc\,tg}). \item ¦all¦ activates ¦accented¦ and ¦spaced¦ and furthermore provides Spanish localizations of ¦\sin¦ (\emph{sen}), ¦\tan¦ (\emph{tg}), ¦\sinh¦ (\emph{senh}), and ¦\tanh¦ (\emph{tgh}). \item ¦none¦ does no localization at all (default setting). \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \paragraph*{\color{black}Commands:}\new{v1.46} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\arcsen: alias to ¦\arcsin¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\arctg: alias to ¦\arctan¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\sen: alias to ¦\sin¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\senh: alias to ¦\sinh¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\tg: alias to ¦\tan¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\tgh: alias to ¦\tanh¦ (\pkg{babel} compatibility) \item \Cmd\spanishoperator: allows you to define further localized operators. For instance, ¦\spanishoperator{cotg}¦ defines a command ¦\cotg¦ that outputs \emph{cotg} in math. The optional argument of the command lets you specify the spelling, if needed, \eg ¦\spanishoperator[arc\,ctg]{arcctg}¦. \end{itemize} \subsection{syriac}\label{syriac} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{western} (i.e., 1234567890), eastern (for which the Oriental Arabic numerals are used: \textarabic{١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠}), or abjad. \new{v1.0.1}. \end{itemize} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\abjadsyriac (see section \ref{abjad}) \item \Cmd\aemph (see section \ref{arabic}). \end{itemize} \subsection{thai}\label{thai} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = thai or \textit{arabic} \end{itemize} % To insert word breaks, you need to use an external processor. See the documentation to \pkg{thai-latex} and the file \file{testthai.tex} that comes with this package. \subsection{tibetan}\label{tibetan} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{numerals} = tibetan or \textit{arabic} \end{itemize} \subsection{ukrainian}\label{ukrainian} \paragraph*{Commands:} \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd\Asbuk: produces the uppercase Ukrainian alphabet, for environments such as ¦enumerate¦ \item \Cmd\asbuk: same in lowercase \end{itemize} \subsection{welsh}\label{welsh} \paragraph*{Options:} \begin{itemize} \item \TB{date} = long or \textit{short} \end{itemize} \section{Modifying or extending captions, date formats and language settings} \pkg{Polyglossia} uses the following macros to define language-specific captions (\ie strings such as ``chapter''), date formats and additional language settings (¦⟨lang⟩¦ is to be replaces with the respective language name): \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd{\captions⟨lang⟩} stores definitions of caption strings (such as, in the case of English, ¦\def\chaptername{Chapter}¦) \item \Cmd{\date⟨lang⟩} stores definitions of date formats (usually redefinitions of ¦\today¦, in some cases also definitions of additional date commands) \item \Cmd{\blockextras⟨lang⟩} stores macros that are to be executed when the language ⟨lang⟩ is activated via ¦\selectlanguage¦ command or the ¦⟨lang⟩¦ environment \item \Cmd{\inlineextras⟨lang⟩} stores macros that are to be executed when the language ⟨lang⟩ is activated locally via ¦\text⟨lang⟩¦ command \item \Cmd{\noextras⟨lang⟩} stores macros that are to be executed when the language ¦⟨lang⟩¦ is closed \end{itemize} % In order to redefine internal macros, we recommend to use the command ¦\gappto¦. For compatibility with \pkg{babel} the command ¦\addto¦ is also available to the same effect. For instance, to change the ¦\chaptername¦ for language ¦lingua¦, you can do this: \begin{verbatim} \gappto\captionslingua{\def\chaptername{Caput}} \end{verbatim} % Note that this needs to be done after the respective language has been loaded with ¦\setmainlanguage¦ or ¦\setotherlanguage¦. Specifically for package authors, analogous commands are provided which are only executed if a specific language \emph{variety} is used. As opposed to the macros above, these refer to babel names. Other than that, the function is identical: \begin{itemize} \item \Cmd{\captions@bbl@⟨babelname⟩} \item \Cmd{\date@bbl@⟨babelname⟩} \item \Cmd{\blockextras@bbl@⟨babelname⟩} \item \Cmd{\inlineextras@bbl@⟨babelname⟩} \item \Cmd{\noextras@bbl@⟨babelname⟩} \end{itemize} % By default, these macros are undefined. If they are defined (\eg by an external package), they will be executed after their respective ¦⟨lang⟩¦ counterpart and thus can be used to overwrite definitions of the former. Again, use ¦\gappto¦ to define\slash modify these macros. For instance, to add a new caption ¦\footnotename¦ to the Swiss variety of German (babel name ¦nswissgerman¦), you can do this: \begin{verbatim} \gappto\captions@bbl@nswissgerman{\def\footnotename{Fussnote}} \end{verbatim} % If you do this in a document preamble rather than in a package, you need to embrace the redefinition by ¦\makeatletter¦ and ¦\makeatother¦ due to the ¦@¦ in the macro names. \section{Script-specific numbering} Languages and scripts have specific numbering conventions. Some use decimal digits (\eg Arabic numerals), some use alphabetic or alphanumerical notation (\eg Roman numbering). In some cases, different conventions are available (\eg Mashriq or Maghrib numbering in Arabic script, Arabic or Hebrew [=~alphanumeric] numbering in Hebrew). If the latter is the case, \pkg{polyglossia} provides language options which allow you to select or switch to the suitable convention. With the appropriate language option set, \pkg{polyglossia} will automatically convert the output of internal \LaTeX\ counters to their localized forms, for instance to display page, chapter and section numbers. For manual input of numbers, macros are provided. These convert Arabic numeric input to the respective local decimal digit (see sec.~\ref{sec:decdigit}), alphanumeric representation (see sec.~\ref{abjad}) or whatever is appropriate (see sec.~\ref{sec:localnumber}). The possibilities are described in turn. \subsection{General localization of numbering}\label{sec:localnumber} As of 1.45,\new{1.45} \pkg{polyglossia} provides a generic macro \Cmd\localnumeral\ which converts numbers to the current local form (which might be script-specific decimal digit, an alphabetic numbering or something else). For instance in an Arabic environment ¦\localnumeral{42}¦ yields \textarabic{\localnumeral{42}}, whereas in an Hebrew environment, it results in \texthebrew[numerals=hebrew]{\localnumeral{42}} with ¦numerals=hebrew¦, and \texthebrew{\localnumeral{42}} with ¦numerals=arabic¦. Note that, as opposed to the various ¦digits¦ macros (described in sec.~\ref{sec:decdigit}), the argument of ¦\localnumeral¦ must consist of numbers only. For\new{1.45} the conversion of counters, the starred version \Cmd{\localnumeral*} is provided. This takes a counter as argument. For instance in an Arabic environment ¦\localnumeral*{page}¦ yields \textarabic{\localnumeral*{page}}. For scripts with alphanumeric numbering, the variants \Cmd{\Localnumeral} and \Cmd{\Localnumeral*} provide the uppercased versions.\medskip \noindent All these macros provide the following options: \begin{itemize} \item \TB{lang} =\DescribeMacro{[lang=]}\ \textit{local}, main, or .\\ Output number in the local form of the currently active language for ¦local¦, the main language of the document for ¦main¦, and any (loaded) language for ¦¦ (\eg ¦\localnumeral[lang=arabic]{42}}¦). \end{itemize} \subsection{Non-Western decimal digits}\label{sec:decdigit} In addition\new{v1.1.1} to the generic macros described above, \pkg{polyglossia} provides language-specific conversion macros which can be used if the generic ones do not suit the need.\footnote{% A third method are so-called TECKit fontmappings. Those can be activated with the \pkg{fontspec} ¦Mapping¦ option, using ¦arabicdigits¦, ¦farsidigits¦ or ¦thaidigits¦. For instance if \cmd\arabicfont\ is defined with the option ¦Mapping=arabicdigits¦, typing \cmd{\textarabic\{2010\}} results in \textarabic{٢٠١٠}. Note that this method has some drawbacks, though, for instance when the value of a counter has to be written and read from auxiliary files. So please use this with care.} The macros have the form ¦\