======================== physymb ============================ Created by David Zaslavsky The physymb package contains a bunch of assorted macros that may be useful to physicists (and perhaps occasionally mathematicians). The package contains five files: * README: This file :) * physymb.sty: The package itself. * physymb.pdf: The PDF documentation, which details all the macros defined by the package. * physymb.dtx: The documented source. Running pdflatex on this reproduces the PDF documentation. * physymb.ins: The installer file. Running latex or pdflatex on this will regenerate physymb.sty. To install the package, it should be enough to just copy physymb.sty to the tex/latex/physymb/ directory (which you may need to create) within your local TDS tree, which is typically $HOME/texmf/ on a Linux system. The location varies on Windows. It's also recommended to copy physymb.pdf into doc/latex/physymb/ under the TDS tree. If you don't know what a TDS tree is, or want to have this explained in more detail, see http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=instpackages physymb is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3 or later.