\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{english} \usepackage{phonrule} \usepackage{gb4e} \usepackage{natbib} \setcitestyle{aysep={},notesep={:}} \title{The \texttt{phonrule} package} \author{Stefano Coretta \\ \texttt{stefano.coretta@me.com}} \reversemarginpar \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Purpose} This packages provides macros for typesetting phonological rules like those in Sound Pattern of English \citep{chomsky1968sound}. \section{Usage} \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \phon{〈input〉}{〈output〉} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The command \verb+\phon+ has two arguments: the first one is the input of the rule and the second is the output. Here is an example with code and result: \begin{exe} \ex \verb+\phon{z}{r}+ \ex \phon{z}{r} \end{exe} \section{Usage} \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \phonc{〈input〉}{〈output〉}{〈context〉} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \verb+\phonc+ adds a third argument for the context: \begin{exe} \ex \verb+\phonc{a}{ə}{[–stressed]}+ \ex \phonc{a}{ə}{[–stressed]} \end{exe} The commands \verb+\phonl+, \verb+\phonr+ and \verb+\phonb+ add a place holder line and put the context, respectively, on the left (l), on the right (r) and on both sides (b): \begin{exe} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonl{k}{t}{t}+ \ex \phonl{z}{r}{} \end{xlist} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonr{t}{ts}{u}+ \ex \phonr{t}{ts}{u} \end{xlist} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonb{s}{z}{V}{V}+ \ex \phonb{s}{z}{V}{V} \end{xlist} \end{exe} The \verb+\oneof+ environment provides the possibility to compile several context, one per line, enclosed in curly brackets. You need to use a \verb+\mbox+. \begin{exe} \ex \begin{verbatim} \phonc{t}{ts}{ \begin{oneof} \placehold \mbox{i} \\ \placehold \mbox{u} \end{oneof} } \end{verbatim} \ex \phonc{t}{ts}{ \begin{oneof} \placehold \mbox{i} \\ \placehold \mbox{u} \end{oneof} } \end{exe} \verb+\placehold+ typeset a place holder line with spaces before and after. The \verb+\phonfeat+ environment allows you to insert feature specifications: \begin{exe} \ex \begin{verbatim} \phonc{t}{ts}{\phold \begin{phonfeat} \mbox{–consonantal} \\ \mbox{+high} \\ \mbox{+front} \end{phonfeat} } \end{verbatim} \ex \phonc{t}{ts}{\phold \begin{phonfeat} \mbox{– consonantal} \\ \mbox{+high} \\ \mbox{+front} \end{phonfeat} } \end{exe} \verb+\phold+ typeset a place holder line without spaces. The environments \verb+\oneofnest+ and \verb+\phonfeatnest+ allows one-of environments (inside curly brackets) and feature specifications (inside square brackets) to be nested inside a \verb+\oneof+ environment. \bibliography{linguistics} \bibliographystyle{unified} \end{document}