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P.}, title = {Packages in the `graphics' bundle}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2005-11-14}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/graphics/}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {english}, } @online{hyperref, author = {Rahtz, Sebastian and Oberdiek, Heiko}, title = {Hypertext marks in \hologo{LaTeX}: a manual for hyperref (v6.82q)}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2012-05-13}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {english}, } @online{latexsym, author = {Mittelbach, Frank}, title = {The \hologo{LaTeX} symbol fonts for use with \hologo{LaTeX2e} (v2.2e)}, type = {M/OL}, date = {1998-08-17}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/}, urldate = {2015-12-15}, language = {english}, } @online{newtx, author = {Sharpe, Michael}, title = {New TX font package}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2015-09-14}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/newtx/}, urldate = {2015-12-15}, language = {english}, } @online{scrextend, author = {Kohm, Markus and Morawski, Jens-Uwe}, title = {KOMA-Script: a versatile \hologo{LaTeX2e} bundle}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2015-02-07}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/}, urldate = {2015-04-26}, language = {english}, } @online{subcaption, author = {Sommerfeldt, Alex}, title = {The subcaption package (v1.1-75)}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2013-04-16}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/subcaption/}, urldate = {2016-05-24}, language = {english}, } @online{tikz, author = {Till Tantau}, title = {The TikZ and PGF Packages: Manual for version 3.0.0}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2013-12-20}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/}, urldate = {2015-04-26}, language = {english}, } @online{tocloft, author = {Robertson, Will}, title = {The tocloft package (v2.3f)}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2013-05-02}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tocloft/}, urldate = {2016-05-24}, language = {english}, } @online{ulem, author = {Arseneau, Donald}, title = {The ulem package: underlining for emphasis}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2011-03-18}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/ulem/}, urldate = {2016-06-22}, language = {english}, } @online{dypang, author = {dypang}, title = {北京大学硕博论文模版(测试版)}, type = {EB/OL}, date = {2005-04-05}, url = {http://bdwm.net/a.php?b/Thesis/M.1112645491.A/D10F612.rar}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {chinese}, } @online{FerretL, author = {FerretL}, title = {新的 pku 博士论文模板}, type = {EB/OL}, date = {2007-03-27}, url = {http://bdwm.net/a.php?b/Thesis/M.1174982168.A/4270722.rar}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {chinese}, } @online{lwolf, author = {lwolf}, title = {学士(硕/博)毕业论文模板 [基于 dypang 的模板]}, type = {EB/OL}, date = {2007-05-15}, url = {http://bdwm.net/a.php?b/MathTools/M.1179239165.A/5A2D5A2.rar}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {chinese}, } @online{Langpku, author = {Langpku}, title = {Re: 关于置底模版的问题和一些修改}, type = {EB/OL}, date = {2007-06-01}, url = {http://bdwm.net/a.php?b/MathTools/M.1180676700.A/DBB7810.zip}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {chinese}, } @online{solvethis, author = {solvethis}, title = {Re: 学位论文模板更新}, type = {EB/OL}, date = {2008-03-13}, url = {http://bdwm.net/a.php?b/Thesis/M.1205377509.A/9413ED2.rar}, urldate = {2012-08-01}, language = {chinese}, } @online{pku-originauth, author = {北京大学研究生院}, title = {北京大学学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明(末页限重新申请学位使用)}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2014-04-16}, url = {http://grs.pku.edu.cn/document/20140416144734027222.doc}, urldate = {2015-04-26}, language = {chinese}, } @online{pku-thesisstyle, author = {北京大学学位办公室}, title = {北京大学研究生学位论文写作指南 v2.0}, type = {M/OL}, date = {2015-06-11}, url = {http://grs.pku.edu.cn/xwyxk/xwsy/sssxwsy/sxwxggd/42758.htm}, urldate = {2015-12-14}, language = {chinese}, } % vim:ts=4:sw=4